Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 13 - Your God......Can I Meet Him...?

Rex was quite surprised by seeing them bowing in front of him....He had lots of questions in his mind which he wanted to ask....But the site of battlefield....by seeing it.....he couldn't bring himself to say a single word....

Rex: This....This is....

Daryun: We are sorry young Master, this sight....it couldn't be avoided since we had a .....battle....

{There were no deaths but heavy casualties on the Royal Soldiers' side...arms,legs and other bones being fracture....many bleeding continuously...But on the other hand.... 250 members of the Shilar Tribe died, 180 were gravely injured and 540 were almost disabled due to the loss of arm or leg or both...}

Rex was surprised on seeing this but more than that he was angry but he calmed himself quite quickly because he had a long experiences of calming himself since there was a 89 year old man inside him! He calmly asks the ones who were kneeling and bowing to him to rise up and then asks Daryun to first take care of the injured and clear this sight as quickly as possible before Julia wakes up.

By hearing this calm, collective and amazing decision making, everyone were in awe and were thinking if Rex was really only 5 years old.

After tending the wounds of the wounded ones which took roughly around 1-2 hours, everyone gathered in a certain place near the camp where Rex was sitting...It was he who summoned them all....and wanted an explanation for all this that had happened...

Daryun started explaining the situation....which was continued by Steve and the Shilar Tribe people and then finally the King of the Tribe added "This all had happened because of our God...He is the one who told us to serve you...Mast....er.... and thanks to that we were able to meet you!!"

Rex was lost deep in thinking about what the King of Shilar Tribe told....

Rex: Khan....is that what you called yourself?

Khan: (suddenly kneels) Ye....Yes Your Highness!

Rex: Hmmmmmmm....I have now briefly understood the situation....You want to serve me,is that right?

Khan: Yes...Yes Master...if you allow us we are even willing to give up and sacrifice our lives for you whenever you want, you just have to give the orders, we have already accepted you as our Master...And we request you to accept us as your slaves....we will never betray you and will always remain faithful to you.....and will serve you until death separates us.....You can use us as your pawns too but I request you to please accept us Master....

Rex: {Again lost in deep thought and after thinking for a while he replies} Fine, I accept.

Khan: Wha... Rea....Really...!!

Rex: Yes, but I have a condition.

Khan: Con...Condition..?

Rex: Yes...Your God....Can I meet Him...?


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