Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 187 - Teleportation To The Venue

Earlier Alex had met Rakis. They talked about many things and among them, a topic was Rex.

"Master Rakis, I hope that you meet my son...", was what Alex said.

"Your son...?", Rakis wanted to know if Alex was indeed talking about Rex or not.

Of course, he would be talking about Rex, but Rakis just wanted to confirm that.


"His name is Rex..."

After that Alex continued and explained about applying for the special test.

Alex asked if Rakis could give Rex a few pointers.

Of course, Rakis was in no shape to use sword efficiently, not now at least.

Such an old man could hardly even lift a wooden stick so Alex assumed that he was way too sick to teach Rex everything step by step.


"I don't think I can...", was what Rakis said.

"Huh...?", Alex was surprised by the denial.

He thought that Rakis would at least think about it, however, there was an instant no!

"Please reconsider Master Rakis..."

"Just a few pointers to my son, Rex...", Alex wanted to provide as much experience and knowledge to Rex as possible.

He couldn't have let this opportunity pass by him! That was why he requested Rakis yet again even when he denied it.

Alex knew that gaining even a few tips from Rakis was something that everyone would desire.

That was why Alex was requesting him.

But it seemed like Rakis was quite stubborn. He didn't want to give any tips to Rex, at least that's what Alex thought.

However, in reality, Rakis had something else going on in his mind.

'Am I even capable of giving him tips?', was what he asked himself.

Rakis was thinking that he wasn't worthy enough to even talk with Rex. The reason was quite simple, Rakis had sensed the unlimited mana that Rex had while he was trying to control his mana.

How couldn't one notice the continuous flow of mana?

That was what he tried to say, he meant that he was incapable of helping or saying anything to Rex.

However, Alex understood it in a wrong way, not that Rakis explained himself either.

That's how they concluded the talk, Alex was a bit unhappy because of what Rakis said but after hearing Daryun, he was somewhat happy.

He went back to his room after informing Elina. Both wanted to observe Rex's training however they were too busy to do that at the moment.

Many days works had been piled up so they had to stay up late to complete them, that was why they couldn't manage their times.

Nevertheless, Rex's training went on. Of course, he rested and slept during the night, however, the very next day he arrived early in the morning and started to train again.

His muscles which were already built thanks to the masters were getting much more refined, probably because he had hit puberty.

In any case, his body was under changes, and training during this time was the best, even if it was for a few days!

A week was soon over and Rex showed extraordinary progress. What Daryun has predicted came true however something more than that happened.

Rex had ended up learning another technique called Solar Eclipse, a unique name for a technique.

Of course, the number of chapters for this was only 10, but that didn't mean that one could learn it in a week!

'I'm tired of hiding my powers...', was what Rex thought.

His memories were intact for sure, of the past life that is, but his body was that of a child.

The misconception that one would behave and think like an adult just because he/she has memories of the previous life is often believed.

Of course, the experience will be intact with the memories, however, that wouldn't be able to take over the childish body which would change more often!

That was why, despite being a good business owner and a mind-blowing CEO, he was foolish!

Not because of the anime and manga that he watched or read, it was completely because of his body!

He would end up reacting subconsciously and only after concentrating would he retain his normal thinking!

In a similar manner, he thought that hiding his powers and revealing it all of a sudden would be cool!

Of course, that was his childish self speaking or thinking. Indeed, not showing the entire power was wise because it might destroy the balance of power, but that didn't necessarily mean that he would pretend to be hella weak!

He realized this while training when his mind was calm and collected.

'I don't want my parents to worry about me...', he said to himself.

He decided to reveal them about this before leaving for the academy so that they would no longer worry for him, not that he didn't want their love, it's just that he didn't want to bother them.

He did exactly as he thought, fate or not, nothing could stop him at the moment.

Since the venue to which he was supposed to go would take two weeks of time, he thought about revealing after the training was over.

A week was indeed over and it was the eighth day now, the morning seemed quite normal however many things were abnormal at the same time.

Although Bandis and Zor watched Rex train without actually coming close to him as per what he had said, they talked about him a lot.

This caught Alex's attention and he came to visit them early in the morning when Rex went to visit Alex in his room.

*knock knock*

Alex knocked on the door as if he was asking permission to enter, Bandis and Zor pretty arrogantly as if they had utmost dignity allowed him to enter.

"Good morning Master Bandis and Master Zor...", he said with a smile and bit a bowing as if paying then respect.

Of course, he didn't hesitate to bow because they were elder than him, he considered at least.

"Good morning Alex...", said both of them simultaneously.

Zor was still in a sleeping position as if he wanted to maintain the superiority while Bandis just sat straight.

"What brings you here...?", was what Zor asked, the smart one that is.


Alex hesitated a bit while thinking about it nevertheless he still said it.

"I wanted to know if you could use Teleportation magic to Teleport my son..."

Alex asked them about the Teleportation magic that they had used earlier.

He wanted them to Teleport Rex to the venue, if they could do that, then there was no need for Rex to leave the following day.

Of course, it would indeed take only two weeks, however for safety measures so that he wouldn't be late, Alex thought about sending Rex off a week earlier.

While thinking about it he came across the thought of lettering Rex got teleported, that way he could train a bit more.

That was not the only reason, Alex feared the attackers and those who had their eyes on Rhone.

He knew for sure that there were spies in the kingdom, one couldn't have the best kingdom without any spies!

It just didn't exist! If there would be no spies from other kingdoms, then the nation could be either worst or the best of all time, the latter was not possible, for now at least.

That was why he wanted to ask Bandis and Zor and discuss the matter.

Bandis wanted to nod his head and answer immediately that it was possible, however, they had to confirm Rex first.

That was why, Zor got up from the sleeping position almost immediately and answered by asking a question, "What is the venue?"

He took this chance to contact Rex and ask him about the answer that should be given.


With this, Rex got to know that Alex was in their room.

'Tell dad that it is possible however you cannot use teleportation for an entire month since you had used it recently....'

Zor nodded his head and said the same thing that Rex said.

"Yes, we sure can Teleport Rex to the place..."

Alex's face brightened when he heard this only to get dimmed when he heard what followed.


"But...?", Alex asked with a surprised tone.

"We cannot perform any sort of teleportation for an entire month because we had performed it just recently...", was what Zor said.


"I see..."


To be continued...

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