Chapter 262 Heavenly Court Group Portrait, Hao Tian’s Dilemma!.

It does not need to be conveyed by the four kings.

The Thirty-Three Heavenly Gardens had already set off monstrous waves.

After all, the human imperial aura on Nie Zheng’s body filled the Thirty-Three Heavenly Courts. As long as the non-blind people know that the human emperor has arrived at the thirty-three heavenly courts.

Bullfighting Palace!

The Hao Tianyu Emperor suddenly stood up, a pair of heavenly eyes emitting golden light, and already saw the human emperor standing outside the South Heavenly Gate

“Human Emperor?”

The Hao Tianyu Emperor’s expression changed slightly.

He had never imagined that the Human Emperor would actually come to his Thirty-Three Heavenly Courts! What does the Emperor want to do?

Hao Tianyu Emperor’s eyes were deep, thinking about why Emperor Yi had come to his heavenly court. Let’s be honest.

The Hao Tianyu Emperor was still very jealous of the human emperor.

Because he was very aware of the gap between himself and the human emperor.

He seems to be revered as the co-lord of the Three Realms, but he also has to act according to the face of the person. What this Jade Emperor did was really very humiliating.

Look at the human emperor again.

Condensing the qi of hundreds of millions of people in one’s own body is even more worthy of the existence of the Nine-Nine Supreme and Heavenly Balance.

Even the Heavenly Dao Sage did not dare to hurt his body, and his status was by no means comparable to that of the Jade Emperor.

“Your Majesty, the Emperor of Man is ruling the Heavenly Court, do the Immortals want to give 20 greetings to the Emperor of Man?”

Too Platinum Venus tentatively asked.

“When the human emperor arrives, the immortals naturally have to come out to greet them, otherwise wouldn’t they let the beings of the Three Realms laugh at the lack of etiquette in my heavenly court?”

The Hao Tianyu Emperor said this for a slight moment, and then said, “Not only do the immortals want to greet each other, but also go to Yaochi to inform the Queen Mother, and let her go out with Shuo to welcome the Emperor.” ”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Taibai Venus did not dare to be idle, and hurried to Yaochi to pass on the Queen Mother. At the same time.

The bell rings on the thirty-third heaven.

Its vast bells echoed endlessly, and another group of immortals quickly gathered towards the Ling Xiao Hall. Apparently.

The news of the Emperor’s Fa driving the Heavenly Court had already spread, and when the group of immortals heard the bell ringing, they naturally understood that the Jade Emperor was going to personally greet the Emperor.

… Outside the South Heavenly Gate.

Nie Zheng stood with his hands in his hands.

The light of Xuanhuang bloomed around him, and the breath of the human emperor hovered faintly around him, although there was no terrifying and monstrous power, but people did not dare to underestimate it for a moment.

Just look at it.

The four Heavenly Kings cautiously accompanied them, and even the spine spine was slightly bent, and there was a humble smile on their faces.

It can also be seen from here.

The power of the human emperor even the so-called immortals must bow down. Nie Zheng stood quietly.

When the two Emperor’s eyes opened and closed, they could see all thirty-three heavenly courts, and they could see that the Jade Emperor’s mother was leading the group of immortals towards the South Heavenly Gate.

“The Emperor of Man is driving the Heavenly Court, and it is too late to greet him, and it is not strange to look forward to the Emperor of Man.”

A thousand pieces of Ruiqi, auspicious clouds rolling.

Only to see the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother come together, followed by the Heavenly Court Immortals, who had already appeared outside the South Heavenly Gate.

“Brother Hao Tian, as the Lord of the Celestial Realm, doesn’t need to be so polite.”

Nie Zheng smiled slightly and greeted the Jade Emperor.

“Brother Emperor, please also ask Ling Xiaodian to speak.”

See Man Emperor B so young.

Hao Tianyu Emperor’s eyes flashed a touch of aura. Then he smiled and welcomed Nie Zheng into the Heavenly Court.

Nie Zheng was not too polite, and strode with the Jade Emperor into the South Heavenly Gate, and then headed towards the Ling Xiao Hall under the guidance of the Jade Emperor and the Heavenly Court Immortals.

······ The Peak Temple.

It is also the place where the Jade Emperor and the Immortals discuss politics.

As the Jade Emperor Mother and the Heavenly Court Immortals greeted Nie Zheng into the Ling Xiao Hall. An interesting scene appeared.

You must know that in the Ling Xiao Hall, no matter who the immortal power you are, you can only rank below the Jade Emperor. Even if the Queen Mother was the Jade Emperor’s Daoist companion and ruled over the Three Realms Immortals, the seats were one step lower than the Jade Emperor. This also symbolized respect for the Hao Tianyu Emperor, the Lord of the Three Realms.

But now the human emperor has arrived.

Where the human emperor sat became a problem.

You must know that the human emperor is not an immortal, but a being that is level with the heavens.

If you let the emperor sit below the Jade Emperor, this is disrespectful to the human emperor.

Even if the Jade Emperor was revered as the Lord of the Three Realms, he would never dare to lose his courtesy in this regard. Now.

The Heavenly Court Immortals all set their sights on the Jade Emperor’s body.

In particular, the immortals who expounded the two religions looked at the Jade Emperor with a playful look in their eyes. Everyone wanted to see how the Jade Emperor would arrange the seat of the human emperor.

However, if you look closely, you will find out.

The Illumination Immortal occasionally looked into Nie Zheng’s eyes with a hint of hostility. The immortal who had cut off the sect’s line looked into Nie Zheng’s eyes, and there was a hint of hope. I don’t know what these two disciples of the Divine Humane System were thinking in their hearts at the moment.

“Brother Emperor, you are the emperor of the human race and the lord of the celestial realm, can you and I sit together in one place?”

Have to say.

The figure of the Hao Tianyu Emperor was extremely low.

He smiled and invited Nie Zheng to sit on the throne with him. And this also made Nie Zheng look at the Jade Emperor deeply. Nie Zheng suddenly realized that this Hao Tianyu Emperor was not simple. In fact.

It began when Nie Zheng entered the Heavenly Court.

He had been observing the changes in the expressions on the faces of the Immortals and the Jade Emperor Mother. And Nie Zheng suddenly found a very interesting thing.

That is, most of the immortals in the Heavenly Court did not have the slightest fear for the Jade Emperor in their eyes. Even the contempt and disdain crossed his eyes from time to time.

To put it mildly.

The Heavenly Court Immortals did not put the Jade Emperor in their eyes at all.

Even the eyes of the Heavenly Court Immortals looking at themselves and the Jade Emperor were completely different. Ignore.



This was the look in the eyes of the immortals looking at the Jade Emperor. Surprise.

760 Awe.



This was the look in the eyes of the Heavenly Court Immortals looking at themselves. Nie Zheng’s mind was clear.

In an instant, I understood the key.

Most of the Celestial Immortals are immortals who expound the two religions.

Although the Hao Tianyu Emperor was revered as the co-lord of the Three Realms, his predecessor was a boy under the Daozu throne. If it weren’t for Daozu Hongjun’s approval, how could Haotian be qualified to sit on the Jade Emperor’s seat? Apparently.

This was also the reason why the Heavenly Court Immortals did not put the Jade Emperor in their eyes.

However, Nie Zheng had a different view of the Hao Tianyu Emperor.

With a smile.

Can flex and extend.

Endure to the extreme.

Even in front of him, there was no shelf of the Lord of the Celestial Realm. Nie Zheng smiled.

He suddenly realized that the situation of the Hao Tianyu Emperor was extremely similar to that of him before.

The Manchu courtiers thought they were puppets and did not take them seriously at all. If only it was different.

Nie Zheng subdued the Manchu traitors and gradually became emperors. And the Hao Tianyu Emperor was still choosing to be withheld.


It’s really interesting!

A playful smile came out from the corner of Nie Zheng’s mouth. A vicious plan has been generated in my mind.

Even Nie Zheng’s eyes when he looked at the Hao Tianyu Emperor had a touch of kindness.

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