Chapter 248 The Last Two Human Emperors!.

Sometimes perfecting others is also a choice.

Emperor Yingzheng of Qin believed in his choice. I think this is the right choice. Human Emperor!

If Emperor Yi becomes a human emperor in the future, he will reproduce the glorious and prosperous world of the ancients.

Emperor Qin realized that he had become Emperor Yi today, and he would certainly not regret it in the future.

“Emperor Yi, remember what you promised the widow.”

Emperor Qin said solemnly.

“Rest assured, you will never regret what you promised.”

Nie Zheng said in a deep voice.

“Well, the widow is relieved.”

Emperor Yingzheng of Qin got up and strode toward the Xianyang Palace. Apparently.

After Great Qin returned to Xia, he was no longer the Emperor of Qin, let alone stay in the Xianyang Palace. If Yingzheng still stays in Great Qin.

The subjects of Great Qin would never return to Bactria. So.

Yin Zheng knew he had to go.

Seeing that Win Zheng was about to leave, Nie Zheng did not choose to block it. He would love to keep Eun Seol by his side.

Because it’s like what he said to Win Zheng before.

If the two are not in a hostile relationship, they can actually be friends.

However, Nie Zheng also knew that even if he opened his mouth to let Win Zheng stay, Win Zheng would also refuse. Because he is a win-win politician, he will never choose to surrender to himself.

“Win Zheng, when will we see you again?”

When Yingzheng was about to walk out of the Xianyang Palace, Nie Zheng still spoke.

“When you become the emperor of man, I will come to witness it for myself.”

Emperor Qin went far.



“Also changed to”

“I”. It proves that Win Zheng has sincerely let Great Qin return to Xia.

Looking at Yin Zheng’s distant back, Nie Zheng’s eyes were unusually deep.

“Human Emperor?”

“Almost there.”

Nie Zheng muttered.

Nine weeks of uproar, the whole world was shocked.

No one expected that a generation of Qin emperors would actually choose Great Qin to return to Xia.

What was originally a tragic nine-week Dingding station also disappeared because of this decision of the Qin Emperor. Now.

Nine weeks back to summer, no more kingdoms.

The name of Emperor Yi of Xia spread throughout the Nine Weeks. But the only pity is that.

Although after the return of the nine weeks to the summer, a great unification was truly formed. But the people of the Nine Weeks did not fully return to their hearts.

After all, Great Qin had just been classified as Qin Prefecture.

The people of Qinzhou still had some resistance to Emperor Yi of Xia in their hearts. But time is the best medicine.

With the passage of time, after a series of run-ins, the people of Qinzhou will slowly identify with their status as Xia Min, Weiyang Palace.

A total of seven human emperors were placed in front of Nie Zheng. Seven ancient statues are mottled and quaint.

A desolate and thick breath lingered throughout the Weiyang Palace.

“What a powerful force!”

Looking at the seven human emperors in front of him, Nie Zheng whispered in amazement.

Before the three ancient statues were placed in front of him, he did not have much feeling.

But now that the seven human emperors were gathered together, Nie Zheng felt a mighty and endless force. There seemed to be a breath of breath connecting these seven human emperors.

And let the human imperial heart in Nie Zheng’s body beat with a bang. Even the blood in his body was as hot as magma. Apparently.

When the seven emperors gathered together, they were already extraordinary.

As long as the remaining two human emperors are found, they will certainly be able to exert the full power of the human emperor nine dings.

“Ghost Valley, have the remaining two human emperors ever deduced it?”

Nie Zheng said in a deep voice.

“Your Majesty, according to the calculation of the old man Zhou Tianxing, the eighth human emperor is on an isolated island in the South China Sea, and your majesty can send a large army to take it out smoothly, but the ninth human emperor is…

Oniguzi wanted to talk and stopped, and a look of shame appeared on his face. Well?

Seeing Ghost Guzi’s embarrassed look, Nie Zheng frowned and said, “There is no need to say something but it doesn’t matter, there is no need to swallow and spit it out.” ”

“The old man is guilty, and please ask Your Majesty to punish him.”

“After more than a month of calculations by the old man, the Ninth Human Emperor Ding has not found its specific location, and can only vaguely determine that the Ninth Human Emperor Ding is in my Great Xia Royal City.”

Oniguzi was ashamed to speak.

He was known as a strange man of all ages, and he was familiar with the way of yin and yang gossip in heaven and earth. However, the Ninth Human Emperor Ding made him feel difficult.

This also made him feel ashamed of Emperor Yi of Xia, and he could only bow down and plead guilty.

“In the Great Xia King’s City?”

Nie Zheng murmured and did not blame Ghost Guzi. After all, Oniguzi is very good at calculation.

But he is not omniscient either.

He could deduce the position of the last human emperor in the Great Xia Royal City, which was already very good. The only thing that puzzled Nie Zheng was that the last man, Emperor Ding, was actually in the Great Xia King’s City? This made Nie Zheng vaguely feel a little wrong.

You must know that these days, he has been looking for a human emperor.

If the last human emperor was in the Great Xia Royal City, it was impossible for the people of Dongchang not to know this news. Plainly.

Whether it is Manchu Dynasty civil and military forces, or ordinary people.

The spies of the East Factory will investigate everything clearly.

If someone hid the last human emperor, it was impossible for the East Factory people not to know. Wei Zhongxian would definitely report to him as soon as possible.

However, even the people of Dongchang did not find the last man, Huang Ding, in the Great Xia Royal City.

This shows that the last man, Huang Dingding, is hidden very deeply, and even the East Factory that saw the stitches and needles could not know. If it weren’t for the fact that today I learned from the mouth of Ghost Guzi that the last human emperor was in the Great Xia Royal City.

Nie Zheng believed that he would never have thought that the last human emperor was under his eyelids.

“Wei Zhongxian.”

“Why is it that the Ninth Human Emperor Ding is in the Great Xia Royal City, but you have no way of knowing about the East Factory?”

Nie Zheng’s face turned cold and he looked toward Wei Zhongxian.


Wei Zhongxian directly knelt down on the ground.

His face had turned miserable, and a fine cold sweat flowed from his forehead. Naturally, he heard Oniguzi’s words.

In an instant, he broke out in a cold sweat.

Wei Zhongxian naturally knew that this was the master’s question to himself again.

“The old slave should die, the old slave should die!”

“I also ask Your Majesty to give the old slave three days, even if he digs three feet into the ground, the old slave will certainly find the last human emperor.”

Wei Zhongxian trembled like chaff and constantly prostrated himself to the Son of Heaven to plead guilty.

“Well, I’ll give you three days.”

Nie Zheng said coldly.

“Your Majesty the old slave Xie is gracious.”

Wei Zhongxian was overjoyed to hear this, and quickly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and then quickly got up and rushed all the way out of Weiyang Palace.

Zhao Gao, who was on the sidelines, saw that Wei Zhongxian was being questioned by the Heavenly Son. Zhao Gao was naturally very happy in his heart.

“Your Majesty has made it clear that the slaves are afraid that Wei Zhongxian will not be able to complete the tasks assigned by His Majesty, and the slaves are willing to help Wei Zhongxian find the whereabouts of the last man, Emperor Ding.”

What is adding fuel to the fire?

At this moment, Zhao Gao was pouring oil and parsley on the fire.

He was eager to find the last human emperor one step ahead. At that time, Tianzi was bound to rebuke Wei Zhongxian for his incompetence.

I was afraid that Wei Zhongxian, the overseer of the East Factory, would also have to do the first thing.

He can also take the opportunity to take over the entire East Factory.

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