Chapter 252 Ren Huang Ding, Su Daji?.

“Slaves should die, slaves should die!”

Trembling like a sieve chaff.

Cold sweat DC.

Zhao Gao and Wei Zhongxian looked miserable and kept kowtowing to Tianzi for their sins. Now.

The two didn’t even have the courage to defend themselves. Because Zhao Gao and Wei Zhongxian knew it very well.

They simply cannot afford to excuse themselves.

If he had forced his argument, the two of them would have died sooner.

It is better to ask the Son of Heaven for his sins now, and perhaps the Son of Heaven will still remember the merits of the two of them in the past, and spare the lives of the two of them.

The only thing that made the two unhappy was that they really turned over the entire palace. However, there was still no trace of Ren Huangding.

This seemed inconceivable to the two of them.

Looking at Wei Zhongxian and Zhao Gao’s trembling appearance. Nie Zheng frowned slightly.

A look of helplessness crossed his eyes.

Although the two were ineffective, they could not kill them.

After all, Zhao Gao Wei Zhongxian had been following him for ten years. In these ten years, even if there is no merit, there is still hard work.

If it was really because of this little matter 20 killed two people, Nie Zheng felt that he could not say it.

“The death penalty can be avoided, but the living crime cannot be escaped, so you two will personally go to the punishment of being burned by the cannon.”

Nie Zheng said coldly.

“Thank you for Your Majesty’s grace not to kill.”

Zhao Gao Wei Zhongxian was overjoyed to hear this, and hurriedly bowed to the Heavenly Son, and his heart was even more secretly hissing. Although the punishment of the cannon is extremely vicious.

It almost cost them half their lives. But at least to survive.

This is also a blessing in disguise.

However, thinking about the horror of the cannon burning, the two still couldn’t help but shudder.

“Back off.”

Nie Zheng frowned and waved his hand.

At this moment, it can be said that the two of them are extremely disappointed.

Nie Zheng also did not expect that the two of them had even gone through the palace, and they had not yet found the Emperor Ding.

“Your Majesty, the old slave has one more thing to do.”

Not waiting for the two to back off.

Wei Zhongxian hesitated, but he still spoke.


Nie Zheng was slightly impatient.

“Your Majesty Mingjian, the old slave and Zhao Gao searched the entire royal city, even all over the palace, but only Shouxian Palace was Su Guifei’s residence, and the old slave did not dare to trespass…”

Wei Zhongxian wanted to stop talking, but he looked at his master hopefully.

“Shouxian Palace?”

Nie Zheng looked stunned.

A ray of essence suddenly crossed his eyes. See the look of the master’s thoughts.

Wei Zhongxian’s eyes lit up, and he hurriedly said, “Master Mingjian, when the two of us were searching for the palace, we wanted to enter the Shouxian Palace to search. ”

“But when I learned that Su Guifei was bathing, I pi people naturally did not dare to enter.”

“If there are really people in the palace, I am afraid that…”

Wei Zhongxian was disobedient and did not continue. But his meaning was also very obvious.

20Ex.. It is nothing more than telling your master.

Su Daji is your favorite beauty, and although they are eunuchs, they dare not have the slightest blasphemy. Now.

Wei Zhongxian was also a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

He could fully feel the disappointment of his master in both of them.

I’m afraid that after today, the two of them will really lose the favor of their master. However, Wei Zhongxian was not willing.

The only thing he could think of at the moment was Shou Xian Palace. But he didn’t hold out much hope.

After all, even if he hadn’t searched Shou Xiangong.

However, Tianzi spent all day drinking and talking with Su Guifei at Shouxian Palace.

Shouxian Palace is such a big place, whether there is no one Emperor Ding can be said to be clear at a glance.

However, Wei Zhongxian could only grasp this last straw, hoping that some miracles would occur.

“Your Majesty, the slaves have retreated.”

Wei Zhongxian and Zhao Gao glanced at each other, both looking at the helplessness in each other’s eyes. The two men got up and left to receive the punishment.

But before the two of them could take a few steps, Nie Zheng stopped them.

“Forget about the punishment of the cannon burning, and you two should each take two hundred scepters.”

Nie Zheng spoke lightly.

“Slave thank Your Majesty Longen.”

Zhao Gao and Wei Zhongxian heard the words and prostrated themselves.

The two did not expect that the master would actually reduce their punishment.

“Okay, back off.”

Nie Zheng waved his hand.

Wei Zhongxian and Zhao Gao hurriedly got up, but when they left, their eyes showed a look of doubt. Know what they know about their master.

The two were ineffective, and the punishment of the cannon was not running, but the master actually let them go, just let them go to collect the two hundred scepters without pain.

This seems completely inconceivable to the two of them. I don’t know why the master has changed his mind!

Zhao Gao and Wei Zhongxian left with doubts.

But the two did not see the deep color in Nie Zheng’s eyes.

“Shouxian Palace?”

“I should have thought of it a long time ago!”

Nie Zheng muttered.

No one knew what was going on in his mind. Will.

Originally, Nie Zheng wanted to punish Zhao Gao and Wei Zhongxian fiercely. What really made him change his mind was what Wei Zhongxian said. Shou Xian Palace!


The last man!

When these three clues were connected into a line, Nie Zhengyin understood something. This was also the reason why he spared Zhao Gao and Wei Zhongxian from being burned by the cannon. Shouxian Palace.

“Your Majesty has arrived.”

With the sharp voice of 767 Cao Tian passed into Shouxian Palace.

Only to see Su Daji rushing to the outside of the palace with a group of maids and eunuchs.

“Beauty, I haven’t seen you for many days, but I miss your tightness.”

Nie Zheng smiled and entered the Shouxian Palace.

Before Su Dai could react, he picked her up at once.

This also made Su Daji exclaim in surprise, and then obediently snuggled in the arms of Tianzi Fujun.

“All of them are to retire.”

Nie Zheng casually waved his hand.

A group of palace eunuchs hurried out of Shouxian Palace, leaving room for Tianzi and Niangniang to be alone.

“Your Majesty, you haven’t seen your concubine for a long time.”

Su Da’s own stunning or small face was somewhat pathetic, and her voice carried a hint of resentment.

“Beauty, these days are busy, so I won’t be able to come to see you when I have free time.”

Nie Zheng smiled slightly.

“Your Majesty, concubines are waiting for you to bathe and rest.”

Su Daji was very aware of the virtues of her Heavenly Son.

Her charming little face was slightly red, and she opened her mouth with some shyness. Pity.

This time, Su Daji really thought wrong.

Nie Zheng really didn’t have the idea of talking to her this time. Nie Zheng gently placed Su Daji on the dragon bed.

With a solemn look on his face, he looked at Su Daji and said, “Daji, tell Shuo that the Emperor of Man is not in your hands?.” ”

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