Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 55 - Contract - Part 1

While they were munching, the princess decided to speak on the topic at hand.

"Master Rex, there is something that we would like to discuss with you."

Rex stared at her for a second. The state felt as if a predator was watching its prey. The princess was indeed nervous to say anything else but Rex nodded his head and asked to tell.

"Well, it's an important topic and we are holding a meeting on that, so can you spare some time for it?"

Rex looked at her and wondered what could be the purpose of the meeting. He was a bit uninterested in this matter but he wanted to thank the elves for their hospitality so he decided to join the meeting.

"Very well, I'll join too."

The princess's expression suddenly changed and she jumped from excitement!

"Yes!!! Thank you very much!"

She immediately finished her food as fast as she could and dashed towards the hall to inform all the Elven elders about this.

All of them began in gathering the documents but Rex wasn't able to understand this.

He wanted to ask that why did they start becoming so active as soon as he said that he would join as if he were the main host, but held himself back after looking at the lovely food he was eating.

"It's been days since I ate this sort of food!!"

He forgot about anything else and started to eat to his fill each and everything that was served and asked for seconds.

The King too shared the same table and was eating in an elegant way. But for some reason he kept on staring at Rex.

Then he suddenly my asked, "Excuse me Master Rex, May I know what's your aim?"

Rex with food stuffed in his mouth, "Wim?" (*he meant Aim*)

"Yes Aim, I mean what do you want to do from here on?"

Rex finished the food that he had stuffed in his mouth and thought for some time.

He became serious since he himself wanted to know what his future plan was. He kept on thinking for few minutes and then suddenly remembered!

"Oh! I do have plan... after all I have to fulfill the promise I made to father..."


He stared at him as he was interested in the promise.

"May I ask what that is Master Rex?"

Rex nodded his head and said, "Well, I ran away from home to get stronger and the promise which I made was to return home and attend the Royal Magic Academy at the age of 16."

The King who was sitting immediately stood up while banging the table.

"Whattt!!!? You are ALSO attending the Royal Magic Academy!!!?"


Rex observed that he had stressed at the word 'ALSO'.

He immediately asked, "Do you know someone who is attending the magical academy too?"

The king nodded his head while grinning. His happiness was clearly seen in his face.

He replied by saying, "Yes, my daughter will also attend the academy."

"You mean the princess?"

"Yes, she too will be attending the Magic Academy!"

He said this quite proudly.

"Oh that's nice!!!", Rex exclaimed.

But suddenly the King's expression changed. Now his mood has an 180 degree turn and he was sad. He sighed again and again as if something bad had happened.

"Um... did I say something wrong?"

He immediately looked at Red and denied his stating.

"Of course not! Don't mind me... it's not cause of you..."

But Rex was now curious so he asked, "Well, can you tell me the reason why you were sad??"

The King couldn't just ignore what Rex had asked so he thought it was wise for him to answer because Rex was somewhat different from normal humans.

"The thing is, The Royal Magic Academy is attended by 60% of humans and 40% from different species..."

Rex stopped eating for a moment and started to listen keenly.

"So the humans are majority, that's why there is a lot of discrimination occurring. It is a common appearance to hate other species but the children that go there take this too far and bully others..."

The king was quite sad and his sadness was increasing with each and every word of his.

Rex also became sad after hearing this as he hated discrimination the most. It reminded of his time when he used to play as Chronos. Even though it felt as game, it was completely wrong for selling slaves and other things.

But now everything was happening in real. This saddened him even more.


The king continued, "Also, we elves are highly hated by humans, the same goes for us, we too hate the humans a lot... and that's how my daughter was always bullied. She has taken leave for the time being..."

"Wait! Even if she is a princess, she is bullied?"

The king shook his head and said, "Because she is a princess she is bullied more than the others..."



"Then, does that mean you hate me too? Because I'm a human just like them?"

The king's expression immediately changed and he denied almost immediately.

"Not at all Master!!! We don't hate you! It is indeed true that you are a human, much different from elves, but at the same time you don't give the scent like those bad humans... you are different..."

For some reason Rex was moved to tears. But he couldn't possibly cry in front of a king so he said, "Haha, I will take that as a compliment..."

The king nodded and then started to say something on hearing which Rex was completely shocked.

"Um, Master... I have a request for you... can you please help us with that?"

"Sure, I'll try my best if I can...", Rex said happily while giving a gentle smile.

"Ahem... then I would like to have a contract with you Master..."

The king withdrew himself from sitting position on the chair and bowed in front of Rex while saying this.

"Huh!!!? Contract!!!?"


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