Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 168 - 'That Thing'

"Would you mind if I come with you?", Seria asked.

"Absolutely not! You can accompany me...", was what Elina said.

Although she did feel a bit uncomfortable about summoning Rex, she was going quite boldly.

Well, it was not that she was ashamed because of Rex. Actually, she felt bad for her own son.

She didn't want Rex to get hurt by the bad commoners. She knew that they wouldn't be able to shut their mouths and start blabbering about him and because of that she was hesitant from the start.

She had noticed that Rex was missing from the start and wanted to invite him, however, she thought that it was a bad idea.

Indeed, she was hesitating and refraining herself. However, when Emilia finally asked her about him, Elina thought that it was best to summon him.

After all, the Estelias has invited him specifically. She didn't want them to get negative views on Rex.

'I'm not sure if he has any friends of his own age...'

'I'm pretty sure that he never once got a chance to make friends...', these were the thoughts that Elina had since earlier.

After all, a mother couldn't possibly stop herself from worrying about her child. She knew that Julia was strong so she worried less for her though that did r mean that she didn't think about her at all!

But she prioritized Rex more since she thought that he was weak and defenseless. 

Regardless, Emilia triggered Elina to call Rex and now she was on her way to meet him and ask him to enter, not that Rex wanted to enter anyway!

In the garden...


"I was surprised Daryun..."

"Why were you shouting earlier?", Rex asked.

"Haha, I'm sorry, I had some weird nightmare...", was what Daryun said.

Well, he had run in order to save Elina earlier, and probably after getting affected by the magic, he wanted to shout out loudly.

So as soon as the magic stopped taking effect, he shouted quite loudly which ended up waking Rex.

Regardless, he was about to dash inside the Hall when he found some soldiers dragging the man that he had seen earlier.

Of course, he had seen someone else and now after seeing the fat man and hearing the soldiers chat, he understood the situation.

Well, he was so angry that he ended up punching the man twice on his face that causes the man to lose a tooth from his lower jaw. He deserved it after all.

"Sigh, and here I was having such a good sleep..."

"Don't disturb me now for an hour at least!", Rex said in a pretty bossy tone.

"Yes, your highness.", and Daryun answered while sighing.

He just stood there while looking here and there when suddenly he spotted Elina and Seria walking his way.

"Greetings your highness!", Daryun greeted Elina.

"Huh...?", right after that his gazes fell on Seria.

"She is..."

His knowledge was not poor, he was definitely a sharp and intelligent man who was worthy enough to receive the position of a General!

He could easily identify Seria, the Queen of the kingdom of Estelias. He almost immediately greeted her after greeting Elina even before she could introduce her.

"You may rise...", was what Elina said right after he greeted Seria.

"Daryun, do you know where Rex is?", Elina asked.

She asked even though she was almost certain that Rex was in the garden after all Daryun was tasked with protecting him so he wouldn't leave his side!

"Your highness, prince Rex is resting here...", was what he said in a low voice.

"Resting?", Elina was confused when she heard that and so was Seria.

That was rather a weird and unshakable way to put it. One would visit the garden to admire the green plants and beautiful flowers. Of course, one would relax while looking at the flowers and inhaling the cool breeze.

But who would rest here? Probably someone who would have walked quite a lot of distance would want to rest on the benches that were placed?

No matter what, Seria and Elina, both found it to be weird.

Regardless, it sounded like something that Rex would do after all Seria had heard tons of rumors about him.

Rex was definitely like some weird dumb royalty who had no powers at all! He was the first royalty to never manifest an emblem!

Many would include his name in tales in order to tell their kids not to become like him. Well what to say, he was rather famous, among the Bards and singers that it.

Also, those who loved to tell tales and say all kinds of exaggerated stuff often mentioned him.

Regardless, Rex's name has spread and his useless tales were told for quite some time, for about a year maybe.

It was needless to say that everyone stopped talking about him after a year of his running away from home, but almost lost of them knew about this.

Well, this was rather famous among royalty and nobility and it was understandable.

In any case, Seria didn't think about those things right now. Rather, she was interested in meeting Rex.

And her wish was indeed fulfilled the moment Daryun moved and pointed towards Rex lying on the ground.

Well, he was behind the bench so he wasn't visible.

"He is resting here...", was what he said.

Rex was definitely not asleep. It hadn't been even a minute since he had been bossy.

But he failed to realize that Elina and Seria had arrived because he was lost in his own thoughts.

"Rex, are you really lying down here?", Elina asked in a sweet voice while looking at him.

Even after being told that, he didn't pay attention. Well, he wasn't even listening in the first place.

"Uh, I guess prince Rex is fast asleep...", was what Daryun said by butting in.

"Sigh, then wake him up. There are people that want to meet him in the hall...", was what she said after placing her right palm on her forehead in distress.

'Why is he like this?'

'First of all, I feel as if he is hiding something...'

'Second, I think he is trying to be the person from the rumors that the people have generated...', she kept on sighing.

"Yes your highness.", Daryun nodded his head and immediately shook Rex a bit while trying to wake him up.

Well, he did ask for touching him in advance.

"Huh?, Of course, Rex opened his eyes almost immediately after being touched.


"I had asked you not to wake me up!"

"Why?", Rex seemed a bit irritated now and his voice was raised a bit when suddenly his words were cut off.

"He woke you up because I told him."

"Who?", he turned his head towards the right only to find Elina standing in front of him.

"M-mom?", he started to sweat the moment he saw her.

Of course, he knew that she would scold him because he was lying on the ground which was unsightly!

However, to his surprise, she didn't shout at him nor yell at him. Indeed, she wouldn't possibly ruin his image even more by scolding him in front of her best friend.

"So he is your son?", Seria asked Elina while staring at Rex.

"Haha, yes. He was a bit..."

"Ahem, tired from the journey, you know...", Elina was trying to make excuses for whatever Rex was doing.

"Uh...", Rex was a bit shocked by the situation.

He was thinking of a reason to say along with the 'tired' reason which Elina said when suddenly his gazes fell on Seria.

Both of their eyes met each other and they kept on staring at each other without moving even an inch.

It was as if time had stopped when they both stared into each other's eyes.

'Would you look at that...?'

'That woman...'

'She is...', Rex grinned while looking at Seria.

"Rex, go to the hall..."

"Princess Emilia wants to meet with you..."

Elina wanted Rex to go immediately to avoid further making of reasons. In any case, Rex kept grinning and then stood up and left almost immediately.

Seria had her eyes opened until Rex left. She hadn't blinked even once.

But after he left Seria closed her eyes and then turned towards Elina. She then grabbed her shoulders and said, "Eli..."

Elina was shocked when she saw Seria doing that.

"What happened Seria?", she was definitely baffled because Seria was grabbing her shoulders tightly!

"Are you completely sure that, 'That Thing' is your son?"




To be continued...

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