Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 122 - Conquered: The First Kingdom

Rex waited for a while for Alia to gather all the remaining women who were confined in their rooms right now.

He was just looking at everyone mourn. He then took a look at Kisara who was a bit sad but it seemed like she had resolved herself to live and not just suicide and give up on life.

"Sigh... how bothersome...", Rex was worried about what to do about them right now because the same incident that happened today could happen anytime soon again.

That was why he wanted to help them be prepared as much as he could so that they could reduce the casualties.

Also, he wanted to help them out and make them educate because without any proper education they were able to invent and make many things, if they were to gain knowledge, their kingdom would literally flourish.

It was nothing but a self satisfaction for which he wanted to do that.

He waited for 5-10 minutes after which all the women gathered in the area.

Their was a small raised platform on which Rex stood and looked at everyone.

Their clothes were not that good and were a bit like barbarians but he could t possibly scold them for that because you couldn't possibly get a well made of tailored clothes here in a forest.

So whatever they made was splendid despite the unrefined things.

He looked here and there and found that 2-3 women were still walking towards them so Rex decided to wait for a bit more.

He then called out to Kisara who was standing among them.

She came forward and climbed the raised platform. He wanted to tell her many things beforehand but it seemed like she was preoccupied with herself and with others too.

That was why he didn't say anything to her before and now too he didn't want to tell or discuss with her on spot.

He had called her for some other reason which she wasn't aware about.

"Listen my dear sisters..."

The moment he said that all of them looked towards him. It was indeed quite kind and polite of him to call them sisters instead of females or women or something else.

"I want to inform you that your Madam, Kisara, wanted to commit suicide...", he said.

He then checked their expressions but found a bit of ambiguity.

He could seen them discuss among themselves as if they didn't understand something so he said, "If you have any doubts raise your hands and ask me..."

Instead of just discussing randomly and not arriving in some conclusion, it was better to ask Rex directly and he provided that privilege too while most of them were hesitant.

"Huh? No one?"

They were discussing intensely just a while ago but right now no one was ready to raise their hands and ask him anything.

Either they feared him or they didn't want to spoil their image in front of him. Whatever it maybe, Rex was a bit disappointed and he was about to tell that when he noticed someone raised her hand.

"Yes you! The girl in the back!", he pointed his finger towards a girl who was a bit short and was standing at the end of the first line.

Everyone looked towards the direction in which Rex pointed only to find a young girl who was around 10-12 years old raising her hand.

She flinched the moment she saw everyone looking towards her. It was indeed starve if someone would suddenly start looking at you.

And probably that was why no one was ready to raise their hands earlier.

"Everyone, stop turning back!", Rex said it clearly immediately after hearing which they turned their heads to the front.

"Yes, please ask...", Rex said.

Rex waited for a while but the girl didn't ask anything. He then looked towards her and said again, "Don't he afraid! Speak!"

But once again there was no response. He was confused by seeing that because the girl who was bold enough to raise her hand in order to ask something suddenly got discouraged just as everyone stared at her.

'Hmm... this is a serious problem...', Rex thought.

No matter what happened, he wanted to eradicate this problem because if this were to continue then many talents would remain hidden just because either they would be shy or they would be nervous.

'Alright then... if this way doesn't works...', Rex immediately thought of a plan to first ask what doubt the girl had.

'Hello, can you hear me now!?', Rex asked.

"Eh!?", the girl suddenly screamed in hearing which others turned their gazes back towards her.

"I said no turning back!"

After hearing that they turned their gazes to the front again and stood calmly without discussing anything with others.

'Alright, just don't scream....', Rex said.

"...", the girl was confused about the voice which she was hearing out of nowhere.

The voice did seem familiar which was exactly as that if Rex, but she could see that he wasn't moving his lips or saying anything.

She looked at others actions and reactions and just by observing that she concluded that they too weren't able to hear, so it was only her who could hear it.

"Don't worry, it's me... only you can hear me...", he said.

Rex was basically using telepathy with the help of which he could directly ask the question in her mind.

That way she doesn't have to worry about what others would think because they wouldn't be able to hear in the first place and thus it was the best possible solution right now.

"Now tell me, what doubt did you have?", Rex asked with telepathy.

She too tried to say without opening her light and was successful.

'Actually, I don't know what 'Suicide' means...', he said this in her mind.

"Huh? That's it?"

Now Rex understood her doubt and he also understood the reason for them not giving the reaction which he was expecting.

Even Kisara wasn't able to understand so obviously a young girl wouldn't be able to understand what that meant.

"Argh, I'm sorry, let me explain properly...", he said.

Now he started to speak with his mouth and without using telepathy and everyone could hear it.

"Suicide means - Trying to kill yourself..."


"Do you get it now?", he asked.

For a moment there was complete silence but then all of a sudden a loud scream was heard.

"Whaaaaatttt!!!?", they were completely surprised after hearing that and probably that was the reaction which he was expecting since earlier.

Even Kisara herself now understood.

"Eh? Why did you...", she was about to ask him the reason for telling that but even before she could complete what she was saying, a loads of questions popped up from everyone.


"What made you think about That?"

"Did you imagine what would have happened to us if you left us!?"

"Are you unwell or..."

She could hear their questions clearly and their voices were so loud that even the earth felt as if it would start tremouring.

Rex was smiling after looking at their reactions and he was enjoying the situation in which Kisara was.

She was trying to deny or answer their questions but then suddenly she heard a voice in her head.

"Do you now understand how much they love you? How much they respect you?"


It was without a doubt Rex's voice who used telepathy on her.

She lowered her gazes and looked towards them only to realise that she was going to commit a grave mistake and it was thanks to Rex that this was prevented.

"You are the one deserved to be their leader...", he said.

She suddenly stared at him and smiled a bit whole tears fell form her eyes.

But what she told next was something even Rex hadn't expected.

He was thinking that she would just nod her head and answer with an Yes, but instead she said the opposite!

"No... I think there is someone else who would be better suited to them than me...", was what she said.

Everyone paused when they heard this because she wasn't just thinking that, she was verbally saying it.

"Huh?", Rex eyes widened as he was confused because his plans would rarely go wrong.

And this was one of the cases which made him puzzled and baffled just by hearing her answer.

"Listen dear sisters... don't you think there is someone who is better suited to be your leader than me?", she asked.

All of them stared at each other and were confused about what she was saying.

Even Rex was waiting for an answer as he too was t aware of what she was trying to tell.

"Who Madam...?", they asked in unison.

"Well, it's none other than him... Master!", she turned towards Rex and said this.

"Nani!!!?" (TL in the end)

He was completely shocked when he heard that. He literally coughed just by hearing her answer.

"Uhh... I don't think I'm fit to be.... also they won't agree anyway!", was what he said while looking at Kisara.

But All of the women who were present looked towards Rex and agreed in unison.

"Haaa!!!?", he was shocked yet again after hearing them answer like that.

'Are they robots or what? They are just saying yes as if they were programmed!!!', Rex thought.

Basically Rex's trick just reversed. He wanted Kisara to regain her confidence and once again become their leader but quite the opposite happened and instead it was concluded that he would become their leader.

Suddenly they all dispersed after Kisara blinked her eyes and didn't even give a chance for Rex to reject. It was as if all of this was a set up.

Even Kisara disappeared and the only person that was left was Alia who was standing down and smiling.

"How...? Why? When...?", Rex was completely made a fool of right now.

"Sigh,,, whatever! Let's hope for the best!", he said and climbed down the raised platform.

And this was the start of Rex's journey as a conqueror where he basically conquered his very first kingdom and that too without any war.

Even though it was too small, it was still a kingdom so ultimately Rex had finally started to pave his way towards the bright future.

But no one knew if everything would be so simple as this time because nothing could be expected. Time changes and everyday is a new challenge so no one would know what would happen the next instant.

Regardless, it can always be hoped for best and Rex as if now would only aim for the best of his own, his family and everyone without giving a chance for destruction!

And he would be finally on the track to regain his old name!

To be continued...

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