Chapter 263: Insulting the Saints and Being Frightened and Foolish of the Immortals.

“Brother Hao Tiandi is the Lord of the Celestial Realm, and although he is the Emperor of the Terran Race, he is a guest when he comes to the Heavenly Court, so how can he sit in the same position as Brother Hao Tian, is this not a disrespect to Brother Hao Tian?”

Nie Zheng smiled slightly and casually found a place and sat down.

However, it was also Nie Zheng’s move that immediately made Emperor Hao Tianyu’s face look frightened.

Looking at Nie Zheng’s eyes, there was a hint of throbbing, and his face also glowed with a radiance that he had never had before. You must know since Haotian became the Jade Emperor.

Most of the immortals in the Heavenly Court thought that they were disciples of the saints, and they could say that they were yin and yang against him, and they did not pay any attention to him as the Lord of the Heavenly Realm.

But now the human emperor had so much respect for him.

Although it could not be said that the Hao Tianyu Emperor was grateful to Shu Zero, it made him have a good impression of the Human Emperor. Such a scene.

Let the Heavenly Court Immortals look sideways, and a touch of surprise will pass under their eyes. Looking at the eyes of the human emperor was even more inexplicably crossed.

You must know that almost all of the Celestial Immortals have experienced the Great Destruction of the Ancient Gods. In ancient times, they had seen Emperor Xin.

But that person Emperor Xin was simply incomparable to the human emperor B at this moment. Bearing.


It also has its own city government.

Di Xin was far inferior to Di Yi.

Moreover, the Heavenly Court Immortals could vaguely feel that the cultivation of this human Emperor B was unfathomable, and it was definitely even more terrifying than the Emperor Xin of that year.

The reason is simple.

Before the fall of the ancient emperor Xin, he had never stepped out of the Terran territory.

The first time the human emperor Xin stepped out of the Terran territory, he ended up with a fallen end. But then look at Emperor B.

Not long after he became the Emperor of Man, he dared to enter the Thirty-Three Heavenly Court alone.

You must know that the human emperor is an invincible being in the Terran realm, and even the Heavenly Dao Saints cannot be killed. The human emperor who could go out of the Terran realm lost the power of the invincible human emperor.

Don’t talk about the Heavenly Dao saints, any quasi-saint may want the life of the human emperor. However, Emperor B came to the Thirty-Three Heavenly Courts.

Just this kind of boldness is not comparable to the previous emperor Xin. How could this not make the Heavenly Court Immortals look up to Nie Zhenggao to the extreme?

In the dark astonishment of the Heavenly Court Immortals, they also sat down.

“The Emperor of Man is driving the Heavenly Court, and he doesn’t know what happened?”

The Hao Tianyu Emperor looked at Nie Zheng with a smile. At the same time, he also asked the questions in the hearts of the Heavenly Court Immortals.

“Su Qing asked that beyond the thirty-three heavens is the holy man’s dojo, and if you want to go to the holy dojo, you need to pass through the thirty-three heavenly courts, and the lady who harms the concubines and wants to borrow the heavenly court to go to the palace to seek justice from this.”

Nie Zheng spoke lightly.


Be quiet!

Eerie and dead silence! As Nie Zheng’s words fell.

The whole Ling Xiao Treasure Hall was silent and dead. Don’t say that the heavenly immortals are as stiff as clay sculptures.

Even the originally kind smiles on the faces of the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother were frozen together at this moment, and they couldn’t believe their ears.


Going to the palace to get justice?

Insulting the Heavenly Dao Saints?


Whether it was the Jade Emperor Mother or the Heavenly Court Immortals, at this moment, he only felt that his brain was roaring, and he felt that his thinking had stopped working.

The look in their eyes when they looked at Emperor Ren Yi gradually revealed a look of horror and horror. Lose your marbles!

The human emperor is absolutely crazy!

How dare he insult Nuwa as a? How dare he insult the Heavenly Dao Saints? Had he lived enough?


The immortals inhaled the cold air, and their hearts were trembling with fear. All the ants under the saints!

This sentence is not just a casual remark.

Even if you are an emperor, if you dare to insult the Heavenly Dao Sage, this is a scattered soul. Saints are not to be disgraced.

He who is humiliated will be killed.

Nie Zheng’s words are simply the same as finding death. Not waiting for the crowd to come back.

Terrible things followed. Thundered!

The Thirty-Three Heavens trembled with terror.

The ancient heavens were gradually dimming, the stars were rotating in terror, and thunder rays appeared in the heavens, and the matchless killing machine had already locked on Nie Zheng’s body.

The Tao of Heaven has a sense of the power of the saints.

Although Nie Zheng only insulted Nuwa with a word.

However, it triggered a vision of heaven and earth, and a great catastrophe would descend on Nie Zheng’s body.

The terrifying Heavenly Power was pressing down on the Thirty-Three Heavenly Courts, as if there were a pair of cold eyes in the underworld, watching Nie Zheng in the Ling Xiao Treasure Hall.

“Saints reproach?”

“This is the reproach of the saints!”

The Hao Tianyu Emperor spoke out in horror, and the whole person was no longer calm. Don’t say that the Jade Emperor Mother was scared silly by this scene.

The Heavenly Court Immortals were not much better, quickly moving away from Nie Zheng’s side, and looking at Nie Zheng’s eyes with a touch of fear.


Nie Zheng sat calmly.

The so-called vision of heaven and earth and the rebuke of what a bullshit saint did not pay any attention to at all.


Words follow the law, and the emperor of the law will. Nie Zheng spoke.

His voice echoed faintly in the Thirty-Three Heavenly Courts. Something extremely amazing happened.

The Thirty-Three Heavenly Courts, which had been rumbling and trembling, instantly returned to calm.

The stars that rotated in the ancient heavens also stood still, and even the terrible thunder light that appeared dissipated without a trace. Such a scene.

Once again, the Jade Emperor Mother and the Heavenly Court Immortals looked at each other in horror.

Looking at Nie Zheng’s eyes, he was even more shocked and extremely complex. The human emperor is lawful, and the horror is like that!

Even the rebuke of the saints was easily broken by the Emperor’s decree. When this legendary scene is revealed.

The Jade Emperor Mother and the Heavenly Court Immortals were already silent.

“I’m very sorry to have frightened all the immortals.”

Nie Zheng spoke indifferently.

“No problem, no problem.”

The Hao Tianyu Emperor was the first to wake up, and a smile forced out of his face.

However, no one noticed that the Jade Emperor looked at Nie Zheng’s eyes with an extremely complicated color, and even more faintly seemed to be hesitating about something.

“Brother Emperor, the saints must not be disgraced, otherwise they will bring you great trouble.”

The Hao Tianyu Emperor lowered his voice, meaning to point out.

“Even if the Heavenly Dao Sage wants to calculate Yu Yuan, she will have to pay her due price.”

Nie Zheng spoke lightly.

However, it was also because of his words that the Jade Emperor and the Heavenly Court Immortals suddenly broke down in their hearts, and they did not dare to answer at all.

Because once it involves the Heavenly Dao Saints, this is an extremely dangerous thing. Naturally, they did not dare to wade into this muddy water.

“Brother Emperor, if you really want to go to the Imperial Palace to see Lady Nuwa, you can follow the Thirty-Three Heavenly Road straight into the heavens, and you will not be sent to you.”

The Haotian Jade Emperor forced a smile.

In fact, he also wanted to quickly send Nie Zheng away the plague god. Even though the Hao Tianyu Emperor had the heart to make good friends with the Emperor.

But the human emperor was simply crazy and terrible, and even insulted the daring nuwa, and also went to the palace to seek justice. The Haotian Jade Emperor naturally did not want to be involved in this matter.

“Well, I’ll go outside that day first, and after I get justice from Nuwa, I’ll talk to Brother Hao again.”

Nie Zheng said with a smile.

But also because of his words.

The whole Hao Tianyu Emperor was not well, and the look in Nie Zheng’s eyes was speechless.

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