Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 123 - The Gathering

Now Rex, Kisara and a few more women had gathered in a house which was supposedly called the 'Discussion Chamber'.

They would often discuss important topics in this very room and many more things would be told.

All the announcements or events which they would be arranging or any changes that had to be brought was discussed and decided here itself.

It was like a sacred place or them and in this very sacred place and intense discussion was going on.

Rex had no way other than accepting them under him. He revealed about himself and the kingdom and asked them to be part of it which they readily obeyed.

But the only thing that they had in their minds was the curse which was put upon them.

"Curse? I don't find any more left over curse...", Rex was saying as if it was some food.

"Eh?", all of them stared at each other and wondered about it for a moment.

They were indeed feeling a bit better and the little amount of pressure that was always being put on them had also disappeared so they indeed thought that the curse had disappeared.

'You were the one who did that right?', Rex looked at his right hand where the Holy Crest was imprinted.

Also it hadn't gained the authority to speak freely, it seemed like it was more than enough to sense and work on its own and on the will of Rex.

"Anyway,.. let me explain you how it will be working from now on once you be a part of the kingdom...", Rex said.

They all prepared themselves to listen to him keenly.

Rex too started saying them everything in a detailed manner so that they wouldn't miss out something.

He didn't want to just ask them to be part of the kingdom, he wanted to help them and also seemed help and proper cooperation from their sides too.

The Zhuqui Forest in which their tiny kingdom was located wasn't much far from Rhone and those it wouldn't be that difficult to extend the boundaries of Rhone to this place.

In fact, it was regarded as one of the danger places in the map due to which no one ever dared to think about those.

In reality, the existence of the Zhuqui Forest was almost forgotten by everyone too because of which it wasn't included in the map either.

They just knew that the place was dangerous and thus marked it as the land of Gods or demons where no human could live but that wasn't correct and now soon that land would be under the jurisdiction of Rhone.

Rex had already made huge contributions. He had already established relationships and had taken the Shilar tribe under him which included more than thousands of people.

He had also made a pact with the Elven kingdom and thus the power of the kingdom of Rhone just kept on growing and it seemed limitless right now.

But very few to no one knew about the growing powers of Rhone. Most of them were indeed interested in the kingdom and thus kept close eyes on the internal matters of the kingdom, but they never tried to investigate what happened in the external fields.

Now yet again after explaining everything all agreed happily to join and submit entirely to the kingdom of Rhone.

They had no idea as to how the kingdom would be but they had complete faith in Rex and thus trusted him a lot after the successful oracle.

They also asked forgiveness to Goddess Diana and their anscestors as right now they had offended both of them.

They thought that they were guilty but Rex said something after hearing which they thought that they made the right decision.

'The rules and regulations and beliefs... they are just an aspect of life. They are used to prolong the life! If it is necessary to break the rules to help sustain your life, then by no means is it wrong!'

On hearing that they believed that what they did was right but Rex didn't want them to make this braking rule as an habit and always state the same reason that they did it for their survival.

He didn't even want them to take it negatively or take it too reluctantly because of which he said something else which became like golden lines to them.

'Living or surviving is not the only goal in life. Evolving and making your surroundings Evolve is what that would essentially make you a part of the nature!'

They heard all his saying and had them quoted too. They were without a doubt illiterate so all they did was memories the qoutings.

They did have language, but they didn't know how to use characters or write them.

Rex was readily able to understand them thanks to the help of the skills which he had which were passive. His broken or hidden system which wasn't responding to him right now probably had activated the kill at least that was what he thought.

But little did he know that it was the crest's doing. It was neither the Holy Angelic Crest nor was it the demon God's Crest, it was the red dragons crest which enabled him to speak their tongue.

It seemed like the red dragons crest had been proactive since the auction and ever since then, Rex was able to feel a slight wave of its emotions.

He had also felt it acting strangely recently but he didn't pry much into it because he was quite preoccupied with the things lately.

Now the only thing which he had was explain them everything which finished in a matter of 1-2 hours after which he promised them various things that they would enjoy once they become part of Rhone.

He told about the way of marriage and the arts and literature and many more things.

All of them after understanding it just nodded their heads as they were ready from the start to follow Rex.

"Alright... now let's adjourn...", immediately after saying this he stood up and walked out.

The women didn't understand what 'Adjourn' mean but after looking at him walk out, they understood that it meant to end the meeting.

But they still had something else to discuss among themselves as they had to transport many things and think about others too.

They also wanted to gift Rex for saving them and many more things because of which they stayed behind.


Rex felt drowsy after constantly letting his brain work. Since he was a president of his company earlier, he knew how all the things worked and this managed it properly.

But it had been quite long since he used such knowledge and thus his brain was almost out for now.

He wanted to go back to home and rest as soon as possible when suddenly he found Bandis walking towards him with his head lowered.

"Bandis?", Rex asked suddenly when he looked at him.

"What happened? Is something wrong?", Rex asked.

"Master... well..,", Bandis didn't know how he would say that he failed what Rex had asked him to do.

Though Rex didn't mind hearing that, he just wanted to know the reason for him being upset.

"Come on, tell me Bandis, what's wrong?", he asked again.

"Master... please forgive me, I failed the mission...", Bandis said.

"Failed?", Rex was shocked to hear that from Bandis.

"How can this be? Was he too powerful?", Rex asked.

He was surprised because Bandis was stronger than before and without a doubt he would be able to easily handle him.

Just in case if anything unexpected were to happen, he had asked him to use his transformation.

But by no means he thought that the enemy would be stronger than Bandis.

'Did my calculation go wrong?', he asked himself in his mind.

He was thinking deeply when suddenly Bandis said, "No Master, Actually..."

Bandis explained everything that had happened. He told from the start to the end and about the stone too which the foe had.

"Ah? Swap stone?", Rex wondered because that was the first time he had heard something like that after so many years.

"Yes master...", Bandis said with his head lowered.

"Interesting... someone uses swap stone even now?", Rex smirked.

Just by hearing that he smiled a bit as if it was amusing.

It was basically him who developed the skill Teleportation after understanding the logic behind swap stone.

The principle behind teleportation was somewhat similar to swap stone which he didn't want to reveal to anyone.

"Yes... that was why I...", Bandis was quite regretful for failing the mission but Rex didn't say much to him.

He just said, "It's fine, next time try not to fail..."

Bandis nodded his head and stood up again.

'Looks like something interesting is going to happen...', he thought.



"Arghhh!!! Someone put off this fire!!!", the same person who had escaped from Bandis shouted because the attack hit him in his back and his cloak caught a bit of the fire.

"Come on!!! What are you waiting for!!!? Help me in extinguishing it!!!", he shouted yet again when all of a sudden a large amount of water fell on him due to which he was drenched now.

"Uhhh... that was too unexpected...", he had a mixture of awkward and surprised expression on his face.

"How the heck did you get caught in a fire? And where are the others?"

"Why is it only you who has returned?", all of them started to ask many questions.

There were many, around 50-100, who were emitting great auras.

It seemed as if all of them were masters and for reason unknown they had gathered here.

"Well actually what happened was..."


To be continued...

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