Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 100 - Enslaved The Fallen Angels

Rex corpulent believe his ears when he heard the sea king say a name with which Rex was attached to.

Also, the weapon that the sea king was showing was somewhat familiar to to him.

"P-Poppo!?", he exclaimed the moment he heard that name.

"Yes master! It's me!", it seemed as if the Sea King and Rex had some sort of relation.

Both of them weren't able to believe when they saw each other.

"You...", Rex was completely awed and had hardly any words to expressing this shock.

Never in his wildest dreams could he have imagined to meet him here.

"How have you been Poppo?", he asked.

The Seak king nodded his head and replied, "I have been well, thanks to you Master... because of your teachings I successfully became the king of the seas..."

The weapon that Rex had used many times and had ultimately gave to the sea king, helped him a lot.

"That's good...", Rex smiled after hearing his achievement.

But then soon the sea king started to cry yet again and started to apologise.

"Please forgive me Master...."

'Huh...? Why does everyone say to forgive them nowadays whenever I meet? Is that some sort of trend?', his mind wandered for a moment.

"W-what do you mean Poppo?", Rex asked because he wasn't sure as to what should he forgive this time.

"I used your own weapon against you which is no less than a treason but more than that I tried to attack you... I should be given death sentence!"

Rex was annoyed by hearing such things again and again. He didn't want to have such a relationship with his subordinates where even a single mistake would be rewarded with death.

"It's fine Poppo... you don't need to worry about that...", he was literally frustrated with all these acts.

He wanted an equal society but by looking at the behaviour of his own subordinates, he thought that such a dream would be impossible to be met.

But more than that he had many questions that he wanted to ask after looking at the Sea King who was actually in the sky kingdom.

"But what are you doing here Poppo?", he asked.

The Sea King was a bit hesitant to say but he couldn't possibly keep mum and not answer to Rex's question.

"Actually... Master...", he wasn't able to tell and was dragging it as much as he could.

"Tell me Poppo... what were you doing here?", Rex somehow had an idea since he was earlier told by Teris that the Aquarians, the fallen angels and the ones from deeper part of the earth had formed a pact in order to destroy the humans.

He actually wanted to hear that from The Sea King's mouth and that was why he was asking.

But he was unable to bring himself to tell and was averting his eyes after seeing which Rex decided to tell.

"You have formed a pact with the fallen angels to attack and erase humans right?", he asked.

Poppo was shocked and immediately stared at Rex with surprise. He was literally stunned to hear what Rex said and was wondering as how he came to know about it.

He immediately lowered his gazes and didn't even oppose what Rex said which confirmed him that what he told was exactly the truth.



For a brief moment there was complete silence in the hall but then soon Rex started speaking again.

"Is this what you learnt from me?", Rex asked with disappointment as he was really hurt knowing that someone so close to him actually went down the wrong path.

"But master I did what I felt was right at the moment.", he tried to justify himself.

Rex was already sad after hearing this matter and now he saw the sea king trying to make excuses.

However that didn't mean that he wouldn't hear him out. He couldn't just conclude everything without hearing the second party's reasoning since all cannot he similar and not everyone's thought process is same.

"Oh? Can you elaborate your reasoning...!?", Rex asked.

Poppo nodded his head and said, "Master, you taught me many things as how to live peacefully with no matter whom you encounter..."

Rex was nodding his head and listening peacefully even though Poppo was staring something else.

"I grew alongside you with that belief but then soon you vanished and all of us who were together dispersed too..."

This was something Rex hadn't heard about. It was indeed weird that all of them had literally went in their own ways when he had taught them that unity brings strength.

But right now he didn't question and just heard what he had to say.

"So I too went to sea and started cultivating in order to get stronger..."

"Hmm...", Rex was hearing keenly.

"But a long time passed since I was cultivating and I didn't even notice what had happened... but somehow my body had grown and I was way too strong..."

Rex smiled from inside on knowing that but he kept his composure and hard gesture while listening the rest of it.

"I soon returned to my kingdom since now I was able to travel acceosss the barriers freely and I found the contest going on in order to choose a king... initially I hesitated but after looking at the citizens who were suffering, I decided to help them.", he narrated all these while picturing every incident accurately.

"Then I somehow ended up winning and became the king and since then I have been ruling... its already been more than 500 years..."

Suddenly he paused saying as if he was taking a deep breath.

Rex too waiting patiently in order to hear the actual reason.

"But then soon, humans started hunting us... they sold us either as slaves or killed us brutally...", he seemed quite sad when he told that.

Rex's eyes bulged when he heard that because it was something unforgivable in his eyes.

"And I tried negotiating with them many times but all they would do was attack again and break the agreements, so there was no other choice than doing this... did I commit a sin master?", he asked pitifully.

A king's responsibility is to look after his citizens, that's what Rex had taught him which he was literally doing.

He wasn't doing it because of greediness it Revenge, it was just in order to protect his own kin.

Rex regretted saying all those things to him and then said, "No, whatever you Did was right..."

Poppo immeditely lifted his gazes and looked at Rex with a smile when suddenly Rex said, "But..."

"But...?", Poppo didn't know that there was something else too.

"It was the cruel humans who did that to you... it wasn't humanity...", he smiled and said this.

Poppo understood what Rex meant and finally concluded that he indeed was doing something wrong.

"Oh no... I...", he realised it and has no words to comment.

Rex didn't want to punish him or do anything else since he hadn't done anything yet so Rex just walked towards him and said, "Its fine Poppo, don't worry much now... you haven't done anything yet anyway."

He nodded his head and stood up as per Rex's command.

Then Rex said, "You just go back now and relax... I'll build a safe place for you all."

Poppo was now devoid of any worries since Rex had arrived.

He was now without any tension and could relax for a while after a long time now and thus he decided to return too after hearing Rex say that.

"But tell me... how did you realise that I was Chronos?", he asked.

"Well master... since the moment I saw you, u could sense some weird similarity to your old self. I was a bit doubtful so I tried to attack but when you used the volcanic punch, I was confirmed that it indeed was you...", he said this calmly.

"Oh... so that's how you recognised me!? Haha", Rex laughed.

"But master how did you end up in the form?", Poppo was intrigued.

"Oh well, it's a long story but in short you can say that I Reincarnated...", it wasn't entirely the truth but it wasn't completely lie either.


"Anyway... how will you go back to the kingdom?", Rex asked.

"Eh? Master, did you forget that you had also taught us about teleportation magic?", Poppo laughed a bit.

"Oh ya...", Rex recalled that he had taught all his companions as how to use the teleportation magic.

"Okay Master... I'll take my leave but will you visit me soon?", he asked because he wanted to show Rex his great nation.

"Ya sure... oh ya my name now is Rex and not Chronos...", that was the last thing Rex said hearing after which Poppo vanished immediately while using teleportation.


'That was fun...', he thought.

The fallen angel king who was previously unconscious had regained his consciousness and wanted to attack Rex immediately when suddenly he heard what he told.

He then immediately got up and started bootlicking Rex.

"Master...!!! I'm so sorry! I swear that I won't eye the humans again!", he said this in a loud voice.

Rex couldn't possibly believe what he was saying but he thought of a plan and immediately implemented it.

"Okay, here then...", he immediately engraved the royal crest of the Suoll family on him and since he was the king, the crest appeared on all the fallen angels who now essentially became his slave.

"Now I believe you...", Rex smiled.

The fallen angel king didn't show any act of disappointment since he was glad enough that he was alive.

"Okay then, I have some pending works... I will visit you later but beware, if you use the cannons to attack anyone right now your heads will be chopped off!", he actually warned the angel who just nodded his head after hearing that.

Immediately after that Rex vanished after using teleportation.

'Lub dub lub dub'

His heart was beating faster until the moment Rex left after which he finally calmed down.

"Huff huff... I survived somehow...", was what he said whole sighinh in relief.

Just as he was managing to catch up to his breath, someone suddenly knocked the door.

He was surprised for a moment but then he said, "Yes, come in!"

Immediately after hearing that one of the fallen angels who was responsible for the fire arms and cannons rushed in.

"Your majesty, all the things have been prepared. We are awaiting your orders.", he said.

The fallen king was sweating a lot since he knew about the crests whereas others were ignorant about it.

"Listen to me...", he said in a low voice.

"Yes your majesty?"

"Remove the Weapons from their positions and keep them in the store room... we won't be using them for now!", he said this loudly.




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