Chapter 246 Do you remember the legend of the human emperor?.

Dead and injured!

Four simple words explain the situation of the Qin army. Of course.

Although the Qin army suffered heavy casualties, the Xia army was not much better. There is no winner in this battle.

Both sides can be said to be lose-lose.

Even if there is a winner or loser in the end, one side will only win miserably. This moment.

Emperor Qin’s coup was very silent.

The silence of the whole tent was full of needles.

Qin Huang’s eyes showed a hint of confusion and a hint of confusion. He couldn’t kill Emperor Xia himself.

His Great Qin elite suffered heavy casualties, and even if he could win in the end, how many of his Great Qin soldiers and horses would be left?

“Your Majesty, there will be a word at the end, but I don’t know if Your Majesty will listen to it.”

Meng Tian half-knelt in the tunnel.


Emperor Qin looked up at this loyal Great Qin general.

“Your Majesty has made it clear that if we continue to fight like this, there will be no victor in this battle at all, and the soldiers and horses of our army and Bactria will only end up in a situation of death and wounded.”

“The last general boldly asks His Majesty to truce the army against Bactria and strike.”

Meng Tian spoke out in pain.

As the words of Monty fell.

The surrounding Qin General’s face changed suddenly, and he looked at Meng Tian with a look of shock in his eyes. No one thought of it.

At such a critical moment, Meng Tian went so far as to propose a truce to strike.

It should be known that this kind of rhetoric is completely confusing the hearts of the army, enough to make the Qin Emperor angry and behead him for public display.

“Misty, you should be damned.”


Emperor Qin Yingzheng looked at Meng Tian with a cold gaze.

I didn’t expect Meng Tian to say such words that would demoralize the three armies.

“Your Majesty, Meng Tian really deserves to die, and please surrender your sins.”

Bow your head and plead your sins.

Only he looked up at Emperor Qin again, and said with a bitter face: “But Your Majesty, the last general still asks you to truce the army.” ”


Emperor Qin frowned angrily.

But looking at the bitter meaning on Meng Tian’s face, the anger in his eyes gradually disappeared, and the whole person fell silent again. What kind of person Meng Tian is.

The Qin Emperor couldn’t have been clearer.

Meng Tian was loyal to him and was one of the famous generals in the world. His strategic vision is definitely one of the best in the world.

To be able to speak of a truce and strike is clearly a matter of extreme seriousness. Apparently.

In Monty’s view.

If the Xia and Qin armies continue to fight so fiercely. No side will be the winner.

The result was only the death and wounding of the soldiers and horses of the two countries.

All the Great Qin boys were going to die tragically in this station. There are still tens of millions of families behind these Great Qin boys.

If only they all stood dead in this sand. How can their parents, wives and children be grieving? Standing up is cruel.

Dead people are even more inevitable.

However, all the Great Qin boys stood dead in the battlefield, and this price was definitely not something that Great Qin could bear. This is no longer a simple stand-up battle.

It is a station of extermination of the undead.

Meng Tian saw from a distance, so he could say these words that shook the morale of the three armies. In fact.

Needless to say.

Why didn’t the Qin Emperor understand this truth?

This stand will fight to the end, and the Great Qin soldiers and horses will not exist in a hundred.

Even if they could really wipe out the Bactrian soldiers and horses, they would not be able to continue to advance the territory of Bactria or even annex it. Suddenly!

Emperor Qin took a big stride toward the outside of the tent.

As he lifted the curtain, the outside world also appeared in the eyes of the Qin Emperor. Outside the tent!

Great Qin wounded countless soldiers.

Some people have had their arms cut off and are silently dressing and bandaging.

Some people were pierced by arrows in front of Huns, and when the arrows were pulled out, blood was spraying out, but they gritted their teeth and did not make the slightest painful sound.

Although some Great Qin soldiers were not injured, they wept for their dead brothers. The entire Great Qin military camp was completely immersed in the mourning range.

When this scene appeared in the eyes of the Qin Emperor Yingzheng. His fists were clenched slightly.

The color of confusion and confusion under his eyes became more and more intense. Emperor Qin asked himself.

Even if Great Qin was able to wipe out Bactria at this price, could Great Qin afford it? This moment.

Emperor Qin’s heart was shaking.

I don’t know whether I should listen to Meng Tian’s words and call a truce with Bactria to avoid the suffering of this military disaster.


The other side.

Bactrian Barracks.

The same is true of Bactria. There were many dead and wounded, and countless wounded soldiers.

Nie Zheng silently walked past the soldiers of the Great Xia.

These wounded soldiers struggled to get up and wanted to bow down to Emperor Xia. But Nie Zheng stopped him.

Nie Zheng had always known that Great Qin was very strong.

Even if he accumulated ten years of accumulation and annexed the rest of the countries, this station was still a lose-lose situation. Nie Zheng looked far away.

He could see perfectly well that if he continued to fight so fiercely. The Xia and Qin armies would suffer casualties.

Each country will fall apart completely because of this station. Now.

Cao Zhao, who was following Nie Zheng’s side, and others were also silent. They no longer had the fiery eyes they had before, and the underside of their eyes was dark. How vicious is their strategic vision?

The battle on the first day was so fierce that if the battle continued, the soldiers and horses on both sides would have to burn the jade and stone.

But standing in contention is cruel.

Either you die or I live.

Especially in this big station that is set in the world for nine weeks, without paying a tragic price, if you want to unify the world for nine weeks, you are afraid that it is a fool’s dream.

“Sima Yi!”

“The subject is here.”

Sima Yi’s face was shocked, and he hurriedly bowed down to the Son of Heaven.

“You personally went to the camp of the Qin army, and said that three days later, you invited Emperor Qin to talk to him at the top of that nameless mountain.”

Nie Zheng’s eyes were deep.

“Minister, obey the order.”

Sima Yi hurried to receive the order.

“Your Majesty, do you want to negotiate peace with the Emperor of Qin?”

Cao Xian’s face changed slightly.

“It’s not about peace, it’s about calmly talking to Yingzheng.”

“I guess he had this idea too?”

Nie Zheng calmly spoke out 1.3. Three days later.

Or this nameless mountaintop.

Nie Zheng and Emperor Qin met again.

Only this time, neither of them had any killing chance on them. Instead, the look in each other’s eyes became very calm.

And calm without the slightest wave.

“The world is prosperous, the people are suffering, the world is dying, and the people are suffering.”

“The widow has to admit that the widow can’t kill you, and Great Qin can’t destroy Bactria either.”

“Emperor Yi, truce and strike, you and I are bounded by Qinchuan Xialing, and we will not commit any crimes since then.”

Emperor Yingzheng of Qin took the lead in breaking the silence.

Because he knew that Emperor Xia was just like him.

The two knew very well that if they continued to fight like this, there would be no winner at all.

“Yin Zheng, do you remember the legend of the human emperor that you told Yuan?”

Nie Zheng calmly looked at Emperor Qin Yingzheng.

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