Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 219 - Leaving Again


"You finally woke up!?", Selia rushed towards the princess and hugged her as tightly as she could.

"Mother…?", the princess was utterly surprised.

Dan looked at them hugging as he whipped the little tears of happiness that broke out.

He then looked at Rex and said, "Thank you."

Rex shook his head and said, "It was nothing…"

Dan then joined their happy celebration of the awakening of the princess from the deep slumber.

The little girl too started to cry as her earns were bent downwards. She walked towards the princess and hugged her too while saying, "Sister…"

The princess just woke up so she was a bit confused by seeing them cry. Also, she had no idea who the little girl was and was surprised to see her.

"What happened…?"

"Why are you all crying?", she asked.

Dan and Selia sat beside her and explained everything.

Selia pulled the princess towards her and kept patting her head. Dan continued with the explanation about what had happened and introduced the little girl who had yet to have a name. And then, he finally pointed at Rex who was standing close to the window.

The princess turned her head to look at Rex and the moment she did, her heart skipped a beat.

Her face turned a little red as she glanced at Rex's handsome face.

*lub dub lub dub*

She could no longer hear what Dan was saying. Her gazes were fixated on Rex.

Rex was handsome, but the clothes and the hairstyle made him even more attractive!

The wind blew gently which made her hairs flutter. Even if the wind wasn't blowing, she was feeling the fluttering effect of her hair.


"Erza!", Selia raised his voice.

"Y-yes father?", she was surprised by the sudden rise in voice.

Well, she wasn't hearing her at all and the same was when her name was called.

Selia had to call her at least five times before she could respond.

"Your face, it's turning red."

"Do you have a fever?"

"Excuse me, but can you take a look at her.", Dan called Rex to check her yet again.

"Yes.", Rex approached her.

The closer he got, the redder her face was.

Rex slowly moved his right hand and placed it on her forehead while lifting the bangs that covered it.

She was flustered and knew not how to react. She just clenched her fists and sat there while glancing at the bed.


"The temperature of her body is increased for sure, but I can't say that it's definitely a fever.", Rex said.

'Hehe, I know what this is…', the fairy who was observing all this smiled and thought this.

She wouldn't go and tell Rex because this was a matter regarding the girl's heart.

"I think this is temporary. She will be fine within an hour.", he said.

"Ah, got it.", Dan and Selia were glad to hear that.

They started talking to her again while Rex went back towards the window.


'I've spent too much time here.'

'I need to return quickly.', he said to himself.

Right after that, he asked, "Your Highness since I have helped everyone, is it fine if I take one thing from your kingdom?"

"Oh, you sure can, but what do you want to take?", Dan asked.

Rex then talked about the bench and then explained why he wanted it.

"Oh, it gives off lifeforce?", this was the first time he heard of it.

"Yes, so I want to know about the trees from which this was made.", Rex asked.

Dan agreed to give the bench to Rex for free but was still thinking about what he said.

"It was a bench that was given to my grandfather from his wife's side of the family so I'm not exactly sure from where he got this."

"But you can visit the kingdom of Granceria to find more about it.", Dan suggested.



"Although it is located quite far from here, if you travel to that kingdom, I think you will be able to know about this."

"Here.", right after saying that, Dan handed Rex something.


Rex was surprised to see a Royal Scroll with the Royal Crest of the Golden Swan Kingdom.

"With this, you will be able to enter that kingdom."

"But its main use is to enter this kingdom and purchase items at 60% discount.", he said while smirking.

Rex was grateful for that right after which he decided to leave.

But before he could leave, Dan requested Rex to do something.

"Wait, before you go, could you name her?", he said.

He was talking about the little girl thanks to which all this event had occurred.

"Sure.", Rex said with a smile.


'A name right…?'



"I think, it would be good to call her Olivia.", he said.

And thus, the name of the future strongest female Beast-Fighter originated from Rex's mouth.

He then looked at Dan and used telepathy to relay his message, "Come with me."


He used teleportation magic when both of them vanished from the place and arrived at the old run-down palace.

Dan was completely surprised by the magic. Anyone would be surprised because of the legendary magic.

Not only he but other people who were standing in line to sit on the bench were baffled by their sudden appearance.


"Now, I would like you to give me this bench.", he said while pointing at the bench.

"Y-yes…", he was startled yet he complied with Rex's request.

'Who is he?'

'Didn't he just use teleportation magic?', Dan swallowed a large chunk of dry saliva as he questioned himself.

After Dan made all the people leave, he said, "You can take it."

Right after that, the bench vanished into his spatial ring as he stretched his left hand.

"Okay, if nothing else, I will be leaving now.", he said.

"W-wait!", he called out and stopped him from teleporting.


"Your name…"

"What's your name?", he asked.


"Rex, His Highness Alexander's only son.", right after saying this, he vanished.



And with this, he recalled all the events that had occurred in the palace in which he was standing.

He looked towards the clear sky and grumbled, 'This isn't fair…'

'Both son and father are too over-powered…'

'What is this injustice, God?', he closed his eyes after saying this much and returned to the newly built palace only to issue orders regarding punishing those who abused Olivia and the slave merchant and her master, the noble who caused her a lot of pain.

Rex returned immediately to Rhone. He teleported to his garden which was part of the mansion.

Well, since he was soon going to the Royal Magic School, he thought about preparing and thus, went to greet Alex and Elina as if nothing had happened.

Well, they hadn't noticed him leaving till now thanks to his magic, but Bandis and Zor had definitely felt the disappearing presence.

Of course, they didn't question him since they had no rights over what he did, but they sure were curious,

Rex readily explained everything that had happened to Bandis and Zor who just smirked and said, "As expected of master."

Regardless, he wanted information regarding the magic academy. He knew that he would be tested because he was late right now, but he had no idea about what the tests would exactly be after all it was never mentioned that the same tests would be given.

"Rex, you will be departing tomorrow as soon as the sun rises."

"So pack everything that is listed here and get ready."

The schedule was changed and he was asked to leave tomorrow earlier. He didn't deny it because this was just the start of another new adventure.

While he did have many other questions, he knew that it was just a school that his parents were forced to attend.

Well, he didn't have friends of his age either so they thought that this might help him gain some good political connections and make friends as well.

Rex didn't complain and just went to sleep that night peacefully while trying to rest.

He used the power from the bracelet and the necklace that he received from Dan to feel at ease, but the dragon heart that was racing in his chest, just continuously made him excited.

'The Big Day for a new adventure is finally tomorrow…', he murmured to himself as he fell asleep.

It was probably one of the best nights that he ever had because all the tiredness from his body had vanished completely when he woke up in the morning.

It was 4 in the morning when he woke up and after bathing and dressing properly, went to greet his parents.

"Father, mother, I will be leaving…", he said.

Elina tried her best not to cry, but her tears were uncontrollable. That was because this moment felt like the same moment that had happened a few years ago – twice!

Once when Rex had left and once when Julia had left.

"I will be back, bye!", he waved his hands as the carriage that carried him vanished from the sights of Alex and Elina.

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