Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 83 - Awaiting The Reunion

He kept on wondering what it meant when suddenly Elina giggled and said, "You are reciting it wrong! It's like this - 'The shine of the full moon is bright, but it has a Darkside. One would understand why it hides that side when one understands the truth about its bright side.' - Do you understand?"

She laughed at him while saying that as if she was teasing him but Alex was completely shocked.

"H-how did you know that?", Alex asked with surprises.

"Eh? Isn't it obvious? It's because...", Elina was about to answer his question when she saw him shocked.

"Is something the matter? Haha, what's with your expression?", she was laughing when she saw him.

His eyes were bulged and seemed as if they could pop out any instant. Also his mouth was wide opened as if he was inviting all the bugs to settle down in it.

She couldn't control her laughter and started to laugh when she saw him in this state.

"Uhh... I'm eager to listen! Quick tell me!", Alex couldn't wait any longer and wanted to know the reason immediately.

"Hehe~ now I don't want to tell you! Don't you too know it clearly!?", she said this while looking at him strangely.

"Huh? I too know this from earlier?", he was shocked when he heard this because he literally didn't know what that letter meant.

He did feel it familiar for some reason but wasn't able to find the small clue that would have linked everything perfectly!

"Yes, don't you remember?", Elina smiled a bit as if she was teasing him.

But he didn't want to play any mind games right now and asked her again, "Please Eli, tell me na!"

Elina didn't give up yet and wanted to trouble him a bit more since she would rarely get anytime to do these things with him.

"Okay okay, I'll give you a hint!", she grinned as she said that.

"Huh? Hint? Why don't you just tell me straight away!", he was somewhat dissatisfied.

"Well, if I tell you directly, then there would be no fun and I won't get such an easy chance to trouble you again! Hehe!", she smirked a bit.

"Haha, what are you a 5 year old kid? Haha", Alex was also laughing after hearing her say that.

She then said, "Hehe, doesn't matter! I'm not that old!"

She said this while pouting on seeing which Alex grabbed her hands and then slowly moved his hand around her waist.

"If you are that young then... should we have another baby?", he seemed to be romantic all of a sudden but was actually trying to tease Elina.

"Eh? What are you saying!?", she immediately pushed him a bit and covered her face as she was flustered a bit.

"Haha, I'm the master of teasing! You can't win against me!", he was praising himself for this silly thing.

Elina heard this and then stared at him in a weird way as if she was making a poker face.

"Uhh... never mind.", he himself felt it weird while he was saying that so he ceased himself.

"Pfffttt! Hahahaha, that was damn funny! Alex you... Hahahaha!", now Elina was laughing continuously after looking at Alex's childish behaviour and his cute talks.

Alex didn't say anything and just sat down on the bed. He then waited for her to finish her laughter completely after which he stared at her.

"Okay give me the hint that you were telling about...", he wanted to go with the flow as if he said anything else the laughter will continue and another argument and teasing session will start!

"Hehe, so the hint is, it's something which was written to you by someone whom you love a lot!", Elina smiled when she said that.

But for some reason her smile had an unknown sadness that was hiding behind it. It seemed as if the smile was not completely from the heart.

Alex was now even more confused. The hint was a bit weird and too indirect.

"I love you... so did you write it?", he asked immediately to which Elina shook her head and denied it.

"Hmm... if it wasn't you then...", he kept on thinking but his head was not working and he wasn't able to get anything right now since it was already late and his mind was tired.

"Uhhh!!! I am unable to figure it out...", he was being troubled a lot on seeing which Elina decided to say it out.

"Rex...", she just said a single word which was more than enough to silence Alex completely.

"Huh...? Wha-what did you say?", he asked again because he doubted his ears.

"I said that this was written by Rex, did you forget that?", Elina looked at him with sad and pitiful eyes which were about to shed tears any moment.

"Rex...? He wrote this...?", he then suddenly recalled that all the quotes and amazing sentences which Rex had written out of which this was also included and was actually his last quote before he left.

"This... this cant be!", he panicked suddenly. A weird chill ran down his spine and he himself couldn't say whether the feeling that he was getting was of excitement or anger or was it sadness.

"Are you okay alex?", Elina asked because Alex suddenly stood up.

He remembered the last note that Rex had left that he would be back when he is 16 years old but it could have taken even longer so Alex didn't expect it to happen and that too so suddenly.

"E-Eli.... this is...", suddenly tears started flowing from Alex's eyes upon seeing which Elina suddenly started to worry.

"W-what happened alex? This... why are you crying?", Elina couldn't understand him. She thought that he was crying because he remembered the past about Rex but little did she know that the reason was entirely different.

Alex kept on weeping for a while on elina's shoulders and finally calmed down after a few minutes had passed by.

"Don't cry... it's not your fault. Don't blame yourself anymore."

Elina knew it very well that Alex had been blaming himself since the time Rex had ran away.

She always consoled him and was his strength during all those sad times. She used to smile in front of him but when he used to leave, she used to cry because of the extraordinary love that she had for Rex.

At that time, Julia used to console her when she was mature enough to understand what exactly was going on. However she too cried when she was alone. Soon she too left to the academy and the palace felt to be empty but the feelings and memories always remained in both of their hearts.

"No.... that's not the case Eli...", Alex immediately replied after he wiped off his tears. He had a sudden smile on his face which was contradicting his tears.

"Eh? What do you mean Alex?", she immediately asked as she wasn't able to understand what he wanted to say.

"How do I say this...", Alex didn't have words to explain. It seemed as if he would write an entire book about the feeling that he was getting right now but he was ultimately loss of words!

"Tell me Alex! What is it that is making you smile and cry at the same time!?", she was a bit worried since she didn't want his health to worsen.

Alex couldn't utter anything so he immediately stood up and dashed towards the room where he was working.

Elina was shocked by this action of his so she followed him immediately.

Both of them entered the working room of Alex where he immediately moved towards his table and picked up the paper from which he had read that earlier.

He flashed it in front of her and asked her to read what was written inside it.

Elina immediately took a look at the content only to be shocked after reading it.

"This... Rex?", she was confused by finding this here but finally understood what the case was.

Now she too wasn't able to say anything just like Alex. All they could do was cry and smile at the same time which were showing their feelings.

Soon both of them quietly went back to their rooms and lied down on bed while trying to sleep.

But after what they saw today, they were barely getting any sleep.

Even before they realised it, it was already morning and it was only now when both of them got sleepy and slept unknowingly.


"Oh well, looks like it's morning already!", Rex yawned as he got up from the bed and stretched his body.

"Hmm... I guess it will be an amazing day today. I don't know why I'm feeling unusually energetic and good right now...", immediately after saying that he started his regular exercise which he had paused for a while.

"I guess today I will definitely reunite with you... mom and dad!", immediately after saying this he started doing push ups.


Author's note: Yes, I'm aware that I'm making them to wait longer but ya, I want to go in detail for this part. Why? You will know it soon when the main part starts!

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