Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 56 - Contract - Part 2

The king nodded and then started to say something on hearing which Rex was completely shocked.

"Um, Master... I have a request for you... can you please help us with that?"

"Sure, I'll try my best if I can...", Rex said happily while giving a gentle smile.

"Ahem... then I would like to have a contract with you Master..."

The king withdrew himself from sitting position on the chair and bowed in front of Rex while saying this.

"Huh!!!? Contract!!!?"

Rex was suddenly surprised the moment he heard that word.

I'm the past, the elves hated the word 'CONTRACT' because no matter who it was, all of them had broken the contract that they had formed with the elves and left them to their own fate to die.

And that was why they all despised that word. But right now, the King of the elves himself told about the same word which a sudden shock for Rex.

"Yes... a contract..."

Rex couldn't understand much just from hearing the word so he asked him to explain in detailed manner to which he replied by saying, "The Meeting is being held for that very purpose Master Rex..."

So now Rex had to wait patiently till the meeting had started in order to know more about the so called contract that he was talking about.

"Very well then... when is the meeting?"

He asked as soon as he had finished his breakfast in hurry.

The king replied patiently and calmly, "It will be held soon, within 10-20 minutes..."

Rex was now curious about the meeting so he immediately went and washed his hands and rinshed his mouth.

He returned to his room which was provided and looked at Bandis who just finished cultivating.

Bandis slowly opened his eyes only to find that Rex was standing in front of him thinking deeply.

"Master!!! You're awake?"

Rex looked at Bandis and nodded his head and again started to think.

Bandis couldn't understand why Rex was troubled so he asked, "Master, is something wrong? You have been thinking something..."

Rex sighed and explained everything to Bandis and by hearing which Bandis himself was confused.

"Huh!!? They have invited you to the meeting? It's unimaginable..."

Bandis paused what he was saying and started to think deeply too. Zormugand was already tired by keeping guard the entire time so Rex had already allows him to rest.

Now all that was left was attending the meeting and knowing what exactly was the reason for the contract.

Soon an elf maid made her appearance and asked Rex to follow her towards the meeting room.

Bandis was asked to stay in the room by Rex as he had just recently woken up so his power would be unstable for a few moments.

Rex followed her until they reached a large door which was as big as a giant that would be 10 times as tall as an average human.

It was completely green coloured and when Rex touched it, he understood the reason for the door being green.

"Nice... a Cryisomalite stone ha?"

The Elven made was suddenly shocked at seeing Rex immediately identify one of the sacred stones of Elves.

He finally entered as soon as the extra large door opened by two huge giant elves standing inside.

The maid stood their and asked Rex to enter the room that was ahead which Rex did and entered the Room.

As soon as he entered the scenery changed. There were many trees that were more then 1000 year old or even more. It was an exciting feeling which made ones heart race.

The cool breeze made ones mood refreshed and increased thinking capacity. Overall, Rex was completely relaxed the moment he entered the hall.

'If I'm not wrong, this place is similar to safe grounds of the game.', is what he thought.

After walking a few steps he found a huge round table with some chairs and many elves gathered there.

None of them were sitting on the chairs, in fact it seemed as if they were awaiting Rex's arrival.

Even the king and the princess didn't sit. It felt as if Rex was the most important person at the place so he tried to walk faster as he didn't want to waste even a single minute more.

After he arrived, they provided him the first seat which was separated from rest where he sat. The remaining seats were arranged just next to each other and finally there was one more separate seat where the princess sat.

It seemed that females had more power when compared to males in their jurisdiction and that was clearly observable when the princess was given more priority when compared to the king.

Everyone sat down and decided to start the meeting when the princess immediately got up and introduced herself.

"Greetings, I am Efinia Tri Congror, the 19th princess of the kingdom of elves, Elvan. I whole heartfelt welcome you master Rex for attending this meeting."

After hearing this Rex thought that it was proper to introduce himself too so he decided to stand up and said, "I am Rex Suoll, the eldest son of King Alexander Suoll and Queen Elina Suoll, the prince of the Kingdom Of Rhone. I thank you for inviting me for the meeting."

All of the elves were completely shocked. They stood suddenly!

They indeed respected Rex's power but were unaware that he too was a royalty so they kept on looking down on him.

"We... we are sorry Master Rex! We didn't know that you too were a royalty..."

Rex was confused as he didn't get what they were trying to say as he hadn't found any difference in treatment.

So he said, "It's fine, raise your head."

They all hesitantly rose their head and sat guiltily. But the time was passing so the princess decided to begin the meeting even though she was ashamed on herself because at some part of her heart she also had looked down on Rex.


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