Chapter 251 This is the result of what you have given to Yuan.


Sima Yi suddenly woke up.

In my heart, I couldn’t help but take a breath of cold air.

Looking at Wei Zhongxian and Zhao Gao’s eyes, there was a hint of shock. He understood.


The threat of red fruit!


Zhao Gao and Wei Zhongxian were threatening him. Plainly.

Today, if he Sima Yi does not help the two people.

Although the two would be severely blamed at that time, the two would certainly not let him feel better for Sima Yi. You must know whether it is Zhao Gao or Wei Zhongxian.

Both of them were people close to Tianzi.

If there is anything wrong in the future, give him Sima Yi to wear small shoes. This was not worth the gain for Sima Yi. And as Zhao Gao said.

What kind of city is the Son of Heaven?

If you know that you have the ability to find the Emperor, but you have not contributed, this is a big sin to lose your head!

Sima Yi did not dare to hold it any longer.

Or hurry up to help the two of them solve the matter of the emperor.

“Before the old man was reckless, or the two adults are not strange.”


Sima Yi changed his face extremely quickly, and at this moment he smiled and squinted at the two of them to make amends.

“Lord Fu, let’s not be polite, the key now is to find the last human emperor, so that we can share Your Majesty’s worries.”

Zhao Gao said eagerly.

“Yes, if we can’t find the Emperor, our fate will not be much better.”

Wei Zhongxian reminded coldly.

“Don’t be impatient with the two adults.”

Sima Yi’s old god was at the opening.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and groaned for half a second, before he looked at the two people again: “The two adults said before that they had turned the Great Xia Royal City upside down, but they still hadn’t found the Human Emperor Ding.” ”

“Are the two adults really sure that the Emperor Ding is in the Great Xia Royal City?”

The expression on Sima Yi’s face was extremely serious.

“Naturally, it can be determined, because Ghost Guzi has already deduced that the last human emperor is in the Great Xia Royal City.”

“Yes, Oniguzi’s Zhou Tianxing’s arithmetic skills are extremely powerful, and he will never dare to expire His Majesty.”

Zhao Gao and Wei Zhongxian threw their voices in unison.


Sima Yi’s old and cloudy eyes shone with essence.

A playful smile came out of the corner of the old guy’s mouth.

“So, the two adults have gone through the entire Bactrian King’s Capital, but they still haven’t found the whereabouts of the human emperor?”

Sima Yi’s eyes looked unpredictably at Zhao Gao and Wei Zhongxian.

“Lord Fu, what the hell are you going to say?”

Zhao Gao frowned slightly.

He could fully sense that Sima Yi was referring to something else.

“Lord Fu, if you have something to say, just say it.”

Wei Zhongxian said bluntly.


Sima Yi brushed his long beard and said with an unpredictable look, “What the old man means is that the two adults really have gone through the entire Bactrian Royal City and left nothing missing?” ”


With Sima Yi’s words into his ears. Wei Zhongxian and Zhao Gao looked stunned.

When the two looked at each other, they were all shocked and uncertain in each other’s eyes. Are you sure you haven’t missed anywhere?

Sima Yi’s words were suddenly like thunder in the minds of Zhao Gao and Wei Zhongxian. The brains of the two eunuchs were even more shocked.

It was also as if it had opened a shackle for them, allowing them to faintly find a clue. What’s missing?

Zhao Gao and Wei Zhongxian’s thoughts turned sharply. Suddenly!

The two looked up at Sima Yi almost at the same time, but saw that Sima Yi was smiling strangely at the two of them. Rumble!

Zhao Gao and Wei Zhongxian’s hearts were shaken, and they finally remembered where they had missed. Palace!

Bactria Palace!


It is the Great Xia Palace where the Son of Heaven is located!

They went through the entire Bactrian King’s City, and even dug three feet into the ground and almost overturned the King’s City. However, they had not searched for the Bactrian Palace.

If it were not for Sima Yi’s suggestion, they would have continued to drill the horns of the bull. Have to say.

Sima Yi, an old immortal guy, was really powerful. His wisdom is beyond anyone’s reach.

He only used the clues told by the two of them to narrow the scope of the human emperor into the Bactrian Palace.

“Thank you Lord Fu for your suggestion.”

Zhao Gao and Wei Zhongxian hurriedly bowed down to Sima Yi, and excitement rose in their hearts.

Sima Yi hurriedly waved his hand and said, “The two adults don’t need much courtesy, or they should quickly find someone to share the worries of His Majesty.” ”

“Lord Taifu is assured, if the two of us find the Emperor Ding, I will write down today’s human feelings.”

“Today’s disturbance is too much for Lord Fu, and when the two of us complete the tasks assigned by Your Majesty, he will certainly come to the door in person to thank you.”

Zhao Gao and Wei Zhongxian hurried to express their gratitude.

Then he did not stop and quickly headed towards the Bactrian Palace. Apparently.

Since it was already known that the last human emperor was in the palace. The two of them also had to quickly report the matter to the Son of Heaven.

After all, there is no will of the Son of Heaven.

Give the two people the audacity to search the entire palace. 0.·····

Weiyang Palace.

Nie Zheng ascended to the throne.

Zhao Gao and Wei Zhongxian were kneeling on the ground to report something to him.


“According to what you two said, the last human emperor is in the palace?”

Nie Zheng was surprised.

“Your Majesty Mingjian, the two of us have already gone through the Great Xia Royal City, but we still haven’t found the whereabouts of the last human emperor, and it is obvious that the human emperor is in the inner palace.”

“I also ask Your Majesty to issue an order for the two of us to search for the important place of the Imperial Palace and find out the Emperor.”

Zhao Gao and Wei Zhongxian hurriedly prostrated their heads and asked for the music.


Nie Zheng nodded slowly, “If you are given another day, you must find out the Emperor Ding.” ”

“Your Majesty.”

Zhao Gao and Wei Zhongxian were secretly relieved and hurriedly prostrated themselves to the Heavenly Son. Although no one has been found yet.

But the two of them can also get through the difficult time for the time being.

As long as the last human emperor can be found in the palace next. The two of them also completed the task assigned by His Majesty perfectly.

The next thing is simple.

Zhao Gao and Wei Zhongxian sent a large number of men and horses to start searching the entire palace. For a moment, the people in the inner palace were panicked.

Fortunately, there is Emperor Yi of Xia sitting in the seat.

The people in the inner palace experienced a brief period of panic and gradually calmed down.

However, it was also because the two searched for the human emperor, which also alarmed Wu Meiniang and Lü Yan and others. But Wu Meiniang and Lü Yan didn’t say much.

Even his own palace had to be searched by Zhao Gao and Wei Zhongxian 3.7 tightly, and it was necessary to find the last person Emperor Ding.

A day passed quickly.

The entire Bactrian Palace was turned over by Zhao Gao and Wei Zhongxian’s men and horses.

Even the Tiger and Panther Room built by Tianzi was a place where beasts of prey were gathered, and the two did not let go of it in the slightest. But just look.

At this moment, Zhao Gao and Wei Zhongxian’s faces were extremely pale. Bean-sized beads of sweat were rolling down their foreheads. At this moment, he was kneeling at Nie Zheng’s feet trembling.

Because after a day of searching, the two still did not find the person Huang Ding.

At this moment, the two could fully feel that Tianzi was staring at himself with a cold gaze. How could this not make Wei Zhongxian and Zhao Gaoxin tremble with fear?

Deeply afraid that his master would kill them both in anger.

“Zhao Gao! Wei Zhongxian! ”

“Is this the result of what you have given to you?”

Nie Zheng’s voice was cold, faintly overlooking the two eunuchs trembling at his feet.

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