Chapter 260 The Emperor of Man Must Not Be Deceived!.


Su Daji was unable to speak.

She couldn’t believe that Nie Zheng wasn’t even lost in her smile.

“Your Majesty, the concubine does not understand what you are saying.”

Su Daji quickly calmed her mood, the smile of the amazing charm or bloomed again, and a pair of beautiful eyes revealed a trace of charm, wanting to put Nie Zheng fans or.

“Beauty, don’t work hard in vain, your Qingqiu charm can indeed be a fan or a human emperor, but among the emperors of all generations, it should be said that it is the strongest existence, and your Qingqiu charm is useless to you.”

Nie Zheng spoke lightly.

A pair of eyes were clear and deep, just quietly looking at Su Daji. Panic!

Su Daji was completely panicked.

Her whole being was no longer calm.

Looking at Nie Zheng’s eyes, he showed an extremely panicked color.

“You… What do you want to do? ”

Su Daji trembled and spoke slightly, a pair of beautiful eyes with a cold color in the panic, where was the previous admiration for Nie Zheng?

“Beauty, you and I are husband and wife, and you have never owed you a debt to you, are you really confused by Nuwa and want to be her puppet?”

Nie Zheng frowned.


Looking at Nie Zheng’s serious expression, Su Daji was speechless, and the color of entanglement and pain was under her eyes.

“I… My head hurts! ”


Su Daji covered her head in pain, and her small face was white and bloodless. At the same time.

A pink glow bloomed around her, and behind her appeared the shadow of the Nine-Tailed Heavenly Fox. Such a scene.

Let Nie Zheng’s eyebrows be cold.

When the Emperor’s eyes opened and closed, he had already seen that in the depths of Su Da’s soul, there was a nine-tailed demon fox entangled with it.

“Karma Fire Red Lotus!”

Nie Zheng let out a loud roar.

Extremely terrible things followed. Airplanes!

The Twelve Pinye Fire Red Lotus appeared in front of Nie Zheng’s body.

That Dao karma fire was burning, and the surrounding space was faintly distorting, proving how terrible the power of the Twelve Pinnacle Fire Red Lotus was.


Nie Zheng followed the law.

The Twelve Pinye Fire Red Lotus instantly appeared above Su Daji’s head.

A stream of karmic fires fell from the lotus platform, instantly submerging Su Daji in it.


When the karmic fire forged herself, Su Daji heard a painful hiss in her mouth. And the nine demon fox shadows rising behind her were gradually collapsing away. But that’s not all.

The karmic fire poured into Su Daji’s Heavenly Spirit and went straight to the nine demon foxes in the depths of his soul. What is karmic fire?

Karmic fire is one of the most terrifying flames in the Three Realms of Heaven and Earth.

Karmic fire can burn out cause and effect, and even more can burn everything in the world, and only karmic fire can burn the nine-tailed demon fox in the depths of Su Da’s own soul and restore its nature.

“Your Majesty save me.”

In the midst of karmic fire refining his soul, Su Daji was already mourning in pain, and even more appealed to Nie Zheng for help. A couple of more than ten years.

To say that Nie Zheng had no feelings for Su Daji was nonsense at all. Looking at Su Daji’s pained appearance, Nie Zheng really wanted to take back the Karma Fire Red Lotus.

But he couldn’t.

Because long pain is not as good as short pain.

If he had given up refining the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox in Su Da’s soul now, this would definitely become a hidden danger.

“Your Majesty!”

Sudae was already murmuring in pain, and the whole person collapsed to the ground.

A pair of beautiful eyes began to gradually disperse, and the vitality around him was also constantly flowing. Well?

Seeing that Su Daji’s life aura was weak, Nie Zheng’s entire body was shocked.

He dared to be absolutely sure that he had not hurt his soul, and that the refining was only the nine-tailed demon fox in Su Da’s own soul, but why was Su Daji’s life breath dissipating?


[Remind the host that it has been detected that Su Da’s own body has the Qingqiu Fox bloodline, and the nine-tailed demon fox in her soul is connected to its original life, if the nine-tailed demon fox is refined, Su Daji will also scatter her soul and die.] Surprised.

The cold tone of the system is coming.

But it was also because of this system prompt that Nie Zheng’s expression was cold. Harvest!

The next moment.

Nie Zheng took back the Twelve Pinye Fire Red Lotus.

Sudaji’s entire body collapsed to the ground, completely unconscious.

In particular, her small face was pale and bloodless, and it was very painful for people to look at.

“Is there any way for the system not to harm Su Da’s own life and to refine the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox?”

Nie Zheng silently inquired about the system.


[The Qingqiu clan had made an oath that the generations of guardians and obeyed the Heavenly Dao Saint Nuwa, and if they wanted to remove the Nine-tailed Demon Fox from Su Da’s own body, they needed the Heavenly Dao Saint Nuwa to personally lift the oath for them, and the Nine-tailed Demon Fox would naturally separate from its body. 】

“0 ask for flowers… ...·

The cold sound of the system is ringing. Apparently.

After the system has experienced the mythical god level, its function is more comprehensive, and even such a secret can be known. You must know that before the system was upgraded, it would never answer the questions raised by Nie Zheng.


Nie Zheng’s eyes were cold, and he raised his eyes to look out of the Thirty-Three Heavens, as if he wanted to see this Lady Niangniang Ding!

[Remind the host that as a human emperor, his words are the law, and his deeds are the law, and by virtue of the human emperor’s law, he can completely suppress the nine-tailed demon fox in Su Da’s own body and temporarily restore Su Da’s own nature. 】

[Warning the host that although the human emperor’s law can suppress the nine-tailed demon fox in Su Da’s own body, the human emperor’s law is too overbearing, and if after a year it is not possible to separate the nine-tailed demon fox from Su Da’s own soul, then Su Daji will scatter his soul and die.] 】

The cold sound of the system came again. Hear the reminder of the system.

Nie Zheng’s eyes were extremely deep.


He also had no choice but to temporarily suppress the nine-tailed demon fox in Su Da’s own soul by relying on the Emperor’s will.


Words follow the law, and the emperor of the law will.

A simple word came out of Nie Zheng’s mouth, but it contained the supreme power of being as high as the heavens. Only to see a golden light flash from Su Daji’s forehead.

Her pained little face gradually soothed and truly slept peacefully.

Nie Zheng gently picked up Su Daji and then put her on the dragon bed to cover her with a quilt.

“Beauty, get a good night’s sleep, and when you wake up, you will be your wife again.”

“But the person who hurts you will never let go, even if the other party is a Heavenly Dao saint, and the person will definitely make them pay a price.”

Nie Zheng muttered coldly.

The next moment.

Something extremely amazing happened.

Nie Zheng stepped out, and the whole person actually rushed up into the sky and went straight to the Thirty-Three Heavens. Ninety-nine supreme, with the balance of heaven.

Nie Zheng was the emperor of the world, and if someone hurt his wife, how could he give up? Naturally, I wanted to get justice from the Heavenly Dao Saint Nuwa.

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