Level 99 First Territorial Management by Adventurers

4. A Holy Virgin's Different World Clothing and Living

"Mr. Valtrude, Mr. Valtrude. What do you think of this?

"No, you, mother of Yut. Didn't I tell you it was good with your clothes earlier?

"Oh no, for such other manners. Call me Mother."


From the Japanese-style room adjacent to the living room, a whisper is heard. Even just the two of us, maybe. He said it would be hot under thick armor, and if it wasn't cute, he was about to lift his clothes to Valtrude.

Naturally Fusuma is shut tight and all she hears is her voice.

Still, I could easily imagine what she was looking like.

My parents, who heard shocking and unrealistic stories from Yut, had been out of line for a while...... switched their minds immediately.

"You're not going anywhere right now, are you?

and the mother, who positively reinterpreted her son's words, took the future righteous daughter's hand forcefully to the costume tance.

My father, who was caged with the addition of extra words that there would be no problem because there were so many young clothes without merit, is stuck in his study and doing some work.

There was no way to interrupt that, and Yut was brushing his dog by laying his seat in the living room.

I've been back a long time. I had something I wanted to do in my room, and there's a lot left to be sure of.

But I couldn't abandon my dog, who followed me wherever I went. Well, I can still check the news while I was gone and gather information that might be useful over there.

Magic related confirmation is going to be an invisible night.

So it's brushing.

Dog breed named Pomeranian doesn't take much effort to look after, except for hair loss in the summer. If you don't brush it every day, you'll lose your hair there and you'll be in trouble.

That, then, is fully rewarded just by looking at the colo narrowing his eyes in a way that feels good.

If Larsia sees me, she's going to laugh at my fingers, but laugh if she laughs. But if they decided not to see it, it would suck... and I stopped my hand thinking about it, I wouldn't suffer, keep going. And he was urged to brush himself around.

Air-conditioned indoor. Fluorescent light. Flooring floor. Window glass about the same height. Beyond it was a line of potted plants of my mother's hobby.

Blowjob audio from the cable TV documentary channel is streaming from the TV I leave on.

It's all too much to say that the incense of civilization... but it's definitely comfortable anyway.

I wasn't so dissatisfied with my life at the Brewers either. I didn't, but I'm pretty sure I was devoting more resources than I would normally think to living on the same level as the planet.

Now I realize it was an insane life supported by magic equipment (magic items) and gold coins.

"also, because this is good already"

"Oh, no, there's more."

Shake off the stopping of Yut's mother - that is, she will be her mother-in-law in the future - and Valtrude opens her fuzz.

It was a beautiful girl who came out of the Japanese-room.

The lime green piece with short sleeves is hemp and looks cool. They fit black pants, but had a rather folded hem due to the length of their legs.

My hair also grows quite a bit, and the atmosphere is that I just said beautiful college girl who came to study in Japan. Of course, I don't have any experience stepping onto college campuses.

"You look great, sweetie"

If I realized, I would have uttered those words. Completely, unconsciously. It was a dialogue I could say because I had forgotten me, otherwise I would have been too ashamed to speak.

"Huh? Huh? Oh well..."

Turning right, look left, and finally Valtrude, who shifted his gaze to the ceiling, answers. Reaching for the hem pulls pointlessly, twisting around and keeping it from being seen from the front.

Haruko looked at such sons with her thin eyes grinning.

Yut believed, but just accepts and doesn't believe in all of the stories. I didn't say anything about the three fiancées because I wouldn't pull them off at what I said, but to be honest, I wonder.

But Yut came back for me. With her, she looks happy, she looks like she's having fun. So Haruko thought this was a good idea.

Now, my son is certainly here.

Would you be happier than that?

"Yu, I'll have to buy Mr. Valtrude's clothes later"

That as such - and my mother says pushing the sense of duty forward. I thought you just wanted to put it on or turn it into a doll...

"No way, my underwear..."

"Wouldn't you mind opening up that kind of delicate story!?"

"But if you take a beauty shop like this, we'll definitely be talking about it."

"That's right..."

I could calm down for now, but there are many problems.

Yut also wants to make some new clothes, but it will be harder for him to go out than Valtrude.

Anyway, it's been two years. Many clothes could no longer be worn. Now it's a ruffled outfit called denim on a T-shirt that was originally a large size.

An air of surprise, joy and convincing was created in his son's growth, but he avoided going deeper into each other.

"By the way, Yut. What are you..."

"Take care of me."

"Isn't it too sweet to do it? No way, I adored Jonah and Ren..."

"Why, that's where those two come out"

Unwillingly, Yut says back.

But the brushing hands remain intact, so it's as if they're unconvincing.

In the meantime, my mother inscribed in her memory the name of a new character named "Len" on "Jonah".

"'Cause when you stop your hand, you're prompted."

Valtrude and Haruko looked at each other, wondering if it was useless to do this. It's good that you two are getting along, but one unintelligible yuut right now.

"Well, a little early, but let's have lunch. I'm sorry, can you help me?

"Wow, I..."

"It's all right, I'll teach you right"

Hand over a spare apron, a motivated mother.

Valtrude only knows whether to cut and boil ingredients or bake, such as cooking. Exactly, I try to stop it from being reckless to knock her into the system kitchen of the twenty-first century like that...

"Yu-chan, don't come to the kitchen. Wash your hands properly later."

Light, they did.

If I have no choice, I mouth another request.

"By the way, Yu..."


"... nothing"

How about calling my good old son "Yu-chan"? The challenge of disputing it ended lightly in failure. My mother is strong.

"Yes, wash your hands first"

"What did Yut say about washing your hands? I'm not sure how effective it is..."

Especially since he built the school, Yut had made it thorough to clean it up. The city of Falve has plenty of water. I don't have a hand that I don't use.

Half-heartedness - rather than doing it because the Great Mage (Arch Mage) told me to, but it should work better.

Well, there was a time in Europe when doctors were supposedly not having to wash their hands because they were great. Not really, I can't tell you about anyone else.

"Wow, water came out of this pipe somehow. Magic?"

"There you are."

When I explain to each door the water stored in the tank on the roof...... etc, are you storing rainwater? They're going to ask, etc. Honestly, I don't know where to explain it.

Yes, while Yut was lost, he finished washing his hands.

"Let's make it a spaghetti with meat sauce for lunch today. Let's start with minced onions."

"If it's about slaughter, I'm confident"

Precisely, I can't do anything else, but Yut won't deserve to say anything because he can't even do it.

Under Haruko's guidance, cut and peel the heel, break it in half, and then try to mince it.

"Oh, you're good."

"No problem"

There's nothing like cutting the slab just fine, and Valtrude finishes a light mince. At the same time, the most cumbersome process will have been completed.

"Next, let's get the ground beef out of the fridge"

"What is this box? I'm cold. Is this magic, too?

"It's not magic. Science."

"Kagaku? Oh, you're just like Akane. Was Lord Halko a technomancer?"

"Techno? I don't play music."

Unmatched conversation. Some of its causes lie in Yut's making up, but it is also difficult to solve misunderstandings.

While I wonder if the combination of these two is a failure, Yut finishes brushing. He was ridiculously worried that he wouldn't follow me and then move to the washroom and try to take the faucet home.

"Well, I'll fry you in a frying pan."

"Stir fry? But Kamadu..."

"Kamado? There's a gas range, it's okay."

"Whoa, we're on fire. Without firewood."

"It's not the outdoors."

Valtrude apologized for his help when he then had a historic encounter with tomatoes and cans. All you have to do is boil the pasta, so it doesn't make sense to have you two.

Yut is sitting on the sofa in the living room watching TV without expecting to see it, whittling on his dog under his feet.

Next to him, the Knight of the Diocese (Paladin), who had removed the apron, sat down and said:

"This world is amazing. I didn't know ordinary people used magic equipment to live as normal. I don't know what kind of tease it is, but it's amazing anyway"

Valtrude admires it with a scarce vocabulary.

Apparently, the Heavenly Grasshoppers = Nobility theory had disappeared due to the absence of one of the servants, but other misunderstandings had occurred instead.

"It's not magic, it's a product of science, I told you.

"Hmm? So, it's magic equipment, isn't it?

"... well, that's fine"

Yut gave up explaining early.

Anyway, even when it comes to this TV, I'm not familiar with Yut's own principles.

"By the way, where does this magic thing reflect? Or is it something you can show on your own?

Channels remain documentary.

A foreigner gives an account of fighters during World War II.

There's people in the boards!

- The mistake seems to have been avoided, but in that dialogue, I realize that you misinterpret TV as Mirror of Fur From.

"No, this is the machine that captures the footage -- the recordings made with the magic equipment, they're being delivered to each house on the radio."

Hard to say accurate after simplification.

Besides, there's a problem with the recipient as well.

"What's a radio wave?

"Invisible waves in the air?

"Why does that tie the statue?

"... I wonder why"

Something was already a yuut that could be thrown by magic.

"It's time to boil it up, please clear the table"

"Yes, sir."

Fortunately for this, he moves to the dining table where the discussion took place earlier and carefully wipes it with a wet tissue. In anticipation of that, Haruko brought the three of us and a plate for one on the tray.

Spaghetti with red sauce, arranged on the table. Tomato incense tickles the nostrils and stimulates appetite.

"... for one thing, there seems to be just a plate of noodles?

"This is Colo's."

Pinch the short cut pasta and let it drip like a spider's yarn.

Then the colo stood up with only his hind legs and began to eat cleverly. A sight reminiscent of the bread eating competition.

"As always, you like noodles"

"Colo loves buckwheat, too."

family alike. No, to treat her more than that, Valtrude honestly remembered her surprise.

"Let's have it."

"... Lord Rhizo, okay?

Haruko waved when she accidentally pinched her doubts over the lunch landscape, which began without her parents, if she didn't mind laughing.

"It's okay. He doesn't like to be disturbed when he focuses on his work. All you have to do is boil it for one person later."


Valtrude rolls pasta with a fork, mimicking Yut, even though he feels something somewhat unintelligible.

"This is..."

The moment I took a sip, my detailed questions blew up. No, should I say it's been a small story?

"What do you say?


It's a terminal expression, but it has a strong sense of reality.

Keep it big and lucky to have a second bite in your mouth - I recall a word scattered from acorns that just delicious isn't helpful.

"The sweetness of the vegetables and the flavor of the meat blend into the sourness, and the flavor involved in the noodles is blissful."

"... you don't have to, okay?

Thus I flattened to the ice cream of dessert, and somehow began to relax mentally, with a look that seemed like something - that is, with the usual look - Heavenly Grass Requiem turned up.

"Do you want to eat your father too?


Think a little and then nod. Now at this moment, if they say they've made up their minds to wipe someone out, they're going to believe it.

"While I'm eating, the brave man has to look at this"

"What's this?

A bundle of A4 size paper I received while asking. Did you just print it, it's slightly warm.

"It's material to explain next door."

Seen, Yut's claims and common sense questions and objections. Against that, re-objections, etc., are listed. As an annex, there was even a set of hypothetical questions.

Moreover, it was not easily made with documentation software. Presentation software, good looking and easy to understand.

"Tell me if you have any factual misconceptions, corrections or suggestions"

"Oh, yes...... Sorry for the inconvenience…"

To too unexpected an action, that's all I could say.

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