Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 169 - An Invitation For A Dance

"Are you completely sure that, 'That Thing' is your son?"


"Thing?", Elina was confused when she heard that.

More than that, she didn't understand what Seria was referring to.

'Is she talking about Rex?', was what she asked herself.

'Of course not, she wouldn't possibly call him a thing!'


Seria continuously stared at Elina and realized that she had no idea about what she was trying to say. However, she wanted to test her thinking because of which she asked her about Rex.

"So tell me, Elina, just how strong do you think your son is?"

"Does he really have no emblem?", she asked.


For some reason, Elina felt bad when Seria asked that. She thought as if she was ridiculous or making fun of him.

She knew that Seria didn't mean anything in that way but she couldn't stop herself from getting hurt by hearing her words.

Of course, it would be a common misunderstanding if one were to ask the things which were already known by everyone.

However, Seria wanted to confirm something. Perhaps, she knew something due to which she referred Rex to a 'Thing'. 

Also, Rex probably knew something about Seria too because just when he stared at her, he grinned as if he knew what she was thinking.

In any case, Elina thought that it was best to answer her question.

"I don't think he is that strong..."

"In fact, I have never seen him using any magic..."

"Not even the weakest magic...", was what she said.

"And as for his emblems, he has none.", she said with a lowered gaze.

'So she really has no idea...'


'Who would have thought that the rumored weakest royalty with no emblem would be such a monster...', was what she thought and said to herself.

"But why did you ask?", Elina asked Seria.

She wanted to know why Seria was curious all of a sudden. She had heard correctly earlier and seated to know why she gave such a reaction after looking at Rex.

"Haha, I was just curious...", right after saying that she changed the topic and started to talk about the flowers nearby.

However, whatever she said kept on echoing in Elina's mind. That was the same for Daryun too.

He too heard what she said because she had indeed asked that loudly. Therefore he too couldn't contain his curiosity about knowing what she said.

In any case, he went behind Rex and stood just outside the hall since he wasn't allowed inside.

'She was curious?'

'I've known her for a long time...'

'And as far as my memory serves right, she has only been interested or curious when things are way over the top...'

'Then, why was she so curious about my son? Was something abnormal about him?', she asked herself.

But then she realized how foolish she was. Of course, everything about Rex was abnormal.

Rex was the only royalty who couldn't manifest an emblem, that was out of the ordinary. Also, no royalty would run away from home just to have a harsh life somewhere else.

No royalty would ever be so humble with their servants, well there were some, but they too were strict. Rex was just way too lenient.

And last but not the least, no one would just start speaking while being a baby far from maturing. Well, probably she had noticed that, but Alex didn't.

That was just one side of Rex that Elina knew, but she had no idea about the old man living inside Rex's body. Of course, the old man was no more after all his mentality had turned into that of a child's. 

Also, she did suspect for a few seconds or minutes, but she never figured out how strong Rex was.

In any case, all these doubts and questions kept on piling inside her waiting to burst soon when Rex would reveal everything about himself.

Regardless, Rex now entered the hall. He had already felt the disgusted look from the knights that guarded the entrance of the hall but he didn't mind it. Probably this was the only old man-like mentality that he had - Patience or Ignorance?

In any case, he entered the hall and the moment he did, everyone gazed towards him.

He just wanted to enter without grabbing much attention, but quite the opposite happened because the guard ended up announcing it loudly.

"Prince Rex from the Kingdom Of Rhone enters now!"

The knights probably did that purposefully, but oh well fighting with them now couldn't possibly make the situation better. Instead, it would only tarnish the family's name even more.

Everyone looked at him keenly. They started whispering amongst each other about him. Of course, they discussed his uselessness. 

Moreover, any of them looked at him with disgust just like others. There were probably only a handful of people who didn't show such behavior.

That included Alex, Elendo, Emilia, and another family of Baron who was invited because of their great friendship with Elendo.

The Baron's family included four people, Baron Kerush Avorla, his wife Meria Avorla and his son Avan Avorla and his daughter Mellia Avorla. They were the ones who were rather curious to greet him and showed no signs of hostility or disgust.

They did catch his attention because of the pleasant aura that was being emitted around them. Regardless, Rex looked for the one who was searching for him.

Elendo was about to walk towards him and have a talk when suddenly Alex held his arm and asked to wait.

He just stood there and waited for the person to arrive and soon found Emilia approaching him.

Elendo then understood why Alex did that and continued to savor the drink.

"Prince Rex...", Emilia looked at Rex with shining eyes.

"Ah! Princess Emilia, greetings.", Rex gracefully took her hand and kissed it gently.

Emilia's face turned red almost instantly. The moment Rx entered, she had started to blush but tried to refrain from making any blunders.

After calming down she decided to walk towards him, but now yet again she couldn't help but blush.


Many princes who had their eyes on her, coughed up the drink that was in their mouths. 

All of a sudden the stress intensified. Of course, they didn't even have the chance to dance with her nor did they even touch her, but Rex came all of a sudden and kissed her as a greeting.

Well, it was usually formally done so there wasn't much of a meaning behind kissing on the hands, but right now every Prince over there was fired up, of course, they wanted to teach Rex a lesson.

"Prince Rex, will you do the honor of dancing with me?"

And just when Emilia asked this, all their minds blasted. They doubted what they heard.

"What!?", all of them asked that in shock.

Normally, it would be the males that would ask the females for a dance. Asking for a dance meant in a way that they were interested in the females.

The same applied in a reverse way. If a female were to ask a male for a dance, it would without a doubt mean that she would be interested in him. However when a female asked, it would be treated in a much more serious manner!

Elendo was practically burning when he heard that. He looked towards Alex and said, "Your son is just like you, making girls fall at first sight."

Well, he was a father, after all, so for some reason, he felt anger gushing from his inside after seeing Rex kiss her hands and being asked for a dance.

But oh well, he couldn't possibly show his anger at a party. He kept it bottled inside and prevented it from bursting out.

Rex had absolutely no reason to refuse a dance. In fact, dancing would let him pass the time.

But, Rex had never, not even once, learned the royal manners. That was the problem, he had no idea about what to do.

After all, he never once had any royal mentor to teach him, therefore he knew not how to dance, but he did know something.

He was taught by his mentors earlier, and those mentors taught him many types of dance moves and dancing techniques.

However he had no idea if they would work in the modern world since his masters taught him many ancient techniques, but oh well, what else could he do other than giving his best?

"With pleasure...", he smiled and accepted the invitation of dancing.

Emilia was so happy and excited that she ran and pulled him to the center and took a dancing position.

"Then, let's dance to our hearts' content."


To be continued...

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