Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 140 - Saving The Fairies - Part 1

The fairy queen was too shocked to think anything straight because right now she saw something which was out of human capabilities.

At least that's what she had thought till now that humans couldn't even stand in front of such beasts, but after seeing Rex who was just a kid in her eyes, she guessed that there might be stronger humans out there.

"Hmm... so those are the bastards who did this...", he looked with a fierce gaze at the gargoyles that were flying.

He wanted to kill them right away, but right now doing anything excess would inevitably grab their attention which might end up being hazardous while others were resting.

'Maybe I should have unlocked another seal while I was mastering the poison state...', Rex thought in his mind.

Regardless, all that he wanted right now was to let the others rest for a brief minute while he was trying to conceal their presence so that no one could notice.

For sometime even the fairy queen failed to notice them but since they were right in front of her, she didn't get lost while searching for them.

'Sigh, the air which was once so pure is now toxic...', Rex thought in his mind.

'I wonder why the gargoyles attacked so suddenly...'

He wasn't aware of the reason for which the gargoyles dared to even come to the fairy land.

It was indeed suspicious because the gargoyles wouldn't even dare to that because they would be afraid of what has happened years and centuries ago.

Though it seemed like they did come here and that too by evolving to quite a degree.

'There is definitely someone else involved in this...', Rex thought.

He didn't want to admit it but it was the truth because he was able to feel the presence of an external energy in the area which belonged neither for he fairies nor to the gargoyles.

Rex then took a look at the surrounding area as if he was checking something.

He then inevitably looked at the fairy queen who was flying there right in front of him and smiled.

'He!!! He indeed smiled!!!', the fairy queen said in her mind.

Now she was completely sure that Rex was somehow able to see her.

It was indeed hard to believe but that was the truth which she couldn't deny.

She wanted to go towards him right away and tell him or ask him many things when all of a sudden, all the fairies stood up.

"We have rested... I think we should be going now...", Lina said.

Other fairies nodded their heads when they heard that and almost immediately started to look towards the castle and the sky right away.

Rex could clearly see the anger on their faces. It seemed as if seemed they wanted revenge at all costs for whatever the gargoyles has done to them.

But Rex didn't want them to have blood on their hands and become tainted with something like this.

He himself knew how it would feel to have blood on your arms because he has killed countless beings earlier.

'Their anger... it's understandable...'


'It's justifies too...'


'That's not some expression that you should have in your face...'

Rex thought about it while staring at them and no matter how hard he tried to think that that was fake, he couldn't deny the reality.

Regardless, right now he too was ready to go towards the castle after hearing them.

"Alright then, let's go...", he said with a low voice immediately after hearing which they started to run towards the castle.

Bandis too ran in front of them so that he could protect from any Attacks that would come from the front while Rex as usual took care of their rear.

They all ran with all their might and even before realising it, they had already reached the walls of the great majestic castle.

"Now let's...", the fairies were about to tell that they would go inside by using the wonder gate which was possible, but Rex shook his head and denied it.

"But why? We can...", Lina wanted to know the reassign for which Rex denied it.

He said, "If you were to go now, you would have no idea from which sides the gargoyles might end up attacking..."

The fairs kept quite for a moment and heard what he said.

He wasn't wrong by any means and all of them realized what they were going to do right now.

Lina asked, "Then what do we do? Just wait here?"

She seemed quite impatient and angry at the same time on seeing which Rex sighed and said, "No... I have a plan..."

When all of them heard this, they were somewhat reassured because they knows whatever Rex would subject or tell would be definitely better and that was why they patiently waited for him to tell.

"What plan?", Lina seemed to be rushing things up because the cries could be heard even now.

That was without a doubt a good sign for someone who was destined to be a queen in the future.

But that was a reflex action too or probably something that was common for all.

No one would like their species to get killed or wiped out completely.

Moreover no one would like the fact about their family members being murdered by the hands of their enemies or anyone else.

"Alright Listen..."

He asked them to come a bit closer by showing some signals using hand.

They walked a bit closer as per they were asked.

"I will lure all of them out...", Rex said.

"L-lure then?", Lina and others were shocked when they heard that.

"Yes, I will lure them out and will engage them while you all along with Bandis will go and rescue the fairies...", he said.

The fairies were lost in thought when they heard that and it seemed as if Lina wanted to revolt because she was against this idea.

"How can you take upon such a danger on yourself?", she asked.

She was already aware that Rex was indeed strong, but she had no idea about how strong he was.

She inevitably worried that he would end up dying because even the strongest ones have died when they were greatly outnumbered.

Furthermore, she has seen her own mother sacrificing herself in order to protect all.

She believed that her mother was the strongest of all and because of that she feared that Rex would fail to survive no matter what happened.

She was quite displeased with the idea and was trying to think of an alternative when suddenly Rex walked her way and slowly placed his right hand on her head.

It was as if he was patting her slowly.

"Silly girl... don't worry, nothing will happen to me...", Rex smiled.

Even though Lina didn't say clearly that she was denying all because she thought that Rex would die, he ended up understanding because that was clearly written on her face.

"W-who is worrying about you!?", she asked.

She looked the other way as she was flustered and said, "I don't care if you die... it's just that... just that..."

She wasn't able to decide what to tell and on hearing this Rex startednro smirk.

"Sigh, fine, I understood what you meant.", Rex said.

"Now just go according to the plan and trust me...", he said and turned himself the other way.

Lina extended her right hand towards him but stopped midway.

She then withdrew her hand and said, "Yes..."

Right after that all of them ran and climbed to the wall so that they wouldn't get spotted while Rex started to walk again towards the direction of the black mist.

The fairy queen was watching this and was getting even more confused as the time passed.

She wanted to know what Rex was trying to do, but instead of asking, she thought it was wise and better to see him do it right now.

"Levitation...", he said one word in a low voice and right after that he slowly started to rise up.

His feet didn't touch the ground anymore and without a doubt he started levitate in the air.


The fairy queen as well as all other fairies were shocked when they saw this.

It was beyond their imagination to see some human flying this way.

'Fly...', Rex then said another word which was different from levitate.

Right after that he started to rise higher and ultimately rises upto the height that was equivalent to the height of the largest gargoyle that was present.

He then inhaled a large amount of air right after which he shouted, "GET ME IF YOU CAN!!!"

The voice was so loud that it caused the land and the castle to tremor.

Moreover, it seemed too loud which could cause anyone's ears to bleed, but it seemed like nothing of that sort happened.

Though right after hearing that, most of the gargoyles that were flying in the sky and those who were inside the castle, started to re-surface.

'Hehe... Taunt worked perfectly...'


To be continued...

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