Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 84 - An Unpredicted Disaster!

Rex finished his exercise as soon as possible and then he immediately washed up and walked downstairs and had breakfast which was followed by Bandis and Zor.

The food was tasty but the food from the previous inn was definitely better but they didn't compare and just enjoyed the taste.

Immediately after that all theee of them moved out of the Inn and started walking towards the last statue which they had thought about visiting just before they departed towards the palace.

Bandis was extremely exited to look at the statue and so was Zor because it was the legendary statue of Chronos.

But Rex was a bit embarrassed because they were literally praising him!

"Sigh, if your prayers and sightseeing is over then can we start moving?", Rex said it quite sarcastically.

"Yes master!", Bandis and Zor immeditely walked towards him while stuffing their mouths with soft buns.

"Mwastwe, Wi whawe wa Woubt!" (Master, I have a doubt)

Bandis's mouth was already filled and the way he talked was funny.

"Haha, first finish what you have in your mouth and then speak!", Rex laughed because of the weird talking way of his.

Zor too smiles a bit after hearing Bandis speak that way.

"Mhm...!!", he immeditely swallowed everything that was in his mouth and exactly after that he put another set of buns and started to speak again.


Rex laughed again at the simpleton way of Bandis's thinking.

"Oh man! Hahaha. Finish everything that you have in your hands and speak after that!", Rex was laughing even much more loudly than before and so was Zor.

"Mhm! Mhm!", he again swallowed the whole thing and started to eat everything again and finished completely within 2 minutes.

"Yes, now I'm done!", Bandis looked forward and started walking normally.

"Huh? Didn't you have something that you wanted to ask?", Rex had to ask as it seemed like Bandis has forgotten about it.

"Oh ya! Well it's a bit silly question master....", Bandis was a bit hesitant all of a sudden but Rex didn't want to let it go no matter how silly it was.

"It's fine don't worry. Just ask...", he gave Bandis the privilege to ask the question.

"Well, I just wanted to know that why you kept my name Bandis? I mean there could have been other names too... so why Bandis specifically.", he was curious about this since earlier but didn't have the guts to ask.

Right now Rex seemed to be in good mood so he wanted to ask it out since he had been hiding his curiosity all this time.

Rex immediately paused and didn't say anything.

"Haha, it is indeed a silly question...", he tried to dodge it and didn't want to answer but Bandis's puppy like eyes forced him to answer.

"Well, do you remember how I first met you?", Rex immeditely asked.

Bandis nodded his head and said, "Yes Of course I remeber!"

"Haha, it was quite a sunny day and I was traveling in desert when suddenly a lot of bandits popped out of no where. I defeated all of them and when I was about to go I saw a little small flame demon trapped inside a fire proof container...", Rex started to remember about that time.

Bandis was also remember those moments when he was just a small weakling who could have been easily trampled by anyone.

Zor was also listening to this eagerly since it was his first time hearing all this.

"Then I freed you and gave some mana which you fed upon. I just walked away but then you kept following me no matter where I went so I decided to let you accompany me and named you 'Bandis' because you were obtained from the 'Bandits'.", Rex seemed to be proud while narrating all this but Bandis was not pleased at all.

Rather he kept staring at Rex and kept on crying from inside while thinking, "Master... couldn't you have found a better name for me? Waaaa!"

They were having this little chit chat and were walking towards the castle when suddenly Bandis and Zor paused.

The ceased their walking and for some reason looked towards the sky.

Rex had walked 2-3 steps ahead only after which he noticed that Bandis and Zor were left behind.

"Haha, how did you guys become slow? Come quick!", Rex immeditely asked them to walk near him as quickly as they could but for some reason they weren't hearing him.

They kept on looking towards the sky.

"Huh? What's wrong with them? Why are they looking up?", he too looked up but couldn't find anything.

"That's weird...", he walked back towards them.

He immediately asked, "Whata wrong? Where are you looking at?"

But it seemed as if both, Bandis and Zor, weren't able to listen to him. They were so lost in their own thoughts that his words weren't able to reach their ears.

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU BOTH!!!?", he had to shout loudly only after which they noticed him.

But this shout bright many unwanted attention so Rex pulled both of their hands and moved a bit ahead.

"What's the matter with you guys? You seem to be spacing out. Is something wrong...", he paused.

He didn't ask anything else. He could see them sweating and being nervous. Their hands and bodies were trembling as if they were engulfed by fear.

"Hey... are you guys alright? Why are you..."



Even before Rex could finish what he was trying to ask, he heard a big sound which made him forcefully turn back.

"Huh?", he immeditely turned back only to find a huge explosion that has occurred.

"That...", his eyes bulged and were left open along with his mouth.

His hands were trembling too as if he was comepltely shocked. Only a few words came from his mouth.

"Mama... papa...?", he couldn't say anything else after taking a look at what had happened.

The explosion that had occurred seemed to be from the palace where Alex and Elina were staying currently. The explosion was so strong that it gave out a shock wave which spread across the entire city.

"No... that... that's not possible...", he couldn't think straight anymore. All his calmness faded away and all the smile that he had a moment ago seemed impossible to come back.

"It can't be... this must be a dream...", he couldn't even believe this and thought it was a mere dream but no matter how much he tried he wasn't able to wake up from this.

While he was stunned after what had happened, another beam of light flashed which landed on the city that was twice as strong as the previous one which cause an even much more bigger explosion.



"MASTER!!!!", both Bandis and Zor shouted as they caste their shields after combining their magics to protect Rex while they themselves were deeply wounded due to the explosion.

"Huh...? B-Bandis? Zor? What's wrong? Why aren't you speaking?", he looked towards them and said this while they were lying on the ground with blood covering their whole body.

Bandis's arms were cut and comepltely turned into ashes while Zor's body was split into half and all his intestines and other parts had spilled out which were clearly seen but even after that he was still alive because of the soul!

They could barely even move and couldn't even utter a single word.

"M-master...", Bandis and Zor closed their eyes slowly after uttering just one word.

It seemed as if not only their bodies were destroyed, their souls too were completely broken from within.

Zormugand could have somehow survived if the soul hadn't destroyed, but since it was done, the remnant soul in his original body too started to fade away due to the imbalance caused!

"H-hey... speak to me! Why are you so quiet?", it seemed as if he had lost his mind and was uttering whatever came to his mouth.

"This is clearly a dream right... Papa... mama, you understood the letter right? And you are waiting for me for sure... I'm coming...", he just walked ahead after leaving Bandis's and Zor's corpse on the ground while thinking that it was a dream.

He kept walking slowly while looking at his surroundings which were completely destroyed. One of the great cities was now just a simple ruin which seemed like an ancient civilisation.

He couldn't bear to see all the bodies lying around and the entire place covered in blood.

He started increasing his pace and then ran as fast as he could and even before he realised he had reached near the castle only to find it in a completely destroyed state.

"This...", he looked here and there and found a hand buried under the rocks.

He immediately rushed towards that place and removed the rock only to be completely shocked.

Two bodies one over each other were lying below the rocks. The upper one seemed to be that of a male individual who seemed to have tried to protect the female individual who was on the lower side.

Rex moved towards them and turned their body upside down.

"P-papa...? M-mama?"

The bodies seemed to be Alex's and Elina's that seemed to be lifeless at the moment. It seemed as if their souls were destroyed too because there were no traces left.

Rex just kept on staring at them when he found Elina's palm in a closed posture as if it was holding something.

Rex immeditely moved towards that with his eyes completely opened which he hadn't shut even for a single second for quite a while now and opened her closed fist only to find a piece of paper which was half burnt.

'The shine of the full moon is bright, but.... a Darkside..... understand why it hides.... the truth about its bright side.' , was what left on the paper since some parts that had been written were already turned into ash.

Tears ran down his eyes when he read that.



"This is a dream!"

"Don't cry!"


"But... why am I not waking up...?"


"I'm begging you..."

"Someone... anyone... WAKE ME UP FROM THIS NIGHTMARE!!!"



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