Chapter 254 Condenses the Faith of Billions of Nations, the Terrible Human Emperor Law!


Three conditions are already in place.

Logically, it was the time when Nie Zheng became the emperor of man. But the other thing Nie Zheng was confused about.

There was no change in his entire being, and he did not sense any imperial power. Not to mention the so-called legend of becoming a human emperor and achieving the supreme dignity of the Nine Nines.

“Oniguzi, what’s going on?”

Nie Zheng looked at Ghost Guzi doubtfully, thinking that Ghost Guzi could give him a reasonable answer.

“Your Majesty, the time has not yet come.”

Oniguzi woke up from his excitement, and a bitter smile appeared on his face.

“The time has not come?”

Nie Zheng frowned.

He had already gathered the three conditions for becoming a human emperor, why would Oniguzi say that the time had not yet come. He didn’t wait for Nie Zheng to ask.

Oniguchi has given a reasonable answer. Originally.

Although Nie Zheng had achieved these three conditions, he was still one step away from being the emperor. And the reason for this step can be summed up in one sentence.

“Unite the power of the faith of hundreds of millions of people.”

What is a human emperor?

The human emperor is the existence that is respected by hundreds of millions of people, and it is also the emperor of the human race.

Although Nie Zheng inherited the Heart of the Human Emperor, he also gathered the Nine Emperors of the Human Emperor and unified the Nine Weeks Great World. But……

Although Nie Zheng unified the Nine Weeks World, the belief of the Terrans of the Nine Weeks Great World in Nie Zheng was almost negligible, after all, their predecessors were all the people of various dynasties.

At this moment, he had just become Xia Min 867, how could he worship Nie Zheng’s faith? Heard an explanation from Oniguzi.

Nie Zheng instantly understood.

But this also made him frown and look at the ghost valley. Apparently.

Nie Zheng didn’t know how to gather the power of faith of hundreds of millions of people.

“Your Majesty, if you want to unite the faith power of hundreds of millions of people, you can’t wait.”

“According to the old man’s estimate, it will take at least ten years to reach it.”

Oniguchi explained softly.

“Ten years?”

Nie Zheng’s face turned cold.

Because ten years is too much for him. He didn’t want to wait ten years at all. Seeing Nie Zheng’s face showing dissatisfaction. Ghost Guzi smiled helplessly, “Your Majesty, ten years has been said by the old man, if you think about it, you want to gather the power of faith of hundreds of millions of people, this is an extremely vast and long process.” ”

Listen to what Oniguzi said.

Nie Zheng could only nod helplessly. Just as Oniguzi said.

Although he unified the world for nine weeks, it really took time to unite the beliefs of hundreds of millions of people.

“Ghost Valley, ten years is too long, is there a way to shorten this time?”

Nie Zheng asked in a deep voice.


Ghost Guzi pondered for a moment, then looked up at Nie Zheng and said, “I also ask Your Majesty to build a human emperor temple in the Nine Zhou Dynasty world, and enshrine His Majesty’s human emperor golden body in the temple.” ”

“Your Majesty will be able to gather the power of faith of hundreds of millions of people as quickly as possible.”

Heard the words of Oniguzi.

Nie Zheng nodded slowly.

Only his advice can be accepted.


The next thing is simple. o Follow Oniguchi’s advice.

Nie Zheng issued a holy will.

The Ministry of Destiny built the Temple of the Emperor of Man in the Nine Worlds, in which the golden body of his Emperor was enshrined. This is a huge project.

Nie Zheng deliberated again and again and entrusted the matter to Hezhen to handle. Stop.

Wakan’s abilities are indeed outstanding.

He knew that Tianzi attached great importance to this matter.

Under the operation of Hezhen Baby, the entire Nine Zhou Dynasty began to build the Human Emperor Temple all over the world, and to shape the human emperor golden body for Nie Zheng.

It is said that time is the best medicine. This statement is indeed true.

Time flies, and the years fly by. Eight years have passed.

Nine weeks of peace and happiness in the world.

People from all over the world went to the Renhuang Temple to burn incense.

And in the past eight years, the people of the Nine Weeks Great World have gradually recognized their status as Xia Min. At first, there was no longer any conflict with the results of the unification of the world in the ninth week of Bactria again.

Moreover, for Emperor Yi of Xia, he sang praises and praises, and was honored by hundreds of millions of people as an emperor throughout the ages. Because Emperor Yi of Xia created a prosperous world without standing in chaos.

Since Emperor Yi of Xia unified the world for nine weeks, the former struggle for hegemony of the kingdoms has ceased to exist.

The people of the Nine Weeks Great World can also rest and recuperate, and no longer have to worry about the suffering of military disasters. And the most interesting thing was Nie Zheng’s courtiers.

Nie Zheng still made a hand-throwing treasurer, and did not go to the court once in eight years.

And the task of governing the entire Nine Weeks Great World fell entirely to the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu. Just look at it.

The Manchu Dynasty was an extraordinary and ordinary person. Don’t look at them as traitors. But its talent is simply not to say.

Eight years have passed.

The entire Nine Weeks Great World was governed in an orderly manner by the Manchu Dynasty’s civil and military administration.

Not only did the people live and work in peace and contentment, but the soldiers and horses of Bactria were expanded several times. Let’s use the simplest analogy.

When Nie Zheng did not unify the world for nine weeks, the people of nine weeks could only eat one meal of meat a year. However, after nine weeks of Nie Zheng’s unification, the people could already eat one meal of meat a day. What is this concept that needs not be said more, right?


After half a year of running-in.

The people of the Ninth Zhou Dynasty all honored themselves as Xia Min, and they were full of admiration for Emperor Yi of Xia.

More people set up an eternal life tablet in their homes for Emperor Yi of Xia, and burned incense day and night to pray for Emperor Xia.

Bactria and Weiyang Palace!

A figure.

A figure like the sky, brilliant and unable to look directly.

There was a yellow light blooming on his body, and the space around him was slightly distorted.

In particular, his eyes are as vast as the heavens and the universe, making people look at it as if they are lost in his eyes.

This person is no one else.

It was Emperor Xia B!

Just look at it.

In the void of that heaven and earth, countless golden points of light were converging towards him.

These golden points of light were all the power of faith of hundreds of millions of people, and all of them were blessed on Nie Zheng’s body at this moment. Eight years!

Eight years!

Nie Zheng absorbed the faith of hundreds of millions of people for eight years. Those eight years have passed.

Nie Zheng felt that he was getting stronger and stronger, and every day he was getting stronger, and even he felt trembling with strength. He deeply felt what the power of the human emperor was.

Even Nie Zhengjue’s own punch exploded, and the void of heaven and earth would collapse. Even if the heavenly immortals descended into the world, they were not his enemies of unity.

But that’s not all.

What really excited Nie Zheng was that what he was saying now seemed to have a terrible force of law. Like what.

Nie Zheng pointed his finger at the ground, and he said that if the wind stopped, the wind really stopped. He said that when the rain fell, the sky dome would really rain heavily.


Extremely scary!

It was so terrifying that even Nie Zheng felt that his own strength was unimaginable. He also truly felt what a golden mouth was.


Not a golden mouth!

Rather, what he said was the Emperor’s Law! What is the Law of the Emperor?

I do what I say, I do what I do, and everything in heaven and earth moves according to my will. I let the sun rise, and the sun rises.

I let the yin star fall, and the yin star falls. And this is the law of the human emperor.

Of course.

Nie Zheng knew that he had not yet reached this point. Because he has not yet become a real human emperor. But today.

Nie Zheng really wanted to take the last step.

Truly become the supreme emperor of the Nine Nine and the heavens.

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