Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 12 - A New Dawn And New....Slaves?

Now this was rather surprising...the Shilar Tribe, which never surrendered to anyone, was willing to serve Rex...

The King Of Shilar Tribe: Dear men, I am called Khan...Khan Shilar....and what I told you a while ago is indeed true. We really want to serve the master who lies in the Royal Tent. I really hope that we successfully become his servants...

Daryun: Wai...wait! What...what is your reasoning for wanting to serve Young Master..? You must have a reason...I won't believe you if you were to say that the Shilar Tribe chooses it's new Master on a whim and lottery system!

Khan: Of Course not! We won't be saying some useless piece of crap like that! We do have a reason for submitting ourselves but...but... I am sorry we can't tell you that....We will tell this directly to the Master if he asks us.....

Daryun: No! You need to tell us first only then will we ever let you near Young Master!

Khan: Bu...But...

The Queen of Shilar Tribe(Khan's Wife): It's fine, I guess we should tell them. I can understand their concern...so it's better if we explain them first....

Khan:....Very Well. O dear citizens of Kingdom of Rhone, hear our reason for submitting to thy Prince, there was an Oracle, a message from the God we serve, and this were his exact words which would be uttered by this unworthy mouth of mine and those words said,"My dear children heed my call, I am unworthy of being served by you, instead of serving me, go and serve Him, he who will be passing by the Forest nearby and resting there in a small Royal tent, it is He who will be thy Master and only he should be truly served by anyone...everyone in this world, he will bring prosperity to your tribe and your tribe will flourish, do not ask me of any question nor do disrespect Him, if you do then no power in this world will become your Master ever and you will be destined to be doomed..."...this is our reason...

Whoever heard what the King told was left speechless! Some very shocked, very few confused while other doubting the Oracle....

Daryun: I...I think you have made a mista...

Khan: No, we this is not a mistake nor a misunderstanding....Whatever was told in the Oracle has always been true....But our rule says we can't submit to anyone else without a battle or struggling.....so we had to do that forced battle now....

Everyone were in a state of deep thought when suddenly Steve comes running, wanting to tell something...

Steve: Cap..Captain, First Prince is awake and might come out of the tent any moment by now!!

Everyone in the Shilar Tribe, after hearing the Oracle, were quite eager to meet their new Master whom even their God couldn't match in worthiness...

Rex yawns and checks if Julia is uncomfortable anywhere while sleeping...and after doing so he slowly stands up, stretches his body a little and then slowly walks out of the tent.

It is Dawn now, and the Sunrise looked really beautiful but what looked much more beautiful, stunning and outstanding was Rex himself....He stood in a position which was exactly overlapping the view of the Sun...And due to this his Red hairs and Crimson Red eyes looked as if they were shinning like jewels that were bestowed by the Heaven...He looked like an Absolute Ruler and a perfect Monarch...This was possible even inside the forest because earlier Steve had raised the level of the land....Rex slowly walks down and his body looking black probably because his back was towards the Sun....but still he looked elegant.....

After seeing this, everyone bowed to him without even realizing. It didn't matter to them whether the Oracle was true or false and it didn't matter that their new Master was but a child...They just bowed to him as if some unknown and unseen force was pulling them down...forcing them to kneel but they were not in a slightest bit of pain nor did they do out of fear...it was just an indescribable feeling....!

Even Daryun and Steve who considered their Young Prince to be a kid, were also influenced by this sight and were quite baffled...

This was a new Dawn and Rex had gained new... SLAVES...


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