Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 170 - One Of My Secret Was Revealed?

Emilia was so happy and excited that she ran and pulled him to the center and took a dancing position.

"Then, let's dance to our hearts' content."

Emilia was happy because she was going to get a chance to dance with Rex.

Well, the first time she met, she had felt a different vibe from him.

She kept thinking about that every time as if it was something that she could never forget or probably didn't want to forget.

Needless to say, it was probably because of those repeated thoughts that she ended up loving him or at least getting attracted to him. She might have ended up imagining lots of things while thinking about him.

Not a day passed without her thinking about him.

'I knew that he was different from others the moment I saw him for the first time...'

'I am a person who was given a chance to be born again.'

'Probably the Gods wanted me to stop the great disaster that would happen when I would turn 18...'

Emilia was lost in her own thoughts. 

'I despised the people because I knew how they thought...'

'Everything was similar to my past life, everyone behaved the same way...'

'However, amidst that, I found Rex...'

'He was way different from the Rex I knew from the past life...'

Emilia was now thinking much more deeply. Of course, all these thoughts crossed her head when she asked for the dance.

Needless to say, he wanted to ask Rex something but had no idea who to ask him.

Rex then grabbed her hand and then placed his right hand around her waist and started to dance.

She stopped thinking and started to dance too. They looked good with each other.

Almost all were shocked when the light was centered at them. They literally stood out.

The dance was perfect. Of course, Rex was relieved because the song which was played and the dance he did was in the norm and wasn't ancient.

However, in the end, the dance got messed up. Rex was about to fall on Emilia as he stumbled.

.In fact, he redirected himself and fell to the ground. All those who were praising him started to laugh almost immediately.

Some just needed a reason to make fun of him while for others his falling indeed seemed like a joke due to which they could hardly refrain from laughing.

"R-rex!", Emilia immediately moved towards him and extended her hand to help him get up.

However, Rex rejected her help and got up on his own. Of course, he hadn't noticed her extending her hand, but to others, it seemed like rude behavior.

"Rex...", Emilia just stood there with a weird expression on her face.

Rex then didn't say anything and just walked towards the exit almost immediately and left the hall.

Well, it wasn't that he was ashamed, in fact, he was doing something else entirely.

'He directed all the attention towards himself...'

'But did he have to go that far?', Emilia asked herself while clenching her fists.

Actually, Rex did no mistake at all in the dance. The one to do the mistake was none other than Emilia. She was distracted because of the thoughts that kept gushing in her head.

In the end, she suddenly flinched due to which her own balance was lost. Rex was taken y surprise too. He managed to prevent her from falling but couldn't refrain himself from falling.

Of course, he had blocked all powers so he couldn't use magic to stop himself. In any case, the momentum caused him to fall.

Also, he didn't want to be there in the first place so it seemed reasonable enough to leave by taking all the blame on himself.

Emilia knew all that, in fact, she blamed herself for this mishap. 

"Princess you don't it's better if you forget about such a rude person...", said another prince while approaching her and asking her for a dance.

Oh well, she ignored him completely and just rushed towards the exit. She thought about meeting Rex again and apologizing.

In any case, many kept laughing while some kept hating Rex since they understood that Emilia was head over heels for him.

Well, other than Emilia, there were a few other people in the hall who noticed what Rex did. However, they stayed put without doing anything because they thought it would be unnecessary to interfere.

Rex was now out of the hall. He went through the door that had the word 'Exit' mentioned on it.

He arrived on the other side of the hall.l. Not that he was confused, but he was somewhat lost because it was literally his first time coming to that place.

Indeed, he had visited the place earlier but that was only to observe if everything was fine, he hadn't explored everything properly. All he did was take a look at what was going on.

In any case, right now he was interested in his appraisal skill of his. He realized that the thing which he had been thinking to be a system was nothing ut a deduction or a load of information that was shown to him thanks to his appraisal skill.

Well, he then took a look at the details by using the appraisal. It seemed as if the skill was set to default in appraising himself due to which the first that he saw earlier was his own profile.

Of course, never once did he get to see anyone else's profile because he never thought it to be a skill.

[ Profile ]

Name: Rex Suoll

Level: Infinite

HP: Infinite

MP: Infinite

Money: Infinite

Race: Human


He grinned while looking at his stats. Of course, he focused on the level that was being shown.

'I have sealed all of my powers, but even without that it still shows that I am level Infinity?', he asked himself and kept on grinning.

Probably he had been thinking about this while trying to rest earlier and was interrupted by Daryun and Elina.

Well, he then thought, "what would happen if I were to release the seals."

'Will there be any change to my level?'

The answer to that was quite clear. His level couldn't possibly increase from infinity so there was no reason for him to experiment anyway.

He kept on walking towards the garden while thinking this when suddenly Emilia came from behind and called out his name.

"Prince Rex!"

"Please Wait!"

"Huh?", he heard her clearly and turned his head only to find her panting heavily.

Well, running while wearing the heavy royal dress would be way too difficult that running in armour.

She couldn't possibly lift her dress completely because that would be way too unsightly. Since many Kingdoms were present, she couldn't tarnish the name of her father!

That was why she just walked as fast as she could which took a bit of a toll on her body. Nevertheless, she finally caught up to Rex.

"Prince Rex, please wait..."

"I have something to ask you...", she said in a raised voice while breathing a bit heavily.

"You want to ask me something?", Rex was intrigued by what she said.

In any case, he didn't have much to do and he could do his research on the appraisal skill anytime he wanted.

So he just nodded his head and said, "Fine then, you can ask what you want..."

"Yes...", Emilia then tried to control her breathing and then stopped panting.

Her breathing was under control soon and she was fine. Right after that she walked closer to Rex and asked something which he wouldn't have imagined even in his dreams.

Just by hearing her question, he felt as if the world has split apart.

In fact, his eyeballs started to shake because of the question, for a moment he even doubted his own ears but then again, what he heard was indeed the truth and not some hallucinations or illusions.


Nevertheless, he still asked her to repeat herself.

"Can you just repeat your question?"


"You have Reincarnated and this is your second time living, isn't it?", was what she asked:

Although the statement did seem a bit weird and for a moment Rex failed to understand, he somewhat got the gist by just hearing the word 'Reincarnated'.


'How the heck does she know that I died and was Reincarnated?', he asked himself a question for which he didn't find the answer, at least not for now.


To be continued...

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