Chapter 249: The Sorrowful Zhao Gao and Wei Zhongxian.

Zhao Gao thought it was very good.


He didn’t know that his idea of adding fuel to the fire not only did not pit Wei Zhongxian, but instead put himself in it.

“Well, Na Shuo also gives you three days, and if you can’t find the Emperor Ding, then you will take the punishment with Wei Zhongxian.”

Nie Zheng said calmly.


Zhao Gaoyi was stunned.

The original schadenfreude in his eyes disappeared without a trace. Instead, there is a hint of regret.

“Your Majesty, slave…”

Without waiting for Zhao Gao to open his mouth, Nie Zheng coldly rebuked, “What are you still stunned to do, don’t you go looking for it?” ”

“The slave obeys the order.”

Zhao Gao’s heart trembled, and he hurriedly smiled and led away.

But no matter how his smile looked, it was even uglier than crying. Saw Zhao Gao leave with a weeping and sad face.

Nie Zheng’s expression was waveless.

Zhao Gao’s little careful thinking, how could he be full of him?

However, Zhao Gao and Wei Zhongxian had been fighting for so many years. Both were eager to kill each other.

This was still a good thing in Nie Zheng’s view. Because both of them will put pressure on each other.

And this can also allow the two to do their best, deeply afraid of being caught by each other.

“Ghost Valley, the eighth human emperor will be retrieved by you personally.”

Nie Zheng Dao.

“The old man obeyed the order.”

Oniguzi did not dare to be idle, and hurried to lead the way. Messed up!

Totally messed up!

Suddenly, the whole Bactrian King’s City chicken flew and the dog jumped.

Wei Zhongxian led the Dongchang men and horses across the streets of Wangcheng.

Neither the princes nor the common people escaped the search of the East Factory. What is the so-called digging three feet?

Wei Zhongxian really did it.

Three days.

The entire Bactrian Imperial City was almost thrown to the sky by him. Not to mention digging three feet into the ground.

The Great Xia Dynasty City was almost overturned by him. But……

Three days have passed.

Wei Zhongxian didn’t say that he had found the last human emperor, but he hadn’t even found a single scrap of human emperor’s ding. Wei Zhongxian was stupid!

His whole being was utterly stupid! It’s not just Wei Zhongxian who is stupid. Zhao Gao was equally stupid!

Originally, he wanted to find the last person Emperor Ding before Wei Zhongxian.

However, the result was as insignificant as Wei Zhongxian, and not even the fragments of the last Emperor Ding could be found. What is stealing chicken and not making rice corroded?

At this moment, Zhao Gao really tasted the meaning of this sentence.

I didn’t expect that I couldn’t pit Wei Zhongxian, and I really put myself in it. To know the will given by the Son of Heaven, neither of them had completed it.

If Tianzi Longyan was furious and committed crimes against the two of them, he was afraid that the two of them would really not be able to eat and walk.


Wei Zhongxian and Zhao Gao were trembling and were crying and discussing countermeasures together.

Ministry of the Interior.

Wei Zhongxian’s face was white and bloodless, and he was anxiously walking back and forth. Zhao Gao also stared at Wei Zhongxian with a gloomy face.

That pair of yin doves’ eyes were eager to slash Wei Zhongxian with a thousand swords.

“Wei Zhongxian, you are really a waste, as the overseer of the Tangtang East Factory, you can’t even find the Emperor, according to the Zajia family, you are the overseer of the East Factory who will also be able to do it.”

Zhao Gao spoke viciously, as if he was venting his dissatisfaction in his heart.


Wei Zhongxian was furious when he heard this, and he spit on Zhao Gao fiercely.

A pair of inverted triangle eyes looked at Zhao Gao with resentment: “Zhao Gao, your dog thing is not much better.”

“You didn’t see the jokes of the miscellaneous family, and now that you’re trapped in it, didn’t you promise Your Majesty that you would find the Emperor?”

“Did you take out the human emperor?”

Wei Zhongxian also cursed viciously.

The two had been fighting for so many years. Each wants to kill the other.

But now it has become a grasshopper on a rope.

This also made the two helplessly worried.

“Wei Zhongxian, the nonsense miscellaneous family does not want to say more, now is not the time for you and me to curse and complain to each other, today is already Your Majesty’s deadline for you and me.”

“You and I can’t find the Emperor, so we will wash our necks and wait to be slaughtered by Your Majesty.”

Zhao Gaoyin spoke out, and a touch of panic crossed his eyes.


Unable to complete the task given to the two by Tianzi. Zhao Gao and Wei Zhongxian were very afraid in their hearts. As the saying goes: Companions are like companions.

Don’t look at the son of heaven who usually loves the two of them. But the stakes are high.

But the two of them had messed up this matter, how did they send a message to the Son of Heaven? Why does the Son of Heaven love the two?

It’s not because the two are strong enough.

If he couldn’t even handle this matter, wouldn’t he let the Son of Heaven question his own ability? According to the words of the Son of Heaven.

Waste without ability, living is just a waste of air.

Thinking of what Tianzi had said, the two of them unconsciously shivered.

“Zhao Gao, now is a matter of your and my own lives, not the time for you and me to complain and fight with each other.”

“Even if the Inspector General didn’t find even half a clue about the Emperor of Ren, wouldn’t you be able to find out about the Zhongyi Hall?”

Wei Zhongxian regretted it after saying this.

Because Zhao Gao was glaring at him.

The resentful look in his eyes longed to unload him into eight pieces. Apparently.

Even the East Factory could not find out the whereabouts of Ren Huangding. How could the Zhongyi Museum be found?

It should be known that the East Factory has formed an extremely large intelligence network throughout the world.

Isn’t it a big joke that you didn’t find out about the things that your East Factory didn’t find out, and actually counted on Zhao Gao’s Zhongyi Hall?

Wei Zhongxian was speechless, and he also knew that he had messed up.

Just when the two did not know how to be good, they saw a small eunuch tentatively entering: “The two adults have made it clear that the little man has a strategy to slow down the army, it is better to find a fake person to replace the emperor, so that he can also send a message to His Majesty, and then the two adults are stepping up their search, which will also…..”


I didn’t wait for the little eunuch to finish.

Only to see a knife light cut through his throat. A streak of blood was spraying out.

His whole being was in a different place, in a pool of blood.

To his death, the little eunuch did not understand why he had died here in vain without even finishing a word.

“Dog thing, how dare you encourage the miscellaneous family to deceive the king?”

“Are you afraid that the miscellaneous family’s death will not be complete enough?”

Wei Zhongxian was furious.

Zhao Gao’s face was even more cold and terrible, and he kicked the body of the little eunuch away.

“Come on man, chop up this dog thing that doesn’t know if it’s alive or dead, and feed it to the dog.”

Zhao Gao drank viciously.

The people of Zhongyiguan hurriedly dragged out the body of the little eunuch. Obviously, it is necessary to faithfully carry out the orders issued by Zhao Gao.

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