Chapter 258 Generous Rewards.

However, the most eye-catching thing is that after the successful upgrade of the system myth, there are two more functions. One is the mythical mall and the other is the systematic lottery.

The mall can be exchanged for all kinds of goods needed by Nie Zheng, but it requires an equivalent exchange. As for the system lottery.

It is that every time Nie Zheng does something unruly and cruel, he can get a chance to win the lottery. And after the systematic judgment.

The more mediocre and brutal Nie Zheng did, the more he would win the lottery. However, the randomness of the lottery is very large.

It is possible to draw a congenital treasure, or you may draw an ordinary elixir, and it is more likely that nothing will be smoked.

The system lottery is completely face-to-face.

If Nie Zheng’s face is black, it can be said that there is no fart.

If he was lucky enough to draw a piece of innate treasure, then Nie Zheng would also make a lot of money. Bite!

【In view of the success of the mythical upgrade of this system, a special reward host upgrade package, please ask the host to open the upgrade package?】 】

The cold mechanical sound of the system came again.


Nie Zheng did not hesitate to directly choose to open. Bite!

【The upgrade package opens successfully.】 】Ding!

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Human Emperor’s exclusive skill: Human Emperor Magic Eye.] 】Ding!

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Great Divine Power: Thirty-six Heavenly Gangs, Seventy-two Earthly Flames.] 】Ding!

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Human Emperor Mutation Exclusive Skill: Human Emperor Law Realm [3/3]】Ding!

[Congratulations to the host for winning a free system draw.] A series of reward sounds sounded in Nie Zheng’s ears.

This also made Nie Zheng’s eyes flicker and he quickly began to check on the rewards he had received. The Emperor’s Magic Eye!

This is the exclusive skill of the human emperor, a pair of magic eyes all-encompassing, can break through the three realms of heaven and earth, and see the essence. Let’s use the simplest analogy.

It doesn’t matter what kind of demon or ghost you are, the Immortal Buddha. There is nothing to hide under the human emperor law.

The Thirty-Six Heavenly Gang and the Seventy-Two Earthly Flames are a technique of earth-to-earth change, and together there are one hundred and eight kinds of changes, and it can be said that all things in heaven and earth are immutable, and the mysteries are not enough for outsiders.

As for the human emperor mutation exclusive skills, it is amazing.

The so-called human emperor legal realm cannot be possessed even by the human emperors of previous generations. Because this can be said to be an extremely terrible forbidden art. As everyone knows.

The human emperor is like a saint, and he is at the same level as the heavens.

But this is only limited to the Terran realm. Plainly.

What is the Terran realm, that is, the human realm where Nie Zheng is located.

However, if Nie Zheng walked out of the human world, ascended to the Thirty-Three Heavens, and visited the Yin Cao Underground Mansion, the statement that the human emperor was like a saint would have no effect.

The last human emperor Xin in the ancient years was because he was calculated to leave the Terran territory, which caused him to die and disappear.

But this human emperor legal circle broke this limitation.

It can let Nie Zheng go out of the Terran realm, and also possess the supreme authority of the human emperor like a saint.

However, the disadvantage is that Nie Zheng of the Human Emperor Law Realm can only use it three times, and each time the use time is only one hour. Although the Human Emperor Law Realm could only use it three times, this was enough for Nie Zheng.

Understand the ability of the system to reward. Nie Zheng’s heart was excited.

A pair of eyes quietly crossed a touch of brutal light.

With the ability to use the Three Human Emperor Fa-Realms, no matter what kind of Heavenly Dao saints you are, or any kind of demon immortals, you can all give them a lesson that will last a lifetime.

Nie Zheng hurried to calm his emotions.

Because there is still a free lottery opportunity in front of him.


Nie Zheng meditated in his heart.

The next moment.

He only felt a flower in front of him, a golden compass in his eyes.

And the golden compass quickly turned, and various mythical rewards loomed on the compass.


Nie Zheng was excited in his heart, staring dead at the compass, hoping that he could draw a mythical reward against the heavens.


[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Innate Ultimate Spirit Treasure: Twelve Pinnacles of Fire Red Lotus.] 】

[Please check the host in system space.] Huh?

Nie Zheng was stunned, and then his heart was ecstatic. Twelve Pinnacles of Fire Red Lotus?

Really fake?

Nie Zheng couldn’t believe his ears at all.

For the famous Twelve Pins Industry Fire Red Lotus Nie Zheng naturally knew.

You must know that this is one of the four great lotus platforms between heaven and earth, and it is rumored that the chaotic Qinglian is divided into four parts.

Moreover, the Twelve Qualities of Karma Fire Red Lotus can burn out karmic cause and effect, and it is a true innate spiritual treasure. Apparently.

I was in luck.

The first draw was such a treasure.

Nie Zheng did not dare to be idle, and quickly checked the efficacy of the Twelve Pins of the Fire Red Lotus in the system space. Pity.

Before Nie Zheng could finish inspecting the Twelve Pins of Fire Red Lotus. A large number of hurried footsteps were coming from outside the Yang Palace.

Only to see Wu Meiniang Lü Yan and a group of Manchu Wenwu hurriedly entering the Weiyang Palace.

“Your Majesty.”

As soon as the Qunchen entered Weiyang Palace, they saw Nie Zheng sitting on the dragon bed.

This also made them hurriedly kneel and prostrate their heads, and everyone’s face showed excitement. Get!

Nie Zheng could only temporarily give up checking the efficacy of the Twelve Pinnacle Fire Red Lotus.

“After three years of hard work, all of you have been getting up.”

Nie Zheng smiled and waved his hand.

Manchu Wenwu also hurriedly got up and greeted the emperor one after another. But the other thing that surprised Nie Zheng was.

After three years had passed, he found that the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu actually had aura emerging from his body, and his posture was light, obviously cultivating the method of the ancient alchemist.

And the most interesting thing is that the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu actually had his own human emperor aura on his body. But only for a moment.

Nie Zheng came to his senses.


After he condensed the faith of hundreds of millions of people to become a human emperor, the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu was also blessed, and he also had incredible power.

And Nie Zheng mobilized the eyes of the Emperor.

It was found that Lü Yan and Wu Meiniang both had phoenix breath overflowing from their bodies, and it was easier to become younger than before.

Under the ardent concern of Lü Yan and Wu Meiniang, Nie Zheng simply chatted with everyone. Lü Yan and Wu Meiniang also told about the many major events that had occurred in the three years since Nie Zheng was unconscious. What surprised Nie Zheng the most was the appearance of the four overseas states.

And the so-called human world also has an alias. And this alias is exactly: the Earth Immortal Realm.

Legend has it that outside the Nine Weeks Great World, the four states have the Daoist lineage opened up by the immortals, and there are many demons and ghosts in the world.

Three years ago, Nie Zheng broke the shackles of heaven and earth, and the other nine weeks of the Great World escaped from prison, and truly showed the original appearance of this world.


Since the first stop of the gods in ancient times. The Great World of the Nine Weeks was sealed.

Now that the human emperor was born and broke this seal, he naturally reappeared in the Earth Immortal Realm.

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