Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 220 - A Digital Watch

As the carriage passed, Elina and Alex felt the weird emptiness in their heats. It had been long since they had last felt this.

Rex didn't need any guards to accompany him. He was strong, and Alex had realized that.

But no matter how strong an individual becomes, he would always be a son to his mother and baby in fact. Thus, she recommended he take at least some soldiers.

Rex couldn't reject his mother's plea and ended up asking Daryun to tag along. Of course, Daryun's only task was to ensure that Rex arrives safely. After that, he would return in the same carriage.

Also, Alex and Elina had ended up giving many things to him. Especially the rings – there were a total of 3 rings that he received from them.

One ring was just a normal spatial ring with no gem. It would store his luggage and other commodities.

The other one was a ring with a red gem on it which he wore on the index finger of his left hand.

It was a ring of fire attribute that would protect Rex when he is in danger – it had three functions in total.

One – it would send a message to Alex if Rex were to be in trouble.

Two – it would boost the attack power of the fire spells.

Three – it would turn into a Fire attribute armor and would protect Rex from attacks in all directions.

The thing was, its last usage was the strongest because a red armor would cover Rex. It would boost his fire skills and would also protect him from any fire spells.

Nevertheless, it would reduce the mana required for the usage of high-level spells.

While Alex did know that Rex had infinite mana, as he revealed his secret, mana was no longer a concern. But yes, it would greatly reduce the strain.

This ring was gifted by Alex. Following him was Elina who gifted Rex a ring with a blue gemstone attached to it.

Basically, it had the same function as the previous ring, but the attribute was Ice and Water.

He was very happy because of the gifts, but at the same time, they felt like burdens since they were only for one-time use!

Yes, after the fire armor was used, it would just turn to mana and vanish in thin air after some time has passed. It cannot turn back into the ring.

Since Rex was a genius augumentor too in his past life, he decided to shake things up.

Even while traveling in the carriage, he started experimenting on the rings, and just prior to their arrival, he completed and received the desired result.

'Now, no matter what, the armor would be able to turn back into the gemstone.', he smirked as he succeeded.

Within a few minutes, after he did that, they arrived just outside the Academy.

Yes, as it was mentioned earlier, an entire nation was used to build the Academy.

Yes, the towns built inside the outer borders of the Academy were all under the surveillance of the heads of the Academy.

"Your highness, we have arrived.", Daryun said a few minutes after the carriage had been stopped.

It had taken three days in total for them to get there. During these three days, Rex had to do everything outside.

Yes, even in the cold chilling weather, he ate dinner while sitting outside and slept by being wrapped by warm royal blankets at nighttime.

Regardless, he was too focused on the rings that he failed to notice when the time passed.

"So early!?", he was surprised when Daryun mentioned him about arrival.

"Yes.", he just nodded and said that as he had no idea how to reply.

Rex got out of the carriage only to find two guards standing and smirking.

Well, there was a large wall right in front of him which was at least 50 times his height. He would end up falling if he kept raising the angle of his gazes.

Even without trying anything, the guards guarding the gate caught his eyes.

That was because they were laughing after they saw Rex.

It was as if they were informed that Rex was going to enter today and since they knew his famous story, they just felt like making fun of him.

Daryun showed the scroll that would let them enter, however, the guards were taking their own time to verify it.

Daryun was getting pissed off because he knew what was going on.

However, he peacefully returned and asked Rex, "Your Highness, would it be bad if I punch those guards?"


''I know how you feel Daryun, but you need to control yourself.'', Rex ended up saying this using Telepathy.

Daryun was surprised when Rex did this. He never imagined that Rex could use such a skill. Of course, rex was doing this without realizing it.

"If you cause any trouble, then it might affect my entrance.", Rex said this too via telepathy.

Daryun bowed in front of him and asked for his forgiveness, "I beg your pardon."

After that, he controlled himself as he sat inside the carriage along with Rex.

Yes, the carriage was supposedly allowed.

There were two walls in total, one was the Greater Outer Walls whose security was tight. The strong knights had been stationed who would check even the slightest fluctuation.

Next was the Inner Lower Walls that were half as tall as the outer wall. Of course, the knights here were much stronger than those who guarded the outside.

The area between the outer walls and inner walls had many adventure guilds and various other shops related to adventures. They would have various weapons and quests.

One of the tasks before graduating from the Magic Academy is to complete a set number of quests from these places.

Unless then, no student is allowed to ever set their foot outside of the inner walls.

Regardless, after passing the first outer walls, the carriage headed straight towards the last walls where Rex got down.

He flashed the scroll to the knights here who wore bright shiny white sets of armors. After they verified, they let Rex enter.

As the gates opened, Rex saw the interior.


As he entered, he noticed that he had truly set his foot in an entirely different world.

A town was built inside the inner walls. Yes, there was no sign of the academy building, but there sure were many people who were either too cheerful and were playing or chatting.


'I will be living in this place for the next 3 years…', he said to himself.

He could feel a weird surge of mana too.

His glances fell on the unnatural sky. Yes, there was a barrier covering the entire inner walls.

'A barrier that pin-points everyone's location and can activate a shield around them within a second.', Rex smirked as his eyes turned golden.

And soon after he used his magic, his eyes returned to normal.



'So I can't use my magic?', Rex was surprised to see his mana being suppressed.

His powers just became fainter because of the barrier, but he willingly disabled his magic to prevent any suspicion.

In any case, all he wanted to do right now was enter the magic academy and get done with the tests so that he could rest with ease.

Also, there was one more thing because of which he was excited – Julia.

He wanted to meet Julia real badly. Yes, he was way too hyped up to see her shocked expression after seeing him.

He then tried looking for someone who could help him know where the academy buildings were when he found a large map identifying various buildings.

'Ah, I see…'

On the map, he could see that the magic academy was built almost exactly in between the inner walls. Yes, by walking, it would take an hour at least to reach it from the entrance of the inner walls.

The dorms were right beside them too.

'I see, I need to go that way.'

After deciding it, he started walking without any hesitation. But of course, there was something that made him smirk again and again.

'I wonder why these people are following me…', he said as he felt five powerful auras.

Yes, the auras seemed strong enough to be at the level of Dan. They were secretly following him without making their presence known.


'But this is interesting.'

'They aren't affected by Anti-magic…', he concluded.

Yes, they were able to use their magic to hide their presence perfectly. This meant that they were able to use magic themselves.


'But why?'

As he scanned their entire bodies, he found some weird instrument around their left wrist.

'What is that?', he started scanning the weird instrument.

The moment he completed scanning that, he paused.

In fact, he was so shocked that he could no longer walk further.

'A digital watch!?', he started sweating profusely when the device was identified seemed close to a digital watch.

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