Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 139 - Returned To The Land Of Fairies - Part 2

All of them successfully passed through the wonder gate and entered the land of fairies.

Rex thought about walking after everyone had walked inside and thus he was the last one to come.

All the fairies entered the area while they were shivering with fear.

Bandis was right in front of them as a vanguard in order to deal with the sudden attacks or surprise attacks if any.

All of them walked out and so did Rex, but the moment Rex kept his right foot on the Land, a weird form of energy or sonic wave was generated which travelled throughout the land.

"Huh...! That was...", the giant gargoyle looked towards the edge of the city of the fairy land because he felt the wave.

'Was it my imagination...?', he asked himself and then turned his head back.

'Eh...? That was...', the fairy queen whose only soul remained now also felt the vast presence.

Since she was already an angelic form and a soul at that, she couldn't have been mistaken because of which she rushed towards the end of the city in order to confirm what that was.

The moment she arrived near the edge, she could see a few fairies returning from the gate.

'Eh? Aren't those the fairies who had run away earlier...?'


Shebhad a terrifying gaze on her face and wanted to kill all the humans because she thought that they even chased them back from the other side.

But then again when she took a careful look, she found her own daughter, Lina among them.

'L-Lina?', she was surprised to see her return back.

She realized that only she had the power to create another wonder gate that would open somewhere else since it was only her crown which she was wearing had such amount of power.

Furthermore, it seemed like she wasn't in a hurry and seemed a bit composed.

It was not only Lina, the other fairies too had a bit better expression when compared to earlier where they were completely panicked.

It seemed like they had someone backing them, someone who might have been a lot powerful, yet they didn't trust completely. That's how it seeemd to the fairy queen.

'Wha-', she was about to ask herself if something was wrong with the fairies when suddenly he gazes landed upon Bandis.

'Wha... what is a Demi-Morgan doing here?', she asked herself.

Demi-Morgan or demon like beasts are the terms used for those advanced beasts who have acquired quite a higher level.

Their strengths can no longer be compared to normal monsters and that was why fairies had given them a special name called Demi-Morgan!

When she took a look at Bandis, she could almost immediately see though his disguise.

It was as if she had some special eyes that allowed her to see through him and identify him as a demi-Morgan instead of a human.

Though that wasn't much of a surprising thing for her because she was already a soul and nothing can actually be hidden from the soul because that is considered to be the purest form of energy.

But there is something which even souls fail to see, and that is the Gods or the power of Gods.

Furthermore, is someone was higher than them, they couldn't see through them either.

That was what happened when she turned her glances towards Rex.

She couldn't see through him but what she thought that she had already known about him.

'What is a human doing here? And a weakling at that...', was what she concluded right away after looking at Rex.

Little did she know that Rex's concealment could even hide things from souls.

Moreover she seemed a bit angry. She already didn't like the humans from the start and that was why she hates the fact that a human entered their territory.

'What is Lina thinking?', was what she thought and was a big anrgy at her.

She further looked at all of them and was about to look at what they were doing when all of a sudden, she made eye contacts with Rex.

'Huh...? Wait... did he just...'

Her eyes widened the moment this happened.

'Did he just look at me and smile...?', she asked herself.

That was highly impossible because she was a soul and a normal mortal like Rex shouldn't have been able to see her.

Because of that she was completely confused right now.

'Was... was it a coincidence that he looked this way...?', she asked herself.

'Even if it was... then why did he smile...?', she wasn't able to figure out the situation.

Though she didn't pry anymore for the time being and continue to observe them walk towards the large dark mist that was right in front of them.

The fairies were hesitating a bit to enter it because it seemed quite dangerous for them.

It was something that didn't even allow the Holy light to shine which meant that it was formed by either evil or dark energy of the purest form.

Without a doubt it would be toxic and would be quite harmful. Just a small inhalation or event eh diffusion via the skin could cause the death of anyone.

All of them were concerned about that and so was the fairy queen.

She quickly flew towards them while warning by shouting, "Its poisonous!!! You will die!!! Don't enter!!!"

But as usual, no one could hear her.

'No... I need to do something... or else they will... Lina will...'

She couldn't just afford her daughter to die right in front of her and because of that she was thinking hard to do something when all of a sudden she heard Res shout, "Don't slow down even by a bit... just keep running!"

The moment the fairy queen heard that, it felt as if she would go crazy.

"Are you trying to kill my daughter!!!!?", she shouted at the top of her null voice which wasn't audible to anyone at all.

"Don't Enter...", she extended her hand as if she wanted to stop them.

'Why...? Why are they trusting that human so much...?', she asked herself.

Tears were about to flow down her eyes when all of a sudden she saw Rex looking her way.


Just after looking her way, Rex smiled right after which he turned his head towards the front and said a single word - 'Zone'.

Right after he said that, a weird red coloured light started to shine which covered not only him, but also the fairies and Bandis.

It formed somewhat like a barrier which ranged upto quite a distance and prevented the black mist from entering it.

His eyes were shining with red light too which seemed like that if a demon's in the black mist.

Regardless, all of them continued to rush forward and entered the black mist right away.

Though their visions were blocked due to the black mist, due to which they couldn't see ahead, they kept running since Rex hadn't told them to stop yet.

All the fairies, including Lina, ran with all of their night despite the tiredness that had been accumulating in them.

For them nothing more that Rex's orders mattered right now which was the same for Bandis too.

It was as if all of their hearts were one for a moment.

Rex grinned a bit and said, "Turn left..."

Right after hearing that they turned left and then right as per his orders and then continued to go to in the directions that was being specified by him.

Though others couldn't see what was happening, Rex was clearly able to see everything probably because of the red eyes which he possessed which were like thaybod a ruby.

"Yes... just a bit more...", he said it so easily and even before knowing it, they were already out of the black mist.

They had now arrived the near the walls of the castle from where they could clearly see all the gargoyles flying and circling the Castle.

At the same time, the giant gargoyle was also visible.

They did get frightened for a moment, but that didn't matter since Rex changed their attention by asking, "Are you all Alright?"

All of them nodded their heads while Lina said, "Yes... But..."

"Hmm?", Rex looked at Lina when he heard her saying the word 'But' while lowering her gazes as if she had some doubt.

"It was strange that we didn't encounter any gargoyle in the black mist... also, the red portal that was supposed to be there... that's also missing...", Lina said.

"Is it...?", Rex averted his gazes and asked that.

It seeemd as if he too had no idea about it, or rather, he was just pretending to have no idea about it.

But Bandis and the fairy queen, both saw everything and felt everything that had happened.

'Is that man insane...? How could he be able to...?', the fairy queen was too astonished to think anything straight.

'Not only did he guide everyone safely out of the black mist... but also killed all the gargoyles that were present in them...', she thought:

It was evident with the little along of blood that was present in his wrists and arms.

But since he had the similar blood since earlier, the fairies didn't notice the change.

'Who is he...?'

'I'm sure that there were a lot of elite or advanced gargoyles in that mist...'


'And since it was their turf, they should be having twice their initial power...'


'Then just how did he kill all of them?'

'Just... who is he!?'


To be continued...

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