Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 186 - Swordsmanship - Part 2

'Wait a second...'

Rakis was surprised when he took a look at the stance which Rex took, while others saw it as a failure, Rakis saw something unimaginable.

"No way..."

Rais was surprised when he found something weird flowing in Rex's body.

Swordsmanship is all about techniques, timing, experience, and hard work!

These all are quite important and are considered to be the sole of swordsmanship, however, there is something else that can actually determine if your swordsmanship is strong or not.

It's called mana manifestation, it is something only the Sword saints or the swordmasters can perform.

It is the highest degree of control shown by the greatest of greatest swordsmen.

In the past 200 years, there have been only 10 people who could show such great manifestations.

The stronger the manifestations, the stronger is the techniques considered. In the past it was believed that the ones who created the techniques and moves could manifest the mana easily, however nowadays there were hardly any people who could do that.

So here a quick question, why was the kingdom of Rhone great? 

Many reasons were said earlier and many reasons will be stated later, and for those reasons, this should be added too.

One of the reasons why Rhone was so strong is that out of those 10 manifesters of mana in swordsmanship in the past 200 years, 8 of them were alive and were of Alex's era, needless to say, Alex and Elina were both mana manifestors!

Having such tremendous power of 3 out of 8 of the manifestors was no small deal!

Three? Yes, Rakis was also one of them, he also knew Sword Mana Manifestation!

Rakis was able to see the flow of mana in Rex's body.

Well, Rex was not trying to hide that in the first place, even when he was practicing the swords, he was still training his mana.

Probably that was why he agreed to Alex about training, needless to say, his own training went on at the same time.

It wasn't particularly bad, in fact, it was beneficial!

While practicing swordsmanship, if mana were to be flown continually throughout the body, it would enhance itself and would increase the capacity and dexterity of the body too!

What Rex thought was exercise turned out to be precisely something that most swordsmen look for doing.

Rakis had these special eyes that could detect the flow of mana. It was something that anyone could do, however, they had to come in contact with the person to check.

And for that, they would be required to inject a bit of their own mana inside the person to see the flow of the mana of the person.

This meant that they wouldn't necessarily check the person's mana flow, they would be checking their own mana flow in the person. Since mana flows like a river, as a whole, whether you add a glass of water or a bucket of it, it would still flow along the river!

That was the concept behind this and that was how people and grandmasters would check the flow of mana.

A thing to note was that only high-level mages or excellent warriors or grandmasters could do this.

No normal knight would be able to do this and that applied to the knights training Rex, including Steve and Daryun.

Rakis has a skill called Time Eyes, that would allow his eyes to perceive every image ten times slower than its current or actual speed!

The ability of the eye included detecting mana flow, detecting moves, killing intent, and emotions too.

He had named his eyes Time eyes because of its major functions being related to Time, but if one were to actually think about it, it could be called See Through Eyes or All-seeing Eyes!

'His mana is flowing so smoothly...', was what Rakis was shocked about.

His eyes were glowing when he used the skill, of course, he had trained in such a manner that his skill would get activated on its own after detecting abnormality or something unusual within a range of 100 m.

This was one of those cases. Rakis was completely surprised by this however he didn't say much because his eyes met Rex's.

Rex smirked when he saw Rakis using the skill, it was as if Rex had detected him using the skill and despite knowing, he allowed Rakis to see the flow of mana.


'He is that 'Prince' that everyone had been talking about...?'


'Just how has no one noticed his brilliance?', Rakis asked himself.

He could see Steve hitting Rex in his hands and fingers as if he wanted Rex to correct his posture, however little did Steve know that Rex was in his best posture possible.

He was taught by the great thirteen masters after all!

It seemed like Rakis wanted to stop Steve but just when he was about to open his mouth, Rex shook his head while glancing at Rakis after lowering his head a bit.


It seemed as if Rakis understood what he wanted. He just turned back and walked towards the Castle building, of course, Daryun accompanied him.

'What happened to Master...?'

'He has a couple of weird reactions...', Daryun was keenly observing Rakis to see if he didn't have any difficulty.

And while observing he found the various reactions which Rakis held within or showed a glimpse of it.

But oh well, he didn't think much about it because he thought that Rakis was either disappointed because of Rex or was just too tired.

Not that he knew what had actually happened and even if he knew, other than regretting the fact that he never knew how Rex was, he couldn't do anything!

'I wonder how much more will I be trained...', Rex wondered.

He kept wondering that and the entire day passed by.

Rex was trained by Steve personally the entire day, earlier the knights were enjoying seeing him getting beaten up for failing, however later there were only talks about his perseverance and stamina.

They were almost sure that it was Rex's first time holding a sword and training and due to that, they were surprised to see how much stamina he had.

Also, one wouldn't like getting scolded or hit by someone else! Rex too disliked that due to which he did as he was asked even if what he did earlier was better!

Of course, they all saw this as an improvement since he started to do them without any flaws, not that he was trying to flex, he was just trying to do as they asked to see what would happen!

And yes, Rex was satisfied with those moves and postures.

'When I do these postures, my mana flow automatically reduces...', this would definitely help him to hold back and prevent him from destroying someone or something.

'Yes, this is good, I will do as they say from now on.', after deciding this, he kept practicing even when Steve had gone to have lunch!

The knights ultimately got motivated by Rex and practiced with him. The lazy, useless, and idiotic image of Rex had disappeared, of course, still many had the same image, but lost of them had forgotten about that.

Instead, they started to praise how he was able to have such great endurance which was greater than the knights too!

They knew that what he was doing was lighter and easier than their own, however, they could relate themselves when imagining what they were doing at his age!

In any case, they too practiced with Rex.

'Wow, the knights are practicing even at this hour?', Alex was shocked to see the knights practicing and training even at sunset!

Their training would only last till noon, however, it seemed like they were still training and were aiming to get stronger.

"Good, I wanted them to be enthusiastic about training andy always!", Alex smiled.

Daryun was just beside him.

He said, "This is all thanks to Princess Rex..."

"Huh?", Alex was surprised when he heard this.

"Rex?", he was confused at the same time.

"What did he do?", he asked.

Daryun explained everything that happened, he told how Rex was training even now and was serious about the exam.

"Really?", there was a much brighter smile on Alex's face.


"In fact, the way he is training, in a week's time, he would have learned all 3 chapters of Full Moon Swordsmanship."

When he said this, Alex was so happy that he wanted to hug Daryun. Indeed, he was surprised by the same amount too!

Full Moon swordsmanship has 31 chapters and to learn it would take a month easily!

Yes, only to learn, so seeing his son mastering in a week's time, he was quite happy because it took him two week's time to learn that!

Wouldn't a father be proud to see his son excelling than himself?

Though it was something that Daryun predicted, it still made him satisfied and excited!


To be continued...

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