Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 101 - Long Awaited Reunion - Part 1

The fallen angel was surprised to hear that.

It had taken an exceptionally huge amount of time in order to prepare the weapons and set them. On top of that many other quests that had happened were also difficult so abandoning them at the last moment seemed waste of all the efforts.

"But your majesty...", it seemed as if the fallen angel wanted to debate about it but the king didn't allow that.

He wasn't even ready to hear him and repeated himself, "Just do as I said!"

The fallen angel didn't argue anymore and left immediately in order to inform others about the task.

'Phew... that was really close...', the king sighed in relief.

His swearing had decreased a bit and the pain due to the punch that he suffered also decreased by a bit.

But still he could feel the pain that was inflicted to him due to the powerful punch.

'I literally didn't expect him to show up here...', his eyes were bulged out and his expression was till gloomy.

'That name... even if anyone wanted to forget, they couldn't... the one who defeated the Dark God... it was none other than the might Chronos...'

He kept on thinking about it for a while and the same thing lingeeed in his dream too when he dozzed off.



Rex appeared out of nowhere in his room due to his teleportation magic.

The moment after that he was welcomed with hugs from Bandis and Zor.

"Masterrrre!!!", they shouted and kept hugging him while their faces were covered with tears.

"Huh? What happened to both of you!?", he was shocked to see them in such a state.

He had just left for a few hours and they were already like this.

"Did something happen?", he asked again after seeing that both of them didn't answer and kept hugging him.

"Master, we really missed you!!!", said Zor.

'Missed me?', Rex couldn't relate it because not being Preston for a few hours won't essentially make them miss him.

"We thought that you left us and went far away... just like before!", was what Bandis said.

"Huh...?", Rex could finally understand the reason for their such behaviour.

He closed his eyes, calmed his mind and then said with a smile, "Haha, I won't be leaving you anytime soon... I just had some important business to take care of."

Both of them nodded their head as if they understood but their beast like hearts were still unrest.

They could still feel a weird sensation that was being generated from their hearts because of which the tears didn't stop for a while.

"Don't cry anymore... it's fine now right, I haven't left. It's already late light so let's just sleep...", Rex looked at the moon in order to know the time.

It was roughly 1 PM which was indeed quite late and this he said that after listening which both of them rubbed their eyes and went to the other bed and slept.

Rex too lied on the bed and slowly invited the sleep since he too had to take some rest.

'Now almost everything is solved... the fallen angels won't cause a trouble and neither will the Aquarians...', he thought before falling asleep.

'The only problem that lies now are the sub-territorial beings... or the ones that live beneath the land...', his mind was a bit unrest while thinking about them but they wouldn't be causing much trouble anytime soon.

That was why he slept peacefully and thought about thinking later on this matter.

'Good night... I guess tomorrow will be an awesome day...' immediately after this he slept while awaiting the next day.

Soon it was morning but Rex and all of them were still sleeping as they slept late.

Even if their eyes opened they would fall asleep because of tiredness.

But that didn't mean that they could be sleeping for the whole day. They had to eventually wake up and around 1 hour later, Rex woke up.


'Wow... my body...'

His body seemed to be in a bit of pain because of usage of teleportation magucbso frequenctly.

Also the attacks that he had received were also aching his body. Though he used the spell Heal, there were a bit more pain left.

Regardless of that, he got down from the bed and stretched his body a bit.

Then he immediately got freshened and moved down after waking Bandis and Zor who followed him in a while and all of them sat in a table where breakfast was served.

For some reason Rex knew what he was going to eat since he had already seen all these once.

They ate as soon as possible and finished everything and after paying, all three of them walked out of the Inn.

"Okay then Master... lets go and visit the palace!!!", Bandis and Zor seemed excited which was quite similar to what had happened previously.

All other things were same too just that they didn't pause like earlier nor did they see the sky.

In fact they didn't even get a chance since Rex had already asked to check the wheel of the carriage since earlier due to which they never got off of the carriage.

The wagon took them straight away towards the castle.

Rex could feel his heart beating faster as each and every second passed by.

His excitement of meeting his parents was increasing even more and he could hardly wait.

'Calm Down Rex... just a bit more!', was what he was thinking and saying to himself in his mind.

Bandis and Zor could see Rex's enthusiasm which was written all over his face and the nervousness had made his face a bit red too.

"We have almost arrived", said the coachman after taking a look at the place.

Rex had the habit of wearing a hood and a robe aleays whenever he would travel somewhere, he wore them yet again this time too but while sitting in the wagon his face was clearly seen.

The coachman who was driving could see the King Alexander and Queen Elina standing in front of the gate of the castle along with many guards.

The coachman got a bit tensed after looking that and asked, "Sir... the king and...the queen are..."

He couldn't even finish what he had to say. It seemed as if his words fumbled.

"Ah, mom and dad might be waiting to welcome me...", he said.

"Mom...? And dad...?", the coachman was confused when he heard that as he didn't know who he actually was.

"Ya... so don't worry about it and just drive until you reach them...", was what Rex said.

The coachman did feel reassured after hearing that but at the same time he was wondering what Rex meant by mom and dad.

He kept on thinking about it until he reached the area but still wasn't able to figure out what Rex meant.

But after he reached, he could clearly look at the king's and queen's expression.

For an instance they seemed somewhat angry upon seeing which the couchman thought that he would finally be dead today.

'Is this really the right place?', he asked himself.

The amount of nervousness he had was literally making him swear as if he was bathing in it.

He was barely able to look towards that place.

"We... we arrived...", he said slowly which Rex, Bandis and Zor were aware of the moment they felt the carriage stop.

"Master so should we...", Bandis asked to which Rex nodded his head.

Bandis immediately walked out after opening the door.

'Huh?' (Alex)

'Eh?' (Elina)

Both of them suddenly felt a strong energy from Bandis the moment they laid their eyes on him.

For some reason when they couldn't see him, they didn't feel anything but as soon as their eyes caught a glimpse of him, they felt as if a huge mana pool was standing in front of them.

Alex and Elina were both strong and could be called as one of the strongest experts in the entire continent who could be easily ranked in top 10, and that was precisely why they could feel it even when the presence was hidden.

Immediately after Bandis walked out, Zor got off the carriage.

The moment they laid eyes on him, they were even more shocked because he has almost twice or thrice the amount of power as that of Bandis.

'Do you think we can handle them if they were to attack?', Alex asked Elina using telepathy.

'I don't think so dear... the power they are emitting is by far means not ordinary and it cannot he confirmed that this is their maximum power...', was what she replied using telepathy too.

'Hmm, they indeed seem like experts...', Alex said.

Elina just nodded her head.

Even Narsus and Daryun who were present there could feel the energy as they weren't some weaklings either.

Daryun was holding a grudge even now since he sent aware of who he was as Narsus hadn't informed anyone yet.

Finally, the door opened wide and Rex got off the carriage slowly.

'Huh...!? Who is this...!?', Alex was surprised yet again but this time the reason for his surpriseness was different.

'Who is this man who doesn't have even a little bit of mana...?', he could barely feel any amount of mana from him which was quite shocking.

Even commoners would have at least an ounce of mana but this man whom he was looking at didn't have any of it.

Even Elina was shocked by it after she glanced at him but for some reason her heart was beating faster.

'Hmm, but the weirdest thing is that such a man is travelling among such powerful experts?', was what Alex thought.

But little did he know that Rex was using concealmeant that completely concealed his presence and power.


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