Chapter 253 Human Emperor Jiuding, the last step!.

“Man Emperor Ding?”

Su Daji was stunned.

She could fully feel the seriousness of her Heavenly Son’s husband. Obviously, the Emperor of Man is very important to his Heavenly Son.

“Your Majesty, the concubines know that you are looking for someone to be emperor, but the concubines have never seen what you want.”

Su Daji shook her head in confusion.

“Haven’t seen it?”

Nie Zheng carefully observed Su Daji’s expression, and then slowly nodded. Because he could see at a glance that Su Daji had not lied to him.

After all, the two have been married for so many years, and Su Daji is completely a woman who cannot lie. Moreover, Nie Zheng could see her confusion and confusion in Su Daji’s eyes.

“Beauty, you should accompany you for a walk in the Shouxian Palace.”

Nie Zheng did not mention the matter of Ren Huangding again.

Instead, he took Su Daji’s small hand and began to stroll leisurely in the Shouxian Palace. Su Daji looked puzzled and looked at her Heavenly Husband with some puzzlement. But he still snuggled up with Nie Zheng and accompanied him to stroll around the Shouxian Palace to watch.···

An hour later.

Nie Zheng stopped at his feet.

A look of confusion crossed his eyes.

Because he had traveled to every corner of the Shouxian Palace, he even sensed the breath of the last human emperor, but he had not found anything and gained.


Not really!

Nie Zheng frowned slightly.

He was absolutely certain that there was really no one in the Shouxian Palace. You must know Nie Zheng’s familiarity with the Emperor’s aura.

Even if the human emperor was buried within a hundred feet of the ground, he could definitely sense it.

However, he and Su Daji had walked all over the Shouxian Palace, and indeed they did not sense the slightest breath of the human emperor. Could it be that the Zhou Tianxing of the Oniguzi was wrong?

Nie Zheng whispered darkly.

At the same time, his heart was skeptical about Oniguzi’s Zhou Tianxing arithmetic. Wrong!

Oniguchi can never go wrong. Suddenly!

Nie Zheng directly denied his suspicions. The reason is simple.

If it is the Zhou Tianxing of the Oniguzi who is wrong.

How did he deduce the whereabouts of the other human emperors before? Since Oniguzi said that the last human emperor was inside the Great Xia King’s City.

And after Wei Zhongxian and Zhao Gao’s search for the city, the last human emperor at this moment was definitely in the Shouxian Palace.

“Your Majesty, what’s wrong with you?”

“Is the person you are looking for, Emperor Ding, really in the palace of a concubine?”

Looking at the way Tianzi Fujun next to him was thinking, Su Daji asked doubtfully. Well?

It was also because of Su Daji’s words that Nie Zheng looked shocked and focused his eyes on Su Daji’s body. A fantastic thought crossed Nie Zheng’s mind.

If there is no one in Shouxian Palace.

Will that person be in Su Daji’s body? When this idea popped up in Nie Zheng’s mind.

A strong intuition told Nie Zheng that this matter was very likely. After all, the human emperor is a divine object.

Who stipulates that the emperor of man cannot be big or small?

“Beauty, do you have a pendant or something like that?”

Nie Zheng looked solemnly at Sister Su.

“A pendant in the shape of a pendant?”

Su Daji was confused.


Su Daji’s beautiful eyes lit up.

She hurriedly untied a necklace from her neck.

Then he handed the necklace to Nie Zheng and hesitated, “Your Majesty, what are you talking about?” ”

Nie Zheng reached out and took the necklace that Su Daji had handed him.

The end of the necklace was found to be a pendant.

Its pendant is only the size of a thumb cap, but the form of the pendant is exactly the human emperor! Really!

Nie Zheng’s eyes were shocked.

Looking at the pendant of the Emperor Ding in his hand, a touch of excitement crossed his eyes.

“Beauty, where did you get this pendant?”

Nie Zheng asked with a burning eye.

“This pendant has been worn by concubines since childhood, is it not the emperor that Your Majesty wants?”

Su Daji was surprised.

“Wear it since childhood?”

Nie Zheng’s eyes were deep, and then he nodded slowly, but he didn’t explain anything.

The last human emperor was actually on Su Daji’s body, which Nie Zheng did not expect. But Nie Zheng could feel it.

The last human emperor was on Su Daji’s body, and the deep meaning contained in it was only afraid that it was never so simple.

“This is indeed the Emperor of Man, but it is sealed.”

“No wonder even the Zhou Tian Xing of the Ghost Valley Zi only inferred its approximate position, and could not really determine where the last human emperor was.”



Nie Zheng shook his five fingers, and a burst of aura flashed on the pendant, along with a muffled sound.

Only to see the aura of the seal pendant shatter away, and the last human emperor fell to the ground with a bang.


I saw a quaint and mottled statue of a big Ding strangely appear in front of me.

Su Daji covered her mouth and exclaimed, and her small face took on a shocked color.

“Beauty, thank you very much, if it weren’t for your reminder, I’m afraid I’d really be lost to the human emperor.”

“I’ll see you when I’m done.”

Nie Zheng dotingly pinched Su Daji’s nose, and then lifted the last human emperor and strode towards the Shouxian Palace.

“Your Majesty!”

Seeing that his heavenly son and husband said to leave, Su Da’s face was full of resentment, but she could only sigh helplessly. But even Nie Zheng didn’t find out.

When he had just walked out of Shouxian Palace.

A pink glow was faintly spilling out of Su Daji’s body, and even the space around her was faintly distorted.

And behind Su Daji, a nine-tailed shadow was reflected in the air. And even Su Daji didn’t find out about it herself.

Her beautiful eyes became more and more charming, and a breath of upside-down heaven and earth beings was slightly spilling out of her body at this moment, which was even more amazing than she was in a normal state.

It was as if she herself was undergoing some kind of unknowable transformation. It’s a pity.

Nie Zheng did not see this scene.

Not only did Nie Zheng not see it, but even Su Daji himself did not realize it.

Time is like water, fleeting. A month later.

Bactria and Weiyang Palace.

A total of nine human emperors were placed in front of Nie Zheng. Oniguzi looked agitated and couldn’t help himself.

Looking at the eyes of the human emperor Jiuding, it revealed an extremely fiery color. Human Emperor!

Since the time of the annihilation of the world in ancient times, the last human emperor in the world, Xin has fallen. Since then, the Nine-Nine Supreme Human Emperor has become a legend.

But now.

Oniguzi’s eyes were fiery and excited.

Because he had already faintly seen that the new human emperor was about to turn out. Don’t say that Oniguzi is excited and difficult to control.

Even Nie Zheng’s heart could not calm down. The human emperor is nine dings, and the sky is vast.

Just the breath that overflowed from the gathering made Nie Zheng’s human imperial heart throbbing. Now.

He has fully met the three conditions for becoming a human emperor. Unify the world for nine weeks.

Gather the people of the Emperor Jiudingmiao.

It also inherits the heart of the human emperor.

As long as he takes that most crucial step, he can become the new human emperor between heaven and earth. Ninety-nine supreme, with the balance of heaven.

The legend of truly achieving the emperor as saint. Nie Zheng’s heart throbbed and it was difficult to calm down.

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