Chapter 250 There is the fearless Sima Yi!.

Zhao Gao and Wei Zhongxian’s faces were cold and frightening.

A group of eunuch guards were even more frightened and even cautious in their breathing.

I was deeply afraid that the two eunuchs, who had been in power for a while, would leave these people out of anger and anger. At this time.

Zhao Gao and Wei Zhongxian narrowed their eyes, and the evil color on their faces gradually disappeared, replaced by the color of trepidation.

Just now, the little eunuch who didn’t know whether he was alive or dead actually wanted the two to deceive the king. Naturally, this made the two extremely angry and directly demanded the life of this dog thing. Let’s be honest.

If you change to another son of heaven.

The two of them really did what the little eunuch said. But their master was Emperor Yi of Xia.

This is the supreme existence of the world for nine weeks of unity.

How dare Zhao Gao and Wei Zhongxian ask for such a careful opportunity to deceive their masters? The end result must be to be discovered by the master.

And the crime of deception is much more serious and terrible than the inability of the two men to do things.

The two could not find the emperor, and the son of heaven might be heavily responsible, but in the light of the two people’s years of hard work and high achievements, they would not take the lives of the two people.

But once the two really choose to cheat, it is simply no different from finding death. Not to mention a thousand knives, even if it is thrown into the basin, it is considered light.


Zhao Gao and Wei Zhongxian would never dare to do anything to deceive the king. Why don’t you say that Zhao Gao and Wei Zhongxian are smart?

The two men understood their situation very well, and the little eunuch dared to pit them, and naturally they would end up dead and buried.

“Zhao Gao, now you and I are sitting in a boat, and if the boat overturns, you and I will not be happy.”

Wei Zhongxian said coldly.

“Wei Zhongxian, I don’t need you to remind me, don’t I know?”

Zhao Gao frowned.

The two stopped fighting and began to think about how to make friends with their master. But I saw that the time to hand over to the master was getting closer and closer.

The two can be said to be anxious, but they still did not think of a good way.

“Even you and I can’t find the Emperor, now there is only one person who can help you and me!”


Zhao Gao’s eyes moved slightly, and he looked at Wei Zhongxian in a deep voice.

“It’s all at this juncture, what else are you selling, let’s say who this person is.”

Wei Zhongxian asked anxiously.

“Sima Yi!”

Zhao Gao said almost word for word.

“Sima Yi?”

Wei Zhongxian was stunned.

“Yes, that sinister old guy Sima Yi.”

“This old guy has a delicate mind and a very high level of wisdom, you and I can’t think of a way, maybe Sima Yi can think of Zhao Gao’s firm words.”

“Then what are you and I still doing, and don’t you hurry to Sima Yi’s mansion?”

Wei Zhongxian said eagerly.

“What are you in a hurry for?”

Zhao Gao frowned and said, “Sima Yi, this old guy pretends to be crazy and stupid, and it is difficult to say whether he is willing to help you and me.” ”

“Don’t forget, you, the governor of the East Factory, have offended him in the first place, even if there are still spies from the East Factory outside Sima Yi’s mansion who are always watching him?”

Wei Zhongxian’s face changed slightly.

Still, he nodded.


Just as Zhao Gao said.

Ever since Tianzi had said that Sima Yi was hiding very deeply.

For ten years, Wei Zhongxian had been keeping Sima Yi to death, and even if the other party ate a few grains of rice a day, the spies of the East Factory would report to him.

Sima Yi’s old guy was extremely treacherous and clever.

How could he not know that this was what he Wei Zhongxian meant.

“So what do you say to do now?”

“Don’t you want the miscellaneous family to personally make amends to Sima Yi’s old fellow?”

Wei Zhongxian frowned.

“With the faces of you and me, I don’t think Sima Yi will turn you and me away, but I will have to grievance you, the governor of the East Factory.”

Zhao Gaoruo pointed out.

Taifu Mansion.

This is Sima Yi’s mansion.

Wei Zhongxian and Zhao Gao waited anxiously in the main hall. Not much time.

Only to see Sima Yi walk out of the inner hall sick. This treacherous old fox.

I saw Sima Yi show a sick posture.

Zhao Gao and Wei Zhongxian scolded in their hearts, but there were still kind smiles on their faces.

“Cough cough cough.”

“The two adults came in a big way, and the old man was disappointed, and he hoped that the two adults would forgive their sins.”

Sima Yi coughed lightly and bowed to the two of them, which was considered to be a greeting.

“Lord Taifu is too modest, today the two of us are here to have something to trouble Taifu, this is a little careful, and I hope that Lord Taifu will laugh.”

Zhao Gao smiled and saluted Sima Yi. Then he waved his hand at his entourage.

Only to see two retinues hurriedly present two jade boxes.

Obviously, the jade box contains extremely precious treasures.

“The two adults are too polite, the old man has received it, and the gift is something that he will never dare to receive.”

0 ask for flowers… Sima Yipi smiled and pushed back without smiling.

“There was some misunderstanding between the Zajia family and Lord Taifu before, and the Zajia family pleaded with Lord Taifu for their sins.”

People were under the eaves and had to bow their heads.

Wei Zhongxian laughed and bowed to Sima Yi.

“What the Overseer is doing, the old man must not receive this great gift.”

Sima Yi pretended to be surprised, but did not stop Wei Zhongxian from bowing to him. Apparently.

Over the years, Wei Zhongxian’s East Factory had caused trouble for Sima Yi. The two can be said to have accumulated grudges for many years.

Now Wei Zhongxian bowed his head, which also made Sima Yi sneer in his heart, and he was even more certain that these two eunuchs had something to ask for.

“Lord Taifu, let me tell you that the two of us have been entrusted by Your Majesty to look for the whereabouts of the last human emperor, but I have gone through the entire Bactrian royal city, but I have not found the slightest trace of the human emperor.”


“I have always asked Lord Fu that he is wise and wise, and has the wisdom of heaven and earth, and I have come to visit you today to ask for help.”

Zhao Gao opened the door to the mountain.

“Don’t you dare, the old man is a good hand at leading the soldiers to fight, but in terms of finding things, he is still inferior to the two adults.”

Sima Yipi laughed and did not smile.

Seeing that Sima Yi’s oil and salt did not enter, he obviously had the heart to refuse. Wei Zhongxian’s face suddenly turned cold.

“Sima Yi, you old immortal fellow, just now the Lord of Ben has already made reparations to you, you don’t have to go into Wei Zhongxian and shout coldly.”

“Lord Wei is such a big hall, but unfortunately he can’t scare the old man.”

Sima Yi’s face was equally cold, and he directly turned his lips to ridicule.

The so-called present is different from the past.

Everyone is a courtier of His Majesty, but the division of labor is different.

Perhaps when he had not surrendered to the Son of Heaven before, Sima Yi was still jealous of the two eunuchs. But Sima Yi was now also a favored person of the Heavenly Son, and he was really not afraid of the threat of the two of them. See Sima Yi’s posture of a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling hot water.

Wei Zhongxian was furious and just wanted to open his mouth to continue his anger at him, but he was stopped by Zhao Gao.

“Lord Taifu, the human emperor Ding has a great deal to do with His Majesty, this is not a child’s play, although the two of us are ineffective in handling things and cannot find the human Emperor Ding, and I will be punished by His Majesty, and I will admit it.”

“However, if Your Majesty knows that Lord Taifu has a way to find the Emperor, but you do not share Your Majesty’s worries, then Zhao Gao will smile and not continue.”

However, the corners of the mouth outline a touch of irony and viciousness.

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