Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 114 - The Cursed Story - Part 2: The Aftermath II

Long ago, after the Great War in which millions of beasts died and millions of great warriors were slain, the entire continent was in a state of shock.

The war against the greatest Evil of the world, the God of Destruction, NEMESIS, was brought to an end by a hero whom they remember even today and that was none other than Chronos.

And all of the believers of the evil also remembered that name which was practically engraved to their souls so that they couldn't cause any more troubles.

But no one saw Chronos after that Great War. It was as if his 12 Great comrades or companions also vanished.

No one knew what had actually happened but it was confirmed that it was due to them that everything was saved from the hands of destruction.

Everyone started to live peacefully but little did they know that Nemesis was not dead, in fact he was just sealed.

The seal was so strong that Nemesis was as good as dead and probably that was why everyone said that the great evil died but that wasn't possible since Nemesis had ate the fruit of immortality suebto which no matter how many times he would be slain, he would live again.

It was as if he would rise from the shadows again. But thait would practically take too long.

Therefore, there won't be calamity till then, but due to the eradication of this threat, other minute threats resurfaced.

The lesser evil crimes and beings started to dinmany things and it was during that time the females were cursed by one of the Lesser Evil Gods.

They were cursed to remain in the forest where no one (human) could enter or exit of their free will. And probably

It caused a huge chaos because many females had disappeared as a consequence.

The curse was given because they didn't want any more heros to be born and thus females were an easy target.

The curse did succeed but since they were lesser Gods, they could only confine a few women and it didn't have much impact in the other working of the kingdoms and people.

"And that's why Master, I don't want you to go there because..", was what Bandis saying but suddenly Rex spoke in between.

"Because I won't be able to exit the place?", Rex asked.

"Yes master...", Bandis lowered his voice.

He didn't want Rex to get into any troubles and it was the same to Zor too.

Both of them were a bit worried and sad at the same time.

"Pfftt, hahaha!", but Rex started laughing all of a sudden.

It seemed funny to him for some reason.

"Hahaha!", he kept laughing and Bandis and Zor kept watching him.

They weren't able to understand the reason for his laughter so they had no choice but to ask, "Is something wrong Master?"

Rex shook his head and kept laughing for a while. Bandis and Zor thought that it was best until Rex calmed down.

"Master...?", Bandis asked again after looking at Rex wiping a bit of tears that had formed due to the laughter from his eyes after calming down.

"Yes Bandis?", Rex asked.

"Why did you laugh? Did I say something funny?", Bandis asked politely as he wasn't aware yet.

"Yes Bandis, if it wasn't funny then what else could it be!?", Rex said while controlling his laughter.

"I don't understand Master...", Bandis said.

Both he and Zor stared at Rex intensely while expecting an explanation.

"Well, you are literally scared of the puny curse given by the lesser evil god! That is the funny thing!", was what Rex said.

"Eh?", Bandis and Zor somewhat understood this time but were still confused.

"I, who defeated the God of destruction, one of the strongest evil Gods, would be running away from the curse of a lesser evil god... if that's not funny then what is?", Rex asked while smiling.

He somehow sounded arrogant and was kind of overconfident too. But whatever he said wasn't wrong.

He himself was Chronos who had defeated one of the strongest evil Gods so he wouldn't be affected by small things at all and that was why when he heard Bandis and Zor make a big deal out of nothing, he started to laugh.

"...", Bandis and Zor stared at each other for a while while thinking something.

"Ya, also you said that I would be hurt by this... where am I hurt? What was there in the story that would make me hurt?", he asked.

He was both physically and mentally fine. Even his soul was normal so he couldn't understand as to why Bandis has mentioned that he would be hurt earlier.

"Well master, I haven't told you the part that would hurt you till now...", was what Bandis said.

"Ah? Then tell me! What can it be?", he asked.

"...", he paused for a while as if he was preparing himself to tell that.

"Come on! Tell!", he asked again.

"Master, do you remember miss Alisha?", Bandis asked.

"Alisha?", Rex was confused.

The name somewhat sounded familiar but he had no idea whose name it was.

"No... I don't remember... who is she?", he asked.

"...", Bandis paused again and stared st Zor again.

Zor just nodded his head as if he wanted Bandis to tell everything without hesitation.

"Master, don't you remember the girl who used to travel with you?", he asked.

"Huh...?", he was still confused and wanted to ask in detail when suddenly a picture flashed in his mind.

The image was of a girl who was young, around 11-12 years old.

She had deep black eyes with pale white smooth skin. She was a young girl who was filled with a lot of talents who was shy at times and quite bold when faced with difficulties.

"A-Alisha!? You mean that kid?", Rex asked immediately.

"Yes master... ", Bandis agreed while nodding his head.

"What about her?", Rex immediately abandoned the jokeing mood that he had became quite serious after hearing that.

"She... she was also trapped in the forest...", was what Bandis said after mustering all of his strength.

"Huh?", Rex was shocked when he heard that.

He couldn't believe at what he heard right now and thus asked Bandis to repeat again.

"Can you... say that again?", he asked.

"She was also trapped in the forest master, we went to save her but the moment we wanted to exit, she vanished again! It was indeed a curse!", Bandis sighed.

There were tears yet again in Rex's eyes but this time it wasn't due to some laughter due to joke, it was because of genuine sadness.

It literally hurt him because the girl was quite close to him and she aspired only one thing due to which she even ran away from her own home.

"I want to visit all the places in the world!", that was her dream.

She didn't wanted to be confined in one place and instead she wanted to go wherever she wanted as she wanted to be free.

He considered her very close to himself despite her being an NPC at that time.

"Hmm... now I most definitely go there...", he said.

Bandis and Zor Who were trying their best in order to stop Rex ultimately gave up because they knew that once Rex had decided something no one could stop him.

Also, they too thought that their worries might have been futile because Rex was indeed superior and wouldn't be affected by the curses or so.

However their worries seemed genuine when they recalled the fact that Rex didn't have all of the strength of that time.

Obviously it was sealed which they weren't aware of and probably that was why the worrying started in the first place.

"Alright Master, let us accompany you...", was what Bandis and Zor said at the same time.

"No, I'll be going alone!", Rex denied it outrightly and directly on their faces.

"Uhh... But Master...", Bandis was trying to say something but Rex was not ready to hear in the first place.

"Nope! No buts!", while saying this he teleported.

"Wait Master!", Bandis shouted but even before Rex could hear that he had already disappeared.

"Master... I didn't even tell you where to go and you...", just as he was cussing, Rex returned.

"Haha... where... where is the place exactly can you say?", Rex asked while smiling awkwardly.

"Yes master, that was why I was asking to go with you...", was what Bandis said.

"Huh? Can't you just draw a map and give it to me? Why go?", Rex asked.




It was completely quiet for a while. Bandis was averting his gazes and so was Zor.

"Come on! Give me a map already!", Rex asked again.

"I'm sorry master but... a map cannot he given because the place has been lost since long...", was what Bandis said.

"Huh?", Rex stared at Bandis awkwardly.

"Master, do you remember the place Limuis?", Bandis asked.

"Limuis?", Rex tried to recall but he failed to do so.

"Yes master, that place is renamed now as Zhuqui Forest. That's the place where we onve went for something called pic nic...", was what Bandis said.

"Ha?", Rex could vaguely even remember what that place was.

It seemed like he really did forget about that place but the fun they had was still in his memories. Just that the area was completely white or blank.

"Is... is this curse too?", he asked.

"Yes master so even if I give you a map, you will forget it immediately after glancing in it so...", Bandis was indirectly asking Rex to take them along and after hearing them Rex too had no reason to deny them from coming.

"Very well then, let's go!"



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