Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 138 - Returned To The Land Of Fairies - Part 1

"And that was how we escaped and arrived here..."


"But the gargoyles started to follow us because of which we couldn't run away from here...", Lina said.

"...", Rex heard everything about what she told.

All the fairies who were scared since earlier, were jow a bit comfortable because Rex's expression was now quite normal.

In fact it was as if he had an expression of their well wisher because of which they didn't feel the same terror from him that they were feeling a while ago.

Bandis too who was scared earlier after taking a look at the anger of Rex, was now calmly observing Rex.

'Master... I didn't know that he would react in such a way...', he thought.

"Sigh... all these gargoyles messed up with you all and you didn't even call me?", he asked.

"Eh...? Call...? Call you?", Lina asked.

She was confused to what he was saying and Rex himself wondered as to why he said that.

'Oh ya... she isn't Laasya...', he recalled.

Laasya or Laasyarovia Rus Farantia was the strongest fairy queen of all time.

She was someone who travelled with Rex when she was young.

He used to call her Laasya or Lazy Lass for fun because he likes teasing her a lot and probably had developed a close relationship with her.

And when he heard all the things that had happened to the fairy land where he had seen Lazy Lass for the last time, he could hardly contain his anger and because of the same anger he kills the gargoyles right away and scared the heck out of Bandis and the fairies.

"Ah, nothing, don't mind me...", Rex said with a smile.

He looked towards the door which was still opened.

'No other Gargoyle has come, I guess they think that these four were more than enough to catch them...', he wondered.

He then stood up and then stretched his body a bit.

After that he looked towards them and said, "Come, let's go back..."

"Eh?", the fairies failed to understand what Rex meant by that.

"Where? Where will we go?", they asked.

"Ah? You don't want to return to your land?", Rex asked.

"Of course we want!!!", they all said with a raised voice in unison.

"Then why are you hesitating me for? Come with me...", he said.

"But... the Land is...", all of them lowered their head because they failed to accept what had happened.

"Sigh, I will help you in...", he was about to tell that he was going to help them when all of a sudden it felt as if all his strength was snatched away.

"What just...", he took a look at his left hand which was shaking vigourously.

"This...", the entire leg rhand has already turned black.

It was most definitely not because of the black emblem that was on his left hand.

In fact it was basically because of the poison which still resided in his body which he noticed and realized right away.

"Tsk... how bothersome...", he said.

Then he looked at the fairies and said, "Wait for a while... I'll come in an hour or so..."

Immediately after saying that he walked away while raising his right hand which caused the door to shut which was opened all this while.

"Bandis... take care of them...", he said.

"Yes master...", he bowed and obeyed what Rex said.

'Looks like the poison is still troubling Master...'


'I hope he will able to conquer it...', he thought and then sighed.

Then he took a look at the fairies and said, "Don't worry, as long as I'm here, no one can harm you..."

Though it wasn't hard to believe, the fairies hesitated because he wasn't of their kinds and it was normal for someone to show distrust towards others after experiencing something like this.

"Haha, don't worry, nothing will happen to you...", Bandis said.

"There is hardly anyone in this world who can defeat me...", he said with a smirk.

The fairies looked at him with a weird expression and it seemed as if all their thoughts were clearly seen on their faces.

'What a boaster!', that was the thought that was clearly been felt on their faces.

Bandis felt that so he said, "Hehe, but let me tell you, there is absolutely no one who can defeat Master Rex!"

"...", the fairies didn't argue with that.

Though they didn't know how strong Rex actually was, they somehow knew that he was no punk and if Bandis, who killed the advanced Gargoyle as if he was nothing, was his servant, then without a doubt he would be extremely strong.

All of them just kept quiet for now and sat there.

Some of the fairies had severe pain in their back since their wings were cut.

Though it didn't hurt much as earlier, the pain was still existent.

Also, their bodies were also hurting since they had to run a lot as they were no longer the fairies who could fly and such a sudden change without a doubt left a large amount of fatigue in them.

They were panting too though not as much as earlier, it was still present.

Bandis just watched over them while failing to do anything for them since he was not an expert in the medical field as contrast to what Zor had said to Alex and Elina.

All he could do right now was just wait for Rex to finish mastering the poison state. Till then he just did as he was told to do by Rex which was regarding guarding the fairies.

'Just a bit more...', Rex continuously said this in his mind.

He was able to feel the immense power that was getting accumulated inside him, but unfortunately he wasn't able to do anything else.

The power was just getting withdrawn each and every moment and thus he was trying his best to reach that state.

Of course, If all the seals were broken, and he had his infinity status, it would be just a piece of cake for him, but in the past life, he had done it without the cheat of the infinite status and thus wanted to do it yet again.

Soon 45-50 minutes passed and there was no sign of Rex getting up.

The fairies were getting impatient because they never knew if the gargoyles would appear from somewhere else using the same Portal and that was why they were tensed.

But for some reason, Lina was quite calm.

Of course, she has her wings intact and her body want fatingued much.

Though she had been tired because of casting the barrier, it was almost immediately took care off and the tiredness vanished.

But she should have some worries about being hunted or something else.

However she didn't show any such signs. The only thing that was seen in her expression was a small smile while looking at Rex.

It could have been defined as trust or faith or any other thing, but it seemed as if the presence of Rex was reassuring her.

'Come on... just converge...', Rex said to himself in his mind as it seemed like he had almost reached the final part of the Cultivation.


All of a sudden a greenish-black aura which was comparable to a mist, appeared around him and covered him completely.

Moreover, a green flash of light was seen which was so bright that it could blind anyone.

Thus all the fairies and Bandis had to forcibly shut their eyes and just feel the intense energy that was being generated there.


They didn't open their eyes for a while and kept them shut when all of a sudden a voice was heard.

"Haha, what are you doing Bandis?"

The moment Bandis heard this, he opened his eyes right away in order to take a look and found Rex standing right in front of him.

The light had already ceased to emit and the only thing that could be felt was the massive energy which Rex concealed right away.

The fairies too opened their eyes when they heard his voice and for some reason they had a smile on their faces.

"Haha, so, did you all get bored?", Rex asked.

All the fairies shook their head and responded to what he asked.

It seemed as if Rex was trying to lift the mood and to that all the fairies were responding except Lina.

She was just standing there and watching Rex while having a flustered expression on her face.

For a moment it felt as if the time had paused or rather it was passing slowly.




"Eh?", all of a sudden she came to her senses from the imaginary world.

"Where did you thoughts wander to? Haha, I called you more than 5 times already.", Rex asked jovially.

"N-nowhere...", her face was a bit red for reason unknown.

"Hmm...?", Rex failed to understand her that expression.

He just asked, "Are you ready to leave?"

"Eh? Where...?"

"Haha, did you forget already? We had to go back to the Fairy Land!", Rex said.

"Oh... ya...", she just nodded her head and her expression turned gloomy again.

"Okay, come lets go...", he said.

"Eh? But I need to summon..."

She was thinking the reason why Rex was guiding her because she has the power to open the door to the fairy land which resides in her crown.

She was just about to take them off and then open the door, when all of a sudden she found the Wonder Gate to get opened right in front of her just when Rex said just one word, "Open..."



"Yes? Did you ask something...?", Rex asked.

"No...", Lina shook her head and entered the get right away and so did everyone.


To be continued...

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