Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 78 - The Inscription: A Temporary Crest

The guard got annoyed and said almost instantly, "Can't you see the leg fallen apart here?"

Rex asked again, "Where...?"

"Uhhh!! Here can't you see the—", when the man saw the same place again, there was nothing.

Also it seemed as if the person's legs were intact.

"How...?", the guard looked back towards Rex only to find Rex smiling and feigning innocence.

"W-who are you...?", asked the other guard.

Both of them were quite shocked in seeing this happening.

A moment ago the leg had fallen apart after being sliced and there was a lot of blood gushing out but now when they glanced at the same place again there was nothing.

It was as good as before. The man who was lying down and holding his legs in pain also felt the legs intact.

He too was surprised to see that his legs were safe and were not cut.

"This...", the man was too shocked to even tell ifnit was a dream and immeditely fell down on his knees and looked at Rex.

"I'm so sorry great lord, I didn't know that you were a master. Please forgive me."

Both the royal guards were shocked to see the prideful man beg in front of them.

He had never done that. Even when he was caught while doing some crimes he never begged or pleaded so this was a new surprise for the guards.

Even the girl who was handling the work and taking order was shocked including the Inn keeper who was a lady around 30 years old.

"Hmm, if you have repented then promise me that you will never do bad things again!", Rex immeditely said that which looked a hit childish.

A promise could be easily broken and a notorious person would never keep his promise and yet again commit crimes if he or she is forced or blinded by greed again.

"Yes, I promise...", the man promised Rex while repenting with the whole of his heart.

"Hehe~", Rex smirked a bit.

No one knew why he laughed but suddenly a light started to glow from the arm of the man who was pleading.

A red coulored symbol had suddenly appeared on his right wrist which somewhat seemed like a Crest.

"A CREST!!!!?", both the royal guards screamed.

Even Bandis and Zor were stunned. No matter how long they were with Rex, the miracles that he performed always left them with an awe.

The man who was begging a moment ago was now suddenly surprised by seeing this.

"A Crest...?", the man asked with a low voice.

"Your name is 'WISH' right?", Rex asked him.

"Y-yes... how did you know?", the man was completely shocked again.

"Don't ask me questions and just answer what I ask..."


Rex then looked at him for a bit while he was staring at Rex.

"Do you know the meaning of the word 'WISH'? And do you know why you were given that name?"

He nodded his head and said, "Yes, it means something that you desire... I was probably given this because my parents always wanted something or the other thing and were completely greedy so when they found that I was trash, they left me..."

He seemed to be sad. His memory was a bit fuzzy and all he remembered was his parents leaving him and going away.

All of them who were present there were looking at him with the eyes of pity but Rex had different eyes.

He shook his head and immeditely said, "The meaning is indeed correct, desire or something that you want... but the last part was wrong."

"Pardon?", the man immeodyeky looked at him intensely again.

"Your parents...", Rex closed his eyes for a moment and imagined the view from the past.

He had a power that would allow to look into anyone's memories even if they themselves had forgotten.

Even a one year old baby would have some memories even though he couldn't remember it when he grows old.

So Rex was trying to fetch the memories for him and saw everything that had happened.

"They were kind people but their kindness was never replayed to them...", was what Rex said.

"Huh...? Kind people...? Wasn't repaid...? What do you...", he refrained himself from asking anything else when he saw Rex glaring at him again.

"They were fed up of many things and due to helping many people all their wealth slowly finished. Even when they didn't have food for themselves they helped a sick and injured noble who never returned the debt..."

The man wasn't aware of any of these facts but for some reason he thought that all of this was true.

Rex's power of seeing the past in the memory wasn't limited to only the person nearby him. He could even see any other people's who were too far from him too. That applied to souls too which he could clearly see and feel their emotions.

"But they never thought bad about anyone, and continued to live. Finally you were born to them which was their happiest moment. They though all their wishes were fulfilled so they kept your name as 'WISH'.", Rex was making a deep thoughtful expression as if he himself was present there.

It was as if he knew everything that had happened and had seen it with HD audio visual!

Wish was making a sad expression and was slowly starting to cry. Even the guards were being moved by the story and so were the inn's people.

Bandis and Zor never knew this and thus felt it interesting and were listening to it like a tale.

"Slowly you started to grow and nowbthey has to take care of you... but then suddenly there was a war situation in which the opposing kingdom used beasts, and those beasts destroyed all the houses and attacked your home too...", Rex sighed for a second because it was painful even for him to continue it any further.

"Your father stayed back in order to buy time and your mother took you and started running, she used all her mental strength in saving you by leaving you near a river where the beasts wouldn't be able to detect your scent. Then she ran in opposite direction and was... killed by them ruthelessly. Perhaps later your were found by a farmer who took you in."

After Rex finished saying all these everyone had already started to cry. It was as if the scene was flashing in front of their eyes.

Bandis and Zor who couldn't understand this properly also felt some unease in their hearts and everyone has a gloomy expression.

"Haha, so you have to live and become a good man. As for your question... this is not a Crest!"

Suddenly their expressions and the mood changed. They all stared at Rex again because no matter how they looked at it, it seemed like a Crest to them.

"Then what is this Lord...?"

Rex immediately replied saying, "This is an inscription."

"Inscription?", all of them asked in unison but Bandis and Zor refrained from asking since they understood what that was as soon as they heard the word 'Inscription'

"Yes, you can call it a temporary Crest. It will stay with you and work as a Crest as long as you don't break your promise.", Rex smiled as he said that.

"Wow!!! What the heck!? Such a thing can exist?", both the guards exclaimed because it was indeed something which was unimaginable.

"Haha, of course it can.", after saying that Rex looked towards Wish and understood that he would not break his promise since he wouldn't want to lose the power that he acquired.

Rex thought that it would be best to say something at this moment so he used it as an opportunity and said, "With great powers, comes great responsibilities. So use your powers wisely in order to protect others!"

All of them were awed by the wise saying of Rex and thought for a moment that he was a philosopher or a scholar. Even Bandis and Zor were surprised again since they too heard this for the first time.

"Well I copied this from 'Spiderman' anime but who cares as long as it boosts his morale!", was what he was thinking.

"I understood what you said! I will definitely help everyone in need from now one!", he was indeed motivated after hearing Rex's words.

"And sirs, please arrest me. I'll completely repent in the prison and have a new start."

The guards were completely shocked after hearing this from his own mouth.

"Haha good.", after saying that they bid farewell and went back towards the castle.

Immeditely after that red asked for a Room with 3 beds which wasn't available so only a bed with 2 rooms was provided. Zor went back to the storage space while Bandis occupied one of the beds.

"Huff huff... a lot of things happened today.", Rex finally thought about resting and was excited when he thought about tomorrow since he wound finally meet his father and mother officially or rather he would get to see their shocked reactions.

"Good night..."


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