Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 115 - Entered The Forest!

Rex was finally convinced that it would be better if all of them were to go.

Though Zor didn't have much role to play, Rex couldn't possibly leave him behind.

All of them had teleported to a place that was right in front of the forest.

It seemed like Bandis initiated the teleportation and he was the one who lead the way by deciding the destination.

"So... this is the entrance of forest if Zhuqui?", Rex asked while smiling.

"Yes master...", Bandis replies humbly while being anxious.

He was staring at the entrance intensely and could clearly feel an ominous energy surrounding the entire forest.

"A forest that no human can remember...", Rex smiled after thinking that and then immediately started walking towards the entrance.

"Let's go!", he said after hearing which Bandis and Zor too followed him right away.

All three of them entered the forest and could suddenly feel the intense amount of evil energy which was indeed like that of a curse.

Rex turned back in order to confirm if the curse was affecting him too and when he did, it indeed turned out that he too was affected by the curse.

He wasn't able to see the entrance from which he entered the forest right now but that wasn't the case with Bandis and Zor.

They could clearly see the area from where they came and just by asking them he found that out.

After comparing this he concluded that he indeed was affected by the curse.

"Sigh, I can believe it... do I really need to unlock the seals in order to maintain my normal state?", he asked himself.

Bandis and Zor didn't understand what he said so they stayed mum as it wasn't directed towards them.

'Na, it's better if I unseal the seals sometime later...', after thinking this he started to walk forward without saying anything else.

Bandis and Zor just quietly followed him again.

He kept walking and so did they. They were looking here and there in order to check the forest at the same time since it was too quiet which was quite unusual!

'Can't even use mana sense here?', Rex asked himself in his mind.

He wasn't able to sense anything because his mana sense was blocked which he used to keep active always just after the incident in which he used time travel.

'It might be because if the sense Evil energy...', that was what he concluded.

For mana sense to be active, the mana should be spread evenly in an area or at the very least it should be present.

But it seemed like there was little to no mana in the place and probably that was why he wasn't able to feel the mana in the air either.

"Conserve your mana...", he said this to Bandis and Zor.

They didn't understand the reason as why he said that but they didn't question either as they're knew the decision making capacity of Rex.

They just believe him and did as they were told. They withdrew most of the excess mana that was being freely liberated out of their body.

"Bandis, from west!", Rex said.

Bandis immediately understood what Rex meant and fired a fire ball towards his west.

He didn't require any specific directions as how much to the west because he knew that if the angel was a bit off, then Rex himself would ask that.

But since Rex didn't say anything other than west, then that meant exactly towards his west and thus he had launched an attack which hit a blue coloured serpent that was coming towards Bandis.

It was basically trying to attack him but failed to do so since Rex noticed it earlier.

"Zor, activate your sense of hearing...", Rex said.

Zor closed his eyes and then concentrated. A moment after that his ears somewhat glew and immediately after that his hearing senses has enhanced like that of his original body.

He could now clearly hear many other snake like beasts coming from the other side.

"Zor... dragon's roar!", that was all Rex said.

Just by hearing that Zor got hyped up and shouted at the top of his voice.


The voice was so loud that all the snakes that had appeared retreated immediately just by feeling the immense pressure.

Tha large snakes that had appeared also retreated.

'Tree snakes...? Understandable...'

The place was quite warm and normal area which was actually safe from birds or other predators.

That was why there were so many of them here. Because there were too many trees, there were more tree snakes when compared to others.

"Bandis... west again...", Rex said immediately after which Bandis reinforced himself and stood facing the west.

Suddenly a bear appeared which seemed quite huge. It seemed enraged probably because it's sleep hot disturbed due to Zor's roar.

It used it's claws to kill Bandis but even before it could know what was happening, his head ended up flying.

"Zor, Bandis... relax!", that's all that Rex said.

After hearing that Bandis undid his reinforcement and Zor too came back to his normal human like body state.

All this while Rex was doing nothing other than giving command and he was just walking with his arms folded and put together near his chest.

Bandis and Zor on the other hand were smiling and were for some reason excited.

'How long... how long had it been since Master had used us like this?', was what Bandis thought.

'This was exactly what I was waiting for.... I feel so refreshed...', Zor also said it to himself in his mind.

Both of them looked at Rex's back and followed him while being less cautious because they knew that there was someone far stronger than them who was easily able to sense all the incoming danger.

How was that possible? How was he able to sense all the dangers when he couldn't even use mana sense?

The answer was quite simple, even though the mana couldn't be felt due to which he couldn't feel the surrounding due to mana sense, he was able to use the energy.

Since the entire forest was covered with ominous energy, he was able to use it to his advantage and sense everything that was happening in the forest.

But his range was not that far because he want using the entire of his strength, but it was relatively good.

He could sense everything and anything within the radius of 500 metres but the forest was too vast and thus there was a long road ahead.

So he has to be careful all the way along but while walking only one question was in his mind, "Whom should I be saving?"

He kept on wondering about that because he didn't have a clear picture about it. Also, he didn't know where he would find this specific children that were mentioned.

That was why he had no other choice but to think that it would be best to roam the entire forest.

"Listen both of you...", he turned back and looked at Bandis and Zor.

"Yes master?", both of them answered in unison.

"There will be a lot of dangers ahead so I don't want you both to end up getting hurt...", was what Rex said.

"Yes master.", both of them nodded their head in unison.

Rex was not someone who would care about what Beast would pop up or not but right now when he was in his weak state, it was necessary to take precautions.

Though as he walked further, his memory was getting better and he was able to recall the picnic spot.

It was probably because of looking at the familiar surroundings which was unfamiliar at the same moment as a lot of time had passed by.

"Well, I don't sense anything around here... let's keep moving forward...", was what Rex said 5 hours later.

They had been walking for a whole of 5 hours and it was already evening by them.

The forest was so vast that it would take more than 3-4 days to explore it if it were to include 3 people, and thus 5 hours was nothing compared to it.


Rex was walking slowly forward when suddenly he heard Zor call.

"What happened Zor?", he looked back only to find Zor shocked.

Bandis also looked towards Zor and asked, "What happened? Why are you shocked?"

Zor gulped some dry saliva and said, "Foot prints! Human foot prints!!!"

Zor practically raises his voice and said on hearing which Rex couldn't contain his aweness and rushed immediately towards him.

"Where!?", he asked.

He was also puzzled and shocked because there wouldn't be any human foot prints here mostly as all tried to stay away from this place but by chance if anyone would have entered, then there might be some traces left.

Zor indicates the plain road like place that was created in the east side of the way they were walking.

"Huh? That's weird...", Rex took a look at the place which was actually properly paved.

A road like Path was formed for an easy passage on which the foot prints were left.

"These foot prints lists definitely belong to human...", but that was not that surprised Rex.

What surprised him was that the foot prints or foot marks were quite fresh. It was as if some humans had recently passed through the area.

'Men...? Or women?', he was confused because the size was a bit weird.

Usually women feet are considered to be a bit smaller when compared to men and they usually have a small curve. For men the curve was a bit less.

That was how it could be easily identified but right now all the marks were a bit weird.

"Master...?", both Bandis and Zor stared at Rex.

"Oh well, we cant possibly admire them the whole day... let's follow them..."

The marks were confusing ahead so they decided to follow them.

"Yes master..."

After saying that all 3 of them started walking along the foot marks.



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