Chapter 259: The Smile of the Ancient Demon Concubine!.

“Earth Immortal Realm?”

“Four states, southeast, northwest and northwest?”

“Thirty-three Heavenly Courts?”

“Yin Cao Prefecture?”

Nie Zheng muttered.

A playful smile came out of the corner of his mouth.

“Why didn’t the beautiful girl come?”

Nie Zheng’s thoughts turned around, looking for Su Daji’s figure. Pity.

Su Daji did not come with everyone.

“Your Majesty, you have just woken up, and you are only thinking of your Sumerians!”

Wu Meiniang is quite delicious.

Don’t say that Wu Meiniang tasted, and Lü Yan on the side also looked at Nie Zheng with a bad look. Only the Manchu Dynasty Wen Wu smiled and did not dare to say much in the affairs of the people and the royal family.

“Your Majesty, in the past three years, many ancient alchemists have wanted to see Your Majesty, but I wonder if Your Majesty wants to summon them to the palace for a visit?”

Zhao Gao said tentatively.

“Don’t worry, let them wait, I’ll have time to meet them.”

Nie Zheng casually waved his hand.

The next thing is simple.

Nie Zheng chatted with a group of courtiers, and then pacified Lü Yan and Wu Meiniang. Until Wu Meiniang Lü Yan and Qunchen never left the Yang Palace.

The smile on Nie Zheng’s face also gradually disappeared.

“Wei Zhongxian, Zhao Gao.”

Nie Zheng opened his mouth lightly.

“The minions are here.”

Wei Zhongxian and Zhao Gao were nervous and hurried to pay homage to Nie Zheng.

“Have there been any changes in the beauty of these three years?”

Nie Zheng said calmly.

“Your Majesty, Su Guifei has been living in seclusion for the past three years, but several sisters who claim to be Su Guifei have somehow entered the Shouxian Palace at 870 and have been accompanying Su Guifei’s side, and…”

Wei Zhongxian wanted to talk and stopped.

“And what?”

Nie Zheng squinted at Wei Zhongxian, and a touch of yin and dove color crossed his eyes.

“Moreover, these women all have a worldly posture, Su Guifei said that she was a show girl selected for Her Majesty, and it is not good for slaves and others to ask too many questions.”

Wei Zhongxian replied truthfully.

“Your Majesty, Nu Cai has a word to say, Su Guifei has changed tremendously in the past three years, and the women around her are definitely not ordinary women in the eyes of Nu Cai.”

Zhao Gao said.


Nie Zheng nodded slowly, and then he moaned slightly, and a hint of playfulness came out of the corner of his mouth.

“Ride the Shou Xian Palace.”

Nie Zheng stepped down from the dragon bed and casually commanded the two of them.

Zhao Gao and Wei Zhongxian did not dare to be idle, and hurried to prepare the dragon for Nie Zheng. As Nie Zheng sat on the Dragon Dragon, he headed straight for the Shouxian Palace.

..···· Shouxian Palace.

“Your Majesty has arrived.”

With the shrill voice of the eunuch sounded. Only to see Nie Zheng stride into the Shouxian Palace. At the same time.

Su Daji and several sisters were greeting Nie Zheng.

“Your Majesty, you have finally woken up, and your concubines have been thinking of Your Majesty all the time for the past three years.”

Su Daji walked towards Nie Zheng with a sad face.

Nie Zheng’s eyes narrowed slightly.

Faintly looking directly at Su Daji.

“Because he found something very interesting.”

At this moment, Su Daji’s dress is very explicit.

His body was only covered with a faint layer of tulle, and the breath of the world’s charm or breath came towards him. If Su Daji was an innocent and immaculate woman three years ago.

But Su Daji, who was now walking towards Nie Zheng, was full of charm or qi all over his body. Even Nie Zheng’s mind was like a ripple, and he couldn’t control himself faintly.

“Beauty, I miss you very much.”

Nie Zheng smiled.

He picked up Su Daji and strode toward the throne.

Then he gently placed Su Daji on the throne and looked at Su Daji’s eyes like a prey.

“Your Majesty, how are you?”

Feeling Nie Zheng’s domineering and aggressive gaze, Su Daji’s small face blushed, giving people a sense of wanting to refuse and return the favor.

Looking at Su Daji’s pretentious posture, Nie Zheng’s brow frowned slightly, and the killing chance of Nuwa in his heart became more and more intense.

Sudah would become what she is now. It’s all ghosts that Nuwa is engaged in.

“Your Majesty, do you see my beauty?”


Su Daji’s voice was soft, and a smile was sketched from the corner of her mouth. Daji laughed!

But it was also because of her feminine smile that the heavens and the earth were eclipsed. It was as if her smile could melt everything in heaven and earth.

Moreover, Su Daji’s beautiful eyes were blooming with the color of seduction, and he was looking at Nie Zheng with a smile. Nie Zheng’s gaze was momentarily sluggish.

A pair of eyes could not be removed from Su Daji’s smile.

Nie Zheng’s eyes were gradually flushing, and even his breathing began to heavily. The look in Su Daji’s eyes showed a crazy color.

Don’t say that Nie Zheng’s whole body was obsessed with Su Daji’s smile. Just look at it.

The palace eunuchs in Shouxian Palace, and even Wei Zhongxian and Zhao Gao were stupid and stuck in place.

Completely immersed in Su Daji’s stunning smile or smile, he couldn’t return to his senses for half a second. This moment.

Su Dai had really turned into a demon concubine for thousands of years. It also shows her world-beating charm.

“Beauty, you smile so beautifully.”

Nie Zheng was obsessed.

The next moment.

With a cry of surprise from Su Daji.

Her whole body was picked up by Nie Zheng and went straight to the palace. Apparently.

In the charm of this ancient demon concubine, even Nie Zheng could not calm down as a human emperor. Talk!

Nie Zheng only wanted to have a good talk with Su Daji now. Wei Zhongxian and Zhao Gao quickly woke up.

The two looked at each other and saw the helplessness in each other’s eyes. Then he silently withdrew from Shouxian Palace.

However, it was also with the two of them leaving Shouxian Palace. The temple door also rumbled and closed at this moment.


Tonight is destined to be the sleepless night of Emperor B of Man and the Ancient Demon Princess Su Daji.


The moon is sparse, and the remnant moon is hanging high. Nie Zheng slowly sat up from the dragon bed.

Su Da, who was beside him, snuggled weakly beside him. It’s just that the smile on his face has never passed.

“Your Majesty, how did you get up?”

“Is it because the concubines didn’t serve you well?”

“If Your Majesty so wishes, the concubines will summon several sisters to serve His Majesty together.”

Su Daji smiled and said with a smile.


“I also want to see your sisters.”

Nie Zheng’s eyes were obsessed, and he also smiled at Su Daji. Hearing Nie Zheng’s words, Su Daji’s eyes lit up.

“Sisters, don’t come in yet to serve Your Majesty.”

As Su Daji’s words fell.

Several women with a worldly appearance quickly entered the palace.

They were wearing tulle faces with smiles, and they all rushed towards Nie Zheng, and a smirk came from their mouths. But also at this time.

The obsession in Nie Zheng’s eyes disappeared in an instant, and a touch of karmic fire rose around him. The next moment.

Nie Zheng’s five fingers suddenly lifted up, and with one slap, he slapped down at several fox frieze women. Rumble!

Something terrible happened.

Only to see that several sisters of Su Daji directly flew away like a broken line kite. A large amount of blood spilled into the air.

Then slammed into the ground.

They were actually directly killed by Nie Zhengyi. But that’s not all.

The most amazing thing was that the bodies of these women had changed into several snow-white foxes.

Such a scene.

Directly made Su Daji’s smile stiffen on his face.

A pair of worldly charm or beautiful eyes, even more bloomed with incredible colors to look at Nie Zheng.

“Beauty, you and I are husband and wife, do you really want the fallen country to lose its position as emperor?”

Nie Zheng looked at Su Daji lightly.

A pair of eyes as deep as an ancient pond, where is the meaning of being charmed by Su Daji?

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