The discussions between the four took place at the dining table, taking into account Valtrude. It was Colo who expressed dissatisfaction with this, but Yut settled by holding him up and putting him on his knees. The robe is going to get hairy because of the uniform she took off all the time, but I don't care.

Most importantly, while Yut was stroking, he would wave his tail relentlessly and raise his voice to protest if his hand stopped.

"Uh, Val. This is my father's Heavenly Grass. Rhizo Amaxa if you put it that way. And then my mother says," Haruko. "

"Then it's Valtrude Istas...... Regards,"

At a four-person dining table, each partner sits next to each other to discuss.

As with Yut, there was nothing wrong with the conversation about whether he gained the ability to translate language at the time of metastasis.

Nevertheless, where has the usual prestigious cathedral knight disappeared? I haven't even noticed the very fact of introducing myself with little content. Of course, I don't know what you want me to say.

I don't even notice the presence of air conditioning or fluorescent lights that keep room temperature comfortable because I'm too nervous.

Wearing trousers on a thick top with cotton - precisely, under armor - Valtrude is like a cat you've borrowed.

Except for its non-standard beauty, though.

"What shall we do, you? Outsiders, you're a hell of a beauty. A model or an actress."

"Take it easy. [incomprehensible]

"Right. Ugh...... I'm Yu-chan's mother, Haruko Amakusa. What does Yu have to do with you?

"When it comes to relationships..."

"Mom, I'm saying you're being rude. I'm sorry. I am the father of the brave."

"Father, mother. She was the one who took care of me while I was gone from here..."

Of course, that's not all.

After brewing me an iced coffee that was hot - for my first drink, Valtrude didn't get his hands on just looking uncommonly - Yut decided to be ready again.

"My fiancée's... alone"

"I knew it!"

"... alone, what does that mean?

"Ju, I'll explain it in order."

Fighting numerous monsters in the Brewers, he has defeated the Book of Nothingness (Caios Evil), beaten the nobles who have sold the fights, and crossed paths with figures representing the nation.

Still, I find myself unexpectedly able to turn the eyes of my real father.

Anyway, the opponent just looks like a militant yakuza no matter where he sees it from. Now that I'm a legitimate salarier, the world is full of mystery.

He also cared about it or wore Dada glasses. Thanks to this, my eyes are soothing to the extent that I look like an intelligent yakuza.

"Don't be mad. I want you to hear, uh, that one. I felt like I was hiding something, somewhere that wasn't Earth. More than two years."

"Well, divine concealment...?


Mother's natural return is appreciated the other way around. I was prepared to have no choice but to be yelled at by my father, but I am silent. Are you personable or trusted?

Anyway, now I just have to tell you the facts.

"I wonder if it's called fantasy. Coincidentally, I got lost in such a world of swords and magic, became a wizard, saved the world a little bit, and helped because Valtrude got the territory."

"Yut's words are the truth. I swear to“ ever-winning ”Helenonia... do you swear?

"Val, it's okay."

A ring fitted to your left hand pharmacopoeia on a bold iron (crystal iron) necklace from Yut. Unconsciously touching them, Valtrude also supports them.

Before his parents, though I wonder how to talk.



The book of silence descends.

That's right. It's not a light and believable story.



"If you're lying, you'll tell a more realistic story. Code it as a circumstance that had no clue. From what I've seen, I don't see how they're using drugs or how they're mentally ill. Something beyond common sense happened, though incalculable in my common sense. I guess that's what this is all about."

Kuanzo stepped over common sense in theory.

By reason of what can be described as its rambling, Yut becomes flashy. If it weren't... I'd have listed something that would be proof because there's absolutely no way I could believe it.

"Oh. It's like a movie."

"Eh...... Does your mother believe my story, too?

"It's not natural. Yu-chan doesn't lie to me."

Mother of a grand personality, not moving in a few things. Almost, I don't even remember being scolded.

But when Yut was in elementary school. When I broke my promise to walk the colo, which was still a puppy, and went out to play, I was pissed off only once. I've forgotten the specific interaction, but since then, Yut has never broken a promise.

"Right, right. Well, I said I understood, but I don't believe in Russia. But we're your parents. I know if the child is lying."

"I don't know. 'Cause I've never been told a lie."

"So, stick with me and what do you do"

It's like a tone that can be applied to an incompetent cousin, but it's definitely a conversation between a friendly couple.


Yut exhaled a deep deep sigh.

I'm still glad you believe me.

"Aren't you a lovely parent"

"Oh. I was just trying to figure out how to prove it, but it went to waste."

"Speaking of which, you said you could use magic. Wow. I'd love to see that."

"No, because it's dangerous to use magic..."

Yut first deposited the colo with Valtroude while he scolded his mother.

"Grow up."

"Cawwww, wawwww, hawwww"

"Oh, my God, I'm falling for it."

Valtrude has also touched dogs, but that's only the breed of dogs close to the hounds. I've never seen anything like a small dog. However, isolation and other moments blow away at the pomeranians who come into contact with each other in a way that makes them smile naturally.

It's the cutest combination in the world.

Yut was determined. Must take pictures.

The feeling was something that I shared with my mother.

Conscious of those two and one, he reaches for the bag of infinite storage.

What I took out of it was a flying carpet that I also used when going to Li Kutua. The carpet floating about a meter above the flooring is a sight that won't tighten, but my mother believed me.

"Yu was going somewhere like Arabian Night!

There's been some misunderstanding, but all of a sudden he rushes over and tries to ride, so he doesn't have time to correct it.

"It's dangerous, Mother."

My husband, who knows my wife's athletic abilities - which I'm glad she didn't inherit from her children, but instead similarly to her father's poor eyesight - rushes to support her little body.

"It's okay. Why don't you ride with me?

"... go ahead"

"No, let's stop it"

Obviously this can't even go in, the bag, the carpet floating without seeds or tricks, is enough to back up my son's story. I didn't totally believe everything, such as the part where you say it's been two years, but I can believe it and do it.

Besides, if you're not waiting around, you don't know when your wife will fall.

So I hit the lead.

"I can't go on talking. Get off."

"Ha ~ i"

"No, because I'll unload the carpet"

If he can't wait to be injured, Yut orders him to touch the flying carpet and slowly descend to the floor.

"Hey, I'm out of line, but it was fun"

"I found myself in a situation I couldn't speak of in common sense, brave man. I'm sorry if I had nothing to do with this, but I can't keep it hidden. Actually..."

"Yeah, I know. You mean Zhuyin, right?

"You know what?

Yut nodded silently.

Finally, we are approaching the core.

I'm thirsty for nervousness and reach for the glass, but there's only ice left.

"Yut, you want a drink?


I receive it from a lover of ice coffee who wasn't wearing it, swallowing black liquid that melted and slightly thinned the ice.

"Ugh...... Zhu Yan, like me, came over there - it's a world called the Brewers. He's with us."


"Well, Zhu Yan came over because of me, or it also leads to why I couldn't quite come back, oh, it's hard to explain"

"To Acorn, I take care of him, too. No particular sickness or injury... should be"

Finally, I couldn't be sure, because I don't know what happened after the metastasis.

Still, I found out about the girl who had been with her family for a long time and thought her daughter was alike, and Shinzo and Haruko were relieved.

The time when they're gone is falling apart, but it's like a serial disappearance. Her parents will be worried, too.

"I don't mind explaining it to my uncle and aunt at Zhuyin's. Or I was just going to say it from me, just prioritizing talking to my father and mother. But I don't want the police to know that we're safe. I know it's selfish, but..."

"Is that what you need?


Nodding to his father's confirmation, Yut continues.

"For one thing, this is irregular...... because I'm ready and I didn't come back intentionally. So I don't know when I'll be able to come back here with Zhu Yin."

"Yu-chan, the way you put it..."

"Dad, Mom, I'm sorry. I'm not gonna spend all this time over here. At least, over there - I'm gonna make the Brewers the hub of my life."

I said it, I finally said it.

That's what made me the happiest, I made up my mind. And yet, why does my heart shake?

"But I won't even leave you going all the time. I've never been able to come back because I didn't have the means to do so, but I've been looking for a way to get to and from you."

I guess it would be ideal if I could go and come back when I open my closet.

Adding that, Yut exhaled heavily. And steal the look out of my parents' faces.

My father, the same iron skin. Its sincerity is incalculable - rather than it just seems angry. My mother is surprised by the words of her son she never expected, her eyes and mouth rounded.

You're so unfaithful, Yut sighed. How unsolicited, I blamed myself.

Still, I'm not going to undo that word.

"You won't believe it, and they may think what your kids are saying, but they also work in that world. It's also my responsibility."

"... how many?


"Earlier, she would have said she was one of her fiancées. How many are there?


My father sighs and my mother makes her eyes shine.

Not that I want to be familiar with it, but Yut laughs bitterly at how it reacts.

"In the world you were in, is that, the act of having multiple wives, legally, ethically problematic?

"Ethically, it's not common, but it's not as much an act as pointing back fingers. Legally... I made the law to make sure it wasn't a problem."

"... right"

Tell me yourself. What a mess. If I were in the opposite position, I would definitely disagree. Or beat him up first.

"Is Zhu Yin among them?

"... yeah. The last one is a fellow traveler…"

Yut's words stop about how he should explain Arcia.

"He's important, too, isn't he?

"... definitely"

But I could nod to the question without hesitation.

Seeing a son like that, Seung-zo opens his mouth in a mood he can't even give up.

"What I disagree with is that it's easy. No, I guess I should, but I can't make my son an irresponsible man."


"I know what it's like to be a brave man. But he's also filed a search application with the police. Unless you and Mr. Zhuyin find each other, you're going to be wasting your time doing your job. There are plenty of people who worried about me. What are you gonna do about it?"

Without letting her know that she is using her belief independently, Asanzo asks her son what he thinks.

It's good for us to get ourselves annoyed. Because I'm a parent, naturally. Even if it bothers someone else, I want to be on your side as much as possible.

But not unconditionally.

It's not love, it's just spoil.

"I know that... ru, I'm going. Maybe you really don't know, but you annoyed me, I think I worried about you."

Reminds me of that massive email.

When I reunite with Akane, I remember being bewitched.

The beginning is like an accident. It was force majeure.

But I can only claim that until then.

Yut, I chose. Not to go home, but to live in the Brewers. So it's his own sin.

"If you know, I won't say any more. It's counterproductive."

"Right. When I thought I had to study, I felt bad when they told me to."

"Mother...... I don't know if you understand too much.

"You…. Parenting is hard."

"I feel it, too."

Perhaps the vector is different for sure.

"It's related to the story that I can't reveal that I'm back..."

The hardest word to say.

For his parents, Yut finally revealed what would be the most cruel fact.

"Actually, the way I came back is the problem, and I'm supposed to automatically go back over there."

"Interstella Walker, the One Who Shoots the Stars"

A theoretical spell that transcends dimensions, developed by Yut and supervised by the great sage Vainamarinen.

It will not only allow the transfer to different worlds known in the Brewers, but also to different universes, different laws and worlds with different gods.

And it also incorporates a rewind of powerful times, a subdivine spell (Immortality Spell) that automatically returns to the original world after a certain period of time has elapsed.

"I want you to think that it sucks that me and Valtrude can be here for a few days"

Of course, we're going to take measures, and sometimes they won't work in the first place...

Yes, the explanation I added, like an excuse, unfortunately, had not reached my parents' ears.

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