Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 113 - The Cursed Story - Part 1: The Aftermath I

Rex who went to find the map found himself in confusion.

He looked at the map that was provided by the shopkeeper but there was no specific details about the so called Zhuqui Forest in the map.

'It's no where to be found.... is it in some other continent?', was what Rex thought while flying in the air after looking at the map.

It was a forest about which many people had forgotten after all no one would just remember a forest where there is practically nothing.

But the actual matter was that, they were forced to forget about the place.

It some curse that was the key about the mystery of the forest. The women, the beasts and the entire forest was literally under a curse due to which literally no humans knew about it.

They were made to forget it but it seemed that during the time of mating, some humans were automatically attracted towards the forest and that was how the women would find them.

More than that, the women too couldn't exit the place for some reason. It was like an endless puzzle to them. Even if they constantly ran towards on side, they would eventually reach the point from where they had initially started.

Rex was no exception, he too couldn't remember such a forest if he had visited before but the fact was that he never visited the forest in this life.

But he had roamed practically the entire land in his previous life while he was playing game and so obviously he would have visited the place, but since he wasn't able to recall the name, he thought that it might have been in some other continent altogether.

"Sigh... what a blunder...", he sighed with annoyance.

'Zhuqui... Zhuqui...', he kept thinking and since his plan A about looking for the place using a map failed, he decided to go with plan B which was actually a lot more easier than plan A.

'Let me ask Bandis...', that was obviously quite an easy job which he could have used telepathy to ask.

"Bandis... can you hear me?", he asked.

Bandis who was lying in the bed as if he was relaxing for a while suddenly heard Rex and flinched.

"Ma-Master!?", he asked using telepathy.

"Ya, it's me...", Rex said.

"Yes master, is something wrong?", Bandis was worried a bit about Rex right now because he could feel that he was quite faraway.

"Yes, I need your help...", Rex said this with a low voice.

"What happened Master!!!? Are you alright?", he shouted loudly and Zor who was lying down too heard this.

"What happened to master!?", Zor asked immediately after getting up and sitting on the bed.

"Argh, nothing happened... just listen to me first!", Rex said.

"....", Bandis looked towards Zor and shook his head.

It was as if he wanted to deny that nothing happened but at the same time he was listening to what Rex had to say.

"Yes master?", Bandis asked.

"Well, I wanted to know where this certain place was.", Rex thought that it would be best to ask Bandis.

Bandis and Zor, both were left behind and had survived for quite long after Chronos had disappeared so it was a good idea to ask them since they might have the idea about the various places.

He had to ask them because he didn't have any knowledge about the place. Even the knowledge provided by the 13 masters didn't tell anything about such a place.

But it wasn't their fault in the first place because they were also humans once upon a time and due to that they were also inflicted by curse.

Even after they turned into spirits or souls, they couldn't possibly detect such a small change in their knowledge and thus treated that place as if it really didn't exist.

Rex could have asked Zor instead of Bandis but the thing was that Zor had been sleeping for a long time in his true huge body and thus he might have not known about many recent changes.

However Bandis who was constantly out might have known about it and thus Rex thought that it was best to ask him during this time.

"Yes master, about which place?", Bandis asked.

He was already shocked that Rex needed some help in the first place and on top of that it was about the location of some place.

He by no means underestimate Rex but the thing was that he was quite happy since he could he of some help in this matter.

"Some place... called Zhuqui...", was what Rex said.

"Oh Zhu... Huh? What? ZHUQUI!!?", Bandis screamed again.

Zor who was about to ask what had actually happens suddenly flinched at the shout.

The maids and guards who were outside thought that something might have happened and therefore rushed immediately.

But Bandis and Zor explained that it was nothing due to which they left almost immediately.

Basically he was indeed using telepathy but since the distanve was far, both of them were actually speaking which was audible.

Right now Zor was staring at Bandis because he heard the word 'Zhuqui'. It was the same for Bandis too who was surprised after hearing the word due to which he shouted.

'What's with the shout? Is it something that strange?', Rex thought.

"I know about that place but Master May I know why you are asking that?", Bandis asked.

"Well I'm planning to visit the place...", Eex said this with a smile on his face which wasn't visible to Bandis but could be felt.

It seemed like he was happy that Bandis knew about the place.

But the reaction was quite the opposite when Bandis heard that.

"You... you want to visit the Zhuqui Forest!?", Bandis said with a shocked expression.

Zor too became dense when he heard that.

"Yes, tell me where it is!", Rex asked.

"...", but Bandis hesitated. He wasn't ready to say about that place because they knew about the curse that surrounded the place.

"Master, I can tell you where it is but it will be better if you don't go there...", was what Bandis said.

"Huh?", Rex was confused the moment he heard that.

'What's with him now? Why is he stopping me from going there?', was what he thought.

"Why is that Bandis? Why can't I go there?",Rex asked.

"Master... it's because of the curse...", was what he said.

"Curse!?", Rex was surprised to hear that.

He thought that Bandis would also say about the so called demon about which the monkey like beast told a while ago but it seemed like it was something else altogether.

"Yes master, it's a curse that has the potency to even affect you just because you are a human...", was what Bandis said.

"...", Rex was completely mum after he heard that.

It was quite unbelievable that some curse could affect him and that because he was of the human race.

"Can you tell me what this curse is about!?", Rex asked Bandis.

"Yes, Master... But actually it's a story and a bit long...", was what Bandis said.

'Teleport...', Rex all of a sudden appeared in the room where Bandis and Zor were sitting.

Both of them flinched when they saw Rex appear out of nowhere but they immediately settled as this was no new thing for them.

"Ya, I have a lot of time... tell me the story...", was what Rex said.

"Are you sure Master?", Bandis was reluctant to even tell the story.

"Why are you hesitating?", Rex asked.

He wasn't able to understand about what Bandis was so worried about as telling a story wouldn't be a crime or would actually kill someone.

"Master it's because... it's a story that might hurt you...", was what he said.

"Huh?", Rex completely failed to understand what he meant by that.

Something that could actually hurt Rex and that was lying in the story, but what was the story about? No one other than Bandis and Zor in the room knew now.

Rex was confused as to what was there inside the story that could literally hurt him in such a way that was making Bandis hurt.

"It's fine, tell me...", Rex replied with a soft tone.

Bandis for a moment looked towards Zor who nodded his head because they couldn't possibly hide something from Rex for too long.

"Okay master... so the story is...", Bandis was going to narrate the story and Rex was eagerly waiting to hear it.

For a while he thought that it could have been someold story about some ancient beings but little did he know that it was not that old.

Long ago, after the Great War in which millions of beasts died and millions of great warriors were slain, the entire continent was in a state of shock.

The war against the greatest Evil of the world, the God of Destruction, NEMESIS, was brought to an end by a hero whom they remember even today and that was none other than Chronos.



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