Chapter 247: The Qin Emperor abdicates, and Great Qin returns to Xia!


The Legend of the Human Emperor?

Emperor Qin groaned inwardly.

Looking at Emperor Xia’s eyes flashed a look of surprise.

“Emperor Yi, what do you want to say?”

Emperor Qin’s heart suddenly rose a little uneasy. The source of this uneasiness is Emperor Yi.

And let his heart beat extremely fast.

“I don’t know if you believe him when he says he wants to become a human emperor?”

Nie Zheng spoke calmly.


Like thunder, like the waves of the Han Sea.

When Nie Zheng’s words entered his ears, Emperor Qin’s expression suddenly froze, and he couldn’t believe his ears.

“You want to become the emperor of man?”

Qin Huang’s voice seemed calm.

But if you listen carefully, you will find that there is a hint of vibrato in his voice. And at this moment, the look in Nie Zheng’s eyes flashed a touch of shock.

You must know that the last human emperor in the world has fallen. To become an emperor, you must meet three conditions.

The first point is to unify the world for nine weeks and unite the beliefs of hundreds of millions of people as their own.

The second point is to gather the Nine Emperors of the People, break the shackles of heaven and earth, and revive the aura of the other nine worlds. 20 The third and most important point is that the heart of the human emperor must be found.

The first two points are still promising. But the third point is almost impossible to complete.

Because since ancient times to the present world, no one has found the heart of a human emperor. Suddenly!

Emperor Qin was shocked.

The originally calm expression turned into a shocked look at Nie Zheng.

However, he saw that Nie Zheng was smiling at him, and the smile on his face was extremely bright. He did not wait for Emperor Qin’s reaction.

What happened the next moment completely shocked him on the spot. Airplanes!

A vast and ancient aura burst out from around Nie Zheng. A golden symbol floated above the center of his brow.

Nie Zheng’s entire body was covered by a golden aura, and his heart was beating. The unparalleled human imperial aura was even more overwhelming towards the Qin Emperor’s victory in the government.

Such a scene.

Suddenly, Emperor Qin was dumbfounded.

Only the look in Nie Zheng’s eyes flashed a touch of complex consternation.

“The heart of the human emperor?”

“You got the heart of the human emperor?”

Emperor Qin opened his mouth in shock.

Because he doesn’t feel wrong.

The breath on Emperor Xia’s body actually gave him a heavy pressure. Even more faintly made him have an urge to worship.

To know that the two are the same heavenly son of the same country, which can make him the Qin Emperor have the impulse to worship, and only the legendary human emperor breath.


See the golden symbol that appears on the heart of Emperor Yi’s eyebrows. Emperor Qin was even more sure.

This is the legendary human emperor mark, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. Airplanes!

Nie Zheng scattered the imperial momentum of the people around him.

However, Emperor Qin’s face was full of bitterness, and he understood why he could not kill Emperor Yi of Xia. Got it!

He finally understood!

He finally knew why Emperor Xia’s martial arts cultivation was so much higher than his. I finally understood why I was defeated at the hands of the other party.

And Win Zheng finally knew that the pursuit of the two was completely different. His quest was immortality.

And Emperor Xia’s pursuit was to become a human emperor. Nine-Nine Supreme, with the balance of heaven!

This was the greatest wish of the Qin Emperor. He also had the heart to become the emperor of man. Pity.

After so many years, he couldn’t find the heart of the human emperor.

Only today, he did not expect that the heart of the human emperor had already been inherited by Emperor Xia. Quiet!


Very silent!

Nie Zheng did not speak.

The Qin Emperor did not open his mouth either.

The two just looked at each other calmly.

Only the bitter color under Qin Huang’s eyes became more and more intense.

“Emperor Yi, the widow understands.”


Emperor Qin opened his mouth.


Three days and three nights passed.

The two countries of Xia and Qin were on truce and strike, waiting for the return of the two emperors. Whether it is a match or a fight depends entirely on the outcome of the talks between the two emperors. But three days passed.

The two emperors still stand on the top of the nameless mountain.

So far, they have not returned to their respective camps.

This also made the generals of the two countries worried in their hearts, and they did not know the outcome of the talks between the two emperors. Until another four days have passed.

Emperor Qin appeared.

And there is also Emperor Yi of Xia by his side.

The most frightening thing was that the two emperors actually returned to the Qin army camp together. However, what happened next completely shocked the Qin army generals on the spot. Because Emperor Qin issued a will.

A will that made everyone in the world feel incredible, even heavenly. This will of the Qin Emperor Yingzheng was very simple.

The Qin Emperor abdicated, and Great Qin returned to Xia!

When this will came out of the mouth of Emperor Yingzheng of Qin.

The generals of the three armies of Great Qin couldn’t believe their ears.

The generals of the three armies woke up one after another and begged the Qin Emperor to withdraw his will.

Moreover, the Qin army looked up and down at Emperor Yi of Xia’s eyes with extreme hatred, and they wanted to fight with Bactria to the death, and there would never be any compromise.

In the face of the hostility displayed by the generals of the three armies of Great Qin, Nie Zheng was calm and speechless. Because he believed that the victory of the Qin Emperor would appease the soldiers of the three armies of Great Qin.


Under the appeasement of Emperor Yingzheng of Qin, the generals of the three armies of Great Qin all calmed down. However, Emperor Yingzheng of Qin did not take back his will.

Instead, he told the generals of Great Qin that the return of Great Qin to Xia was the result of his deliberations with Emperor Yi of Xia. And Emperor Yi of Xia will definitely treat the people of Great Qin well and truly create a nine-week prosperous world.

The thing that shocked the Great Qin generals the most was that Emperor Yingzheng of Qin personally handed over the Qin State Jade Seal to the hands of Emperor 703B of Xia, which also meant that Great Qin was really going to return to Xia.

No one understood why Emperor Qin did this.

Nor did anyone know what Emperor Yi of Xia had said to Emperor Yingzheng of Qin. Why would the Qin Emperor make such an absurd decision?

However, the will of Emperor Qin made the Great Qin generals dare not disobey. Under the orders of the Qin Emperor, Great Qin began to withdraw its troops.

This battle for the Nine Weeks Great World also ended with the return of Great Qin to Xia. Great Qin, Xianyang Palace!

The entire Xianyang Palace was empty.

Only Nie Zheng and Emperor Qin sat against each other.

“Emperor Yi, the widow’s Great Qin will be handed over to you, and I hope you will not disappoint the widow.”

Emperor Qin spoke calmly.

Just looking at Nie Zheng’s eyes crossed a touch of bitterness. In fact.

This result was not something that the Qin Emperor wanted to accept.

Emperor Yi of Kexia chatted with him for seven days and seven nights, and even revealed some secrets of the Nine Weeks Great World. Emperor Qin knew that Great Qin Guixia was the best choice.

Even if he was unwilling to fight with Emperor Yi for the world, the Great Qin soldiers and horses would also be killed and wounded, and he would not be able to become the human emperor.

Emperor Xia was different.

He has inherited the heart of the human emperor.

As long as you find the other two human emperors after unifying the world, you can break the shackles of heaven and earth, become a real human emperor, and reproduce the brilliant prosperity of the ancient years.

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