Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 85 - A Large Scale Invasion And A Chance To Save All

"I'm begging you..."

"Someone... anyone... WAKE ME UP FROM THIS NIGHTMARE!!!"


Soon it was night time and the moon shined brightly today too. It didn't seem to be a full moon night but despite that the brightness spread wide.

Rex, with a sad and gloomy expression, sat on a rock which was placed a bit high.

He lift his head only to see all the copses lying in front of him which belonged to all the citizens of the city which he has decided to protect since earlier.

It seemed as if the entire kingdom was destroyed and the same result was of other cities too.

Rex stood up and glanced at the corpses one last time which he had collected just earlier and placed in varies rows.

He didn't segregate them based on rich or poor nor did he segregate the demi-humans, elves or other races from humans.

To him now, all of them were just copses that had their lives snatched away from them. Even their souls were destroyed which blocked their cycle of rebirth!

Rex had finally realised after thinking a lot that this wasn't a dream and was a cruel reality which he faced.

He had enough power to run beserk and destroy everything but fortunately, KITE and TERIS stopped him.

Kite, a celestial guardian had been guarding a completely different place due to which it didn't know about the destruction.

It couldn't even interfere with the humans works but when it felt the huge surge of emotions from Rex, it rushed immeditely leaving behind all important tasks that it had.

It was the same for Teris, who was considered to be the guardian of Emblems.

He then took a final look at his mothers and father's face including the guardians who protected his father all these times including Daryun, Steve, Narsus and others too.

He then closed his eyes and chanted a single spell, "[Great Fire]"

Immediately after saying that a fire broke out which started burning out all the bodies one by one.

Rex, who was cheerful until now and had handled everything perfectly, had his eyes turned dead and cold.

It seemed as if his emotions had dried out and he was just an empty shell.

"Why!!? Why the fuck did this happen?", but it seemed as if he still had some anger left which was sparking a great fire within him.

"I have infinity stats... so strong that I could easily transcend the god who sent me here... but even after that, why am I so weak!!?", he looked towards the sky as he said this and grit his teeth.

The smoke that came out from the burning of dead bodies covered the entire sky which covered the shine of the moon.

"Haha, no! It was solely my mistake...", he then suddenly started to direct his anger towards himself.

"I could have easily stopped this from happening if only I didn't put the seals on myself!", he regretted about the seven seals which he had put on himself which suppressed his power to such a degree that he wasn't able sense the attack coming.

If he literally had his infinity stats acting freely without any restriction, then probably he would have sensed the direction of attack much earlier and could have protected everyone!

"But... what's the use of regretting now!?", he knelt down.

Teris and Kite were just watching him doing this. They couldn't say anything much since they weren't that good with human dialect.

All they could do was watch everything from sidelines.

Suddenly Rex started counting number, "One... Two.. three..."

Teris And Kite were confused when they saw him doing that.

"Ten... eleven... twelve.", he seemed to continue his counting.

They weren't able to understand what he was exactly counting since they never understood him in the first place.

"Forty nine thousand five hundred thirty six(49,536)... forty nine thousand five hundred thirty seven(49,537)... forty nine thousand...", he continued for a whole 3 days counting all those numbers.

Kite and Teris has been seeing him like this while standing just behind him and watching him in such a pitiful state.

They weren't Bandis and Zor who could easily encourage him or console him.

But they couldn't leave him in this state either, so Kite asked, "M-master, what are you counting...?"

"Forty nine thousand six hundred ninth five(49,695)...", he didn't seem to hear them and continued his counting.

"MASTER!!!", Teris used her extraordinary talent of shouting unnecessarily to grab his attention.

"Huh...? Ya...?", he turned back to look at them while his eyes had dark circles under them.

"M-master...? You have been crying all this while?", Teris couldn't see Rex in such a state and neither could Kite.

Rex was in his own world and he himself didn't knew that he was still crying.

He wiped his tears which had been flowing till now which had caused his eyes to be swollen.

"Master, please stop the countings. I know tha you are quite sad but doing that won't solve anything after all you still have your sister to take care of!", was what Teris told.

Rex suddenly regained all his senses and immediately stood up from the sitting position.

"Ya... Juli... I still have her!", suddenly he seemed to have a ray of hope.

It seemed as if one member from his family was alive and now he wanted to meet her as soon as possible.

"I am going to the academy immeditely!", he thought about teleporting there as soon as possible but even before he could do that Teris stopped her. It seemed as if she wanted to say something.

"What happened Teris? You have something to say?", his complexion was better than before and it seemed as if he was now fine and his emotions were stable.

But he didn't want to repeat the mistake of being late again and that was why he wanted to teleport right away instead of traveling all the place.

"Master... there is something that you need to be aware of...", she seemed to be hesitating as she said this.

"What?", Rex wasn't sure about what she was talking and stared at her while expecting her to answer.

"Master, it seems as if this world is going to be destroyed soon if nothing is done and that might result to the death of your sister sooner or later..."

The moment Rex heard this, he vanished from the place where he was standing and appeared in front of her while grabbing her neck and lifting her up.

It seemed as if he dashed at the speed of lightning in order to cover the distance.

"You bitch!!! Stop your fucking mouth! Do you want my sister dead too!!?", Rex seemed to have become some sort of anger maniac who wasn't able to bear a simple information which Teris told him.

"M-master!!", Kite begged for mercy and so did Teris because both were definitely inferior to him.

But this side of his was never seen so they were afraid too.

Suddenly he let her neck go and stared at his right hand using which he had grabbed her neck.

"W-what has happened to me?", he asked himself because this wasn't his usual self.

It seemed as if something within him was controlling him and enraging him even more while making out his anger!

"I...", he wanted to apologise to Teris but it seemed that this was futile because he wasn't even able to say a single word - 'sorry'.

"...", he just kept quiet for a while when suddenly Teris started speaking again.

"Master, I know that you got angry earlier but what I was saying was really the truth!", she somehow managed to say this despite the trembling of her body due to fear.

Also, she was exhausted too and was barely able to speak because of the killing intent which Rex had given out earlier.

Rex calmed down a bit after taking deep breaths repeatedly.

He then asked Teris patiently, "Tell me, what did you mean by the world's destruction?"

She gulped a huge amount of saliva and started telling him despite knowing the fact that she was prohibited from sharing any information by the Gods.

"The fallen angels who have formed the Sky kingdom...", she began saying everything but Rex paused her immediately when he heard that name.

"The Fallen angels? The sky kingdom?", he was shocked when he heard that.

She nodded her head and continued to say, "Yes master, also, the Aquarians and the Water kingdom including the beings that live below the earth's surface, all have formed a pact and have decided to completely erase humanity..."

"Ha!?", for some reason it seemed somewhat familiar to Rex as if he knew about this since earlier.

"You are kidding me right?", he asked her because this was unbelievable.

"No master, I'm telling the truth! It was the sky kingdom which had attacked earlier..."

Rex continued to hear her out as she explained everything.

"I'm the end... I have to kill all those beings and are you sure after that there will be complete peace?", was what he asked.

Teris looked towards him and said, "I don't know Master... that's all in the future."

The topic somehow came to an end with that and Rex started thinking when suddenly Teris told something which completely changed Rex's mood.

"Master... I have one more thing to say."

Rex looked towards her and asked, "What?"

She immediately said, "Everyone who died... can be be saved Master..."




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