Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 77 - The Inn

She seemed to be shy or rather stayed away from humans since all mistreated her.

But the fact that she was working here meant that the Inn people were good who allowed her to stay here since her eyes were still not dead yet.

"A table for 3...", Zor asked right away.

"Yes! This way please!!!"

The girl who was standing in the front led the way and showed a table where all three of them sat.

She immeditely went and brought some glasses of water and kept on the table after which she asked, "Your order Sirs...?"

She was still so young yet she seemed to be pretty experienced in doing such works. It meant that she had been working since her birth.

To Rex this seemed like 'Child Labour' which was strictly forbidden in his old life but that doesn't seemed to be applied here.

Instead it seemed as if she was working hard to earn a living by serving everyone. She seemed to have a happy expression on the outside but from inside she wanted to play like other children.

Rex nodded his head and indicated Bandis to order some food that would be good enough. Bandis immeditely asked her about the menu which she said immeditely.

"Wow... you are able to remember such a long list?", Rex was impressed after hearing the girl say all those things so quickly and accurately.

"Eh? It's habit sir, due to constant practice it was possible...", the girl was too humble and what she said was exactly right.

If something was practiced over a long period again and again then definitely it would become a habit if the person.

"Is that so...? Then...", he thought of conducting a small test but saw that there were many people right now who were ordering many foods.

"Hmm, I'll say it later, for now bring us 2 alcohol servings and bear meat. Zor what would you eat...?", it seemed as if he ordered for Bandis as well as himself but wasn't aware what Sor would eat because his mind had somewhat become like that of a child.

"I want bear meat too!", he immediately said that since he didn't want to ask any more or eat anything different from Rex.

The girl nodded her head and went immediately to ask the chef to prepare this and serve warm servings.

Soon the food was brought over by the other Demi-Human girl who served on the table while Rex was observing all others.

He suddenly moved his gazes towards the girl only to find that her hands were trembling. It was as if she was scared or something.

Rex wanted to speak to her but immeditely after she served the food for Bandis, she immeditely dashed in order to get food for Rex.

She came once again and served Zor and vanished again even before Rex could utter a single word. It seemed as if she was trying her best to avoid them.

Bandis and Zor saw this and were also confused because they hadn't done something that would make her so scared.

But Rex was impressed once again since fear didn't stop her from working and serving properly but it did decrease her abilities by a little.

Even though Bandis and Zor's food had already arrived they didn't begin to eat. They waited for Rex's good to come because they couldn't possibly start eating before their master.

"Why aren't you eating...? It will get cold.", Rex was right so he asked them to eat.

Hesitantly they started eating without arguing anymore and soon Rex's food too arrived which was bright by the same demi human girl.

"Here...", it was the first time Rex heard her speak in a while. He looked at her and smiled a bit but she didn't give any specific reactions. She just placed the food and was going back when suddenly she tripped and spilled some water on a person.

"What the fuck!!? Are you blind!!?", a man who had a patch on one of his eyes and had brownish hairs shouted at the top of his voice hearing which the entire place had suddenly turned silent.

"I... I am sorry...", the girl was trembling a lot.

For some reason her words were too weak and feeble too.

"The fuck! Where is the Inn keeper!!?", he shouted again and again and the poor girl was completely trembling.

It was not her fault in the first place. She was doing her work perfectly but the man who was sitting opposite to the man who was shouting extended his leg and forced her to trip.

The Inn keeper was a lady who came rushingly.

"What happened sir...?", she was yet to be told about what had happened but instead of telling anything the man yelled at her.

"This is a fucking waste restaurant! The food quality is so low just like a trash!!!", the man didn't blame the girl and immeditely said about the food as if he wanted everyone to do that too.

That way the food will become free and on top of that he would get compensation when he says about the girl ruining her clothes.

All of them started shouting in unison, "Yes, this is fucking trash!!!"

It seemed as if everyone had understood what the man intended to do and so did Rex, Bandis and Zor.

"Master, this...", Bandis immeditely turned towards Rex and wanted to take action immeditely when Rex didn't say anything.

"Leave it... we don't have to be bothered by it.", was what he said which not only shocked Bandis but also shocked Zor.

"Master but they...", Rex just shook his head which meant to silence Bandis.

Bandis was just a beast earlier. Even though he had gained intelligence and had lived for many years he was still unaware of many things and probably thus was one of them.

He wasn't able to understand Rex at all right now. Not that he ever understood him completely but this was the first time when he wasn't able to understand even a little bit.

He just kept quiet and didn't do anything but for some reason he was feelings a sense of burning from deep within his heart.

"Hmm... this food is extremely delicious!", suddenly Rex shouted this.

All of a sudden it was quiet again. Everyone started looking towards where Rex was sitting. Even Bandis and Zor starts staring at Rex.

"This feels like heaven! The food is extremely delicious...", many people who were shouting earlier started to salivate and started to eat again because the food was literally good.

But a few of them glared at Rex as if they wanted to murder him anytime soon.

"You cheeky boy! Who do you think you are? Are you trying to say that I was lying!!?", the huge man who had started the arguement started to walk towards Rex's tables.

He neared Rex's table with a sword which he was holding in his right arm.

"Not answering me? You think you are some big shot and strong enough not to answer a B rank adventurer!!?"

Rex didn't think any of that sort of thing. All he wanted was enjoy the food because he felt delighted in eating it.

"Still ignoring me..!!!!", he swung his sword with great light towards their table when suddenly Bandis moved his legs and caught the sword in between them while still sitting on the chair provided earlier.

"I understood master what you wanted to do...", Bandis used telepathy to say this and started to eat peacefully again.

"Uhhhh!!! It didn't bulging even an inch."

It seemed as if the sword was stuck in a huge boulder from which it was being difficult to withdraw it.

"Daaaammmmiiiitttttt!!!!", he shouted and used all of his force to remove the sword but the result was a failure so he immeditely sued his left hand to punch Bandis's face.

He had just moved forward when suddenly Bandis left the sword which fell on his leg leaving a small cut in his leg.

"Arghhhh!!!!", the man kept on moving ahead which was why his whole right leg got completely cut and was sliced apart from his body.

"My leeeggggg!!!!!!!", he was screaming loudly because of the immense pain that he was feeling. All the blood was gushing and the people who were looking at this immeodyeky ran out of the hotel.

"Sigh, what a foolish man...", said Zor.

On hearing that Bandis smirked and then flared at the man and some 2 or 3 people who had stayed back.

"We are the official guards from the palace, we arrest you for doing this!", the imperial guards had disguised themselves since earlier and were waiting for the right moment which was why Rex had asked Bandis to leave it in their hands earlier.

Bandis has realised it later so he didn't do much. All he did was hold the sword and leave it. His leg was cut due to his own foolishness.

"Umm, excuse me but what was his fault? Shouldn't you arrest the other person?", asked Rex after finishing all the food given earlier.

"We will be arresting both of them. His fault was that he cut his leg!", one of the guards said.

"Oh...? What proof do you have?", Rex immeditely asked this.

The guard got annoyed and said almost instantly, "Can't you see the leg fallen apart here?"

Rex asked again, "Where...?"

"Uhhh!! Here can't you see the—", when the man saw the same place again, there was nothing.

Also it seemed as if the person's legs were intact.

"How...?", the guard looked back towards Rex only to find Rex smiling and feigning innocence.

"W-who are you...?", asked the other guard.


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