Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 99 - Meeting With Poppo

Both Zor and Bandis were shocked due to the disappearance of Rex since he had never done such a thing before.

But when they looked back at the past, he had indeed gone for such a long time as if it had been forever. They were worried if he had diem the same this time too.

"What if Master...", Zor has negative thoughts in his mind since he didn't want to get separated from Rex again.

This time he wanted to be with him even more and help him a lot. Bandis also has the same thought.

It hadn't been much long since they met Rex but it had indeed been a long time after which they had reunited with him.

So they were a bit afraid but then again their worry eased soon when they could still feel Rex's presence.

The last time Rex had vanished, his presence had been completely erased and that was because he indeed deleted his character from the game.

Now that Rex hadn't actually vanished from the world itself, his presence could be still felt.

"Wait for some time Zor... Master is still here...", Bandis tried to console Zor when his own heart was unrest.

"But where did he go?", he didn't know so he asked.

Even though he could feel the connection, it was too weak because of which they couldn't even trace Rex's location.

Bandis too shook his head because he too wasn't able to locate Rex's place.

"Whereever he went, he might have gone for an important work!", was what Rex said.

"Then... then why didn't he take me with him?", Zor asked.

"Ya... even if he didn't take you... why didn't he take me?", he said this loudly.

"Huh?", Zor stares at Bandis in a weird manner.

"I... I meant that he didn't take both of us... haha..."

Both of them worried again but they knew that their worry won't solve anything. That was why both of them just sat down and started to mediate in order to calm their mind.

This was taught to them originally by Rex itself. And this they started doing that.


'Phew... I arrived without any problem...', he thought while standing behind one of the pillars of the castle that was present in the main island.

He could see many guards on duty but that didn't matter to him.

He somehow escaped their observation and evaded all their gazes and arrived the main chamber where the king of the fallen angels rested.

He thought about knocking the door but it seemed like a bad idea since some other guards were on their way to guard the door.

He just pushed the door a bit and then entered the room almost instantly while hiding from everyone.

Inside it was quite dark since it was night time and there was no lamp or any other fire source that could emit light.

Rex found no other option other than using his eyes with the help of which he activated a vision which was quite similar to that of night vision mode which enabled him to see in the dark.

'Huh...? There is no one here!?', he thought.

There was no trace of the king in the Room and neither Any other thing seemed to be found.

'Ya... tomorrowbthey are planning to attack so he might be either preparing the strategy or might be checking the weapons...', after thinking this he immediately rushed towards the door in order to leave but he could sense that two guards were standing there.

'Tsk... now how do I...', there wasn't any other way to enter the room or leave the room so Rex was a bit tensed.

'Why don't I teleport...?', was what he decided after thinking for a bit and then immediately vanished from the location and appeared in front of the king who was actually playing a game that was similar to chess.

The game was played between the king of the Sky kingdom who was a fallen angel whom Rex had slain easily earlier and a series being who had a weird Tri-headed spear like weapon.

Both of them got alerted the moment they saw Rex standing just in front of them when both of them turned their heads to one direction.

The King Of the fallen angels immediately sharper his claws in his hand and emitted q huge killing intent while asking, "Who are you?"

It was the same for the other being who was flashing a three pronged spear which was somewhat looking like a trident.

It was a bit dark because of which Rex wasn't able to identify, but as soon as he came forward, Rex could easily see that he was the king of Aquarians - The Sea King!

He was literally standing on an island on the sky. Rex looked towards his lower parts in order to check if he really was the sea king and confirmed that he indeed was.

Though he had legs, using his eyes Rex found out that he actually had fins!

'Fuck, this is bad... I haven't opened even a single seal and in this state I'm as good as dead if I face. Other of them...'

"WHO ARE YOU!?", both of them asked in unison to Rex but he didn't answer them.

On seeing that both of them marched towards him in order to attack him but he was successful in evading their attacks.

'I can't even unlock a single seal if I don't focus...'

He actually was required to concentrate a lot while keeping his mind a bit calm but that wasn't possible when both of them were attacking.

The king of the fallen angels was taking the lead and initiating the attack while rushing towards Rex himself with his claws.

The Sea King was firing thunder with his weapon while staying a bit behind.

"Damn...", Rex was barely dodging their attacks.

He had already gained a few scratches on his body because of the thunder and the claws of the fallen angels but they weren't any fatal wound.

Rex healed almost instantly by using healing spell which angered and intrigued both of them at the same time.

"You human... tell me, how did you get here!", the fallen angel asked.

Rex took in a deep breath and said, "You think you are worthy enough to know that!?"

Both of them got agitated when they heard this and started attacking crazily at a high rate.

'Time for me to use the 'FORSAN' arts!'

It was something which he had learnt from one of the 13 masters. It was a high level of martial arts technique that would allow him to increase his physical strength two times of his original one.

Not only that, his senses would be 4 times sharper and more than that, his mana recovery rate would increase by twofold.

The fallen angel who seemed to be quite fast initially was now appearing to come in slow motion since his vision was sharped which was receiving messages quite fast.

He was now easily able to dodge all the attacks. Even the thunder that was striking the areas near Rex were now not even nearing him.

It was as if he was using the fallen angel as shield due to which the Sea King wasn't able to spot him as his vision was being blocked.

"I've had ENOUGH!", Rex was already tired of these childish games that he as playing.

He inhaled a large gush of air after which his blood circulation increased.

Then he gathered mana in his right hand and aimed to punch the fallen angel.

"VOLCANIC PUNCH!!!", he shouted and punched the fallen angel king in his abdomen.


It was one of his favourite moves when he played in games which he used right now.

It entirely shakes the internals of the fallen angels king who almost lost his consciousness due to the explosive power the attack had.

The Sea King was completely shocked when he saw the attack. The shock was so great that the weapon that he was holding fell down from his hands.

'TAN' *sound of the weapon falling on the floor*

His eyes had bulged out and his mouth was left opened when he saw the move which Rex used.

His glances didn't even move an inch from Rex. He was too surprised to even think anything.

Rex after making the fallen angel king lose his consciousness, he then looked towards the sea king as if he wanted to hit him too.

He walked towards him with haste in order to smack him when suddenly the sea king fell on his knees.

"Huh...? What are you...", Rex was confused after looking at what the sea king was doing.

His eyes were filled with tears which were flowing down and covered his entire face.

"Hey... what's wrong?", Rex asked since he wasn't sure to what was going on when suddenly he heard a scream from the sea king.



"Huh...? What the... who...?", Rex was shocked when he heard that.

"I missed you a lot Master!!!! Welcome back!", the sea king completely bowed in front of Rex.

Rex, who wasn't able to understand the situation since earlier was getting even more confused.

The Sea King's words were also not complete but for some reason he was feeling a weird familiarity.

"Uhh... Who are you again?", Rex asked since he couldn't recall.

The Sea King slowly raised his heads and smiled.

"Master... it's me...", the sea king flashed the Trident that had fallen in the ground.

"I am Poppo!"



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