Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 86 - A Way To Save All: An Incomplete Process

Rex looked towards her and asked, "What?"

She immediately said, "Everyone who died... can be be saved Master..."



Suddenly Rex's eyes changed. It seemed as if he heard something that he wanted to hear from ages!

"W-what did you say?", he asked.

Terms repeated, "Master, there is still a way to save all of the people who have died."

Rex couldn't believe his ears. It was as if he was being given another chance to bring back his loved ones and all the people who had been mercilessly slain!

He immeditely asked, "How!? What is the way to save them all!?"

He wanted her to tell about that immediately but for some reason Teris was hesitating to tell.

Teris was not some god but could be compared to a messenger of god. If she were to leak any such information then there would be a high level of punishment and probably her soul would be destroyed too.

That was why she was sacred for a bit. Kite didn't know the information which Teris has but he definitely knew that it was a highly classified information.

He could somehow understand what Teris was feeling. If he were to do something like that even he would get the fear of approaching death.

But regardless of this feeling, Teris stayed it boldly since she couldn't possibly go back right now.

"Master... the answer is simple...", she said.

Rex didn't have time to hear to all those things and he was almost out of patience so he didn't want to hear useless things.

He said, "Just tell me the main thing!!"

It was quite unlike him to ask in such a manner while not considering someone else's perspective.

"Time reversal magic!!!", she immeditely said that whole closing her eyes tightly after hearing Rex shouting like that.

"Huh?", Rex suddenly paused and was totally in awe.

His pupils dilated and for some reason his heart started to beat faster.

"How did I forget such a possibility?", Rex realised that something was indeed wrong with him.

He could have easily used the time reversal magic and gone back to past to save all of them.

He could eventually stop the attack happening which would allow him to save all of his citizens too and would also let him to massacre all the evils who dared to do this.

"T-thanks Teris!!! I had totally forgot about this! Thanks for reminding this!", as he said that he ran towards her and hugged her.

Teris too hugged him back as she was hapoy now since she could be of some help to him but she wondered at the same time if this much help would be enough for him to save all of them.

"Okay then... time reversal spell activate!", he closed his eyes and then thought about going back in time.

All of his mana was being emptied too quickly since time reversal magic was not some simple magic.

It was one of the most advanced magic even amount the legendary spells and was on par with the immortality spell.

"Arghhh!!!", his head started to hurt the moment a magic circle had formed on the ground.

It seemed as if even more amount of Aman was being sucked from him and his entire body was trembling because of that.

"Fuck... this is too much!", he could hardly maintain his stance.

It felt as if his body would crumble any moment since all of his mana was about to get exhausted in the process of forming just a single magic circle out of the total 12 magic circles.


There was yet another explosion but this one was quite small and only affected Rex as he had to back off.

If all of his mana would have been sucked then he could have entered a state of coma and no one could have known for how long he would remain in that state.

But the magic circle which he had formed was a permanent one which was directly imprinted to the ground.

"Huff huff... damn... I need to concentrate!", he started to immediately cast another spell which started to gather a large amount of mana from the surroundings which he used to form another magic circle somehow.

Teris and Kite wanted to stop him after looking at his hands and legs that were trembling but both of them were being pushed away just by the sonic wave that was being generated with the formation of each magic circle.

The magic circles were all of Yellow colour however there seemed to be a magic circle which was red coloured too and that seemed to be the most perfect one.

Rex didn't mind anything and just continued to gather mana and form the circles until finally he had formed 11 whole complete circles which had special inscriptions on them.

"Master, you can do it! Just one more circle!", Teris and Kite, both, decided that it was best to cheer him up instead of stopping him and being an hindrance.

However Rex wasn't able to hear anything since all his concentration was on the circles that he was forming.

"I will definitely save you all!", that was the only thing which was lingering in his mind since the beginning.

He didn't care if he died in the process but all he wanted to do was go back in time and stop the disaster from happening since Teris had told that this was the work of the fallen angels and the sky kingdom!

"Just one last circle...", he immediately closed his eyes and concentrated completely while trying to gather a huge amount of mana whic couldn't be compared to previous ones.

A blue-white coloured light shined as he collected a huge lump of mana whic he then immediately used to form the last and the largest circle.

"Hyaaaaa!!!", his eyes seemed to have some weird shine as he formed the last circle while writing necessary inscriptions on them which were in ancient language.

The circle slowly started to grow larger and each time it expanded, it consumed double the amount of mana than it consumed before.

"I will definitely complete you!!!", while saying this he forced himself to gather even more mana which was beyond his limit.

Blood started gushing from his eyes, ears and nose. It seemed as if his internal organs were suffering a large amount of damages as he gathered even more of the mana.

However somehow he was manage to pull it off and was able to form the last circle immediately after which he fell down on the ground and lost his consciousness.

"Master!!!", Teris and Kite Immediately rushed towards him to check if he was alright.

They found some major damaging that had happened to his internals.

They immediately used a healing spell and were slowly healing him while he was still unconscious.

He soon regained his consciousness and pulled himself up and sat upright.

"What happened to the circle!!?", that was the first thing he asked immediately after he opened his eyes.

"Don't worry Master! You succeeded in forming all the twelve circles!", Teris said it proudly and Kite nodded his head.

Rex was awed and satisfied since he was finally able to complete the preparations to go back in time.

It was by no means easy to do all these things because even if he was Chronos, reversing time was no simple task.

"Okay...", after saying that he tried to stand up but his body was in immense pain.

He checked his body only to find that he had a serious lack of mana. It would take now more than 100 days to recover the large amount of mana that he had lost.

After all his mana capacity was too large and even if the mana capacity of the whole kingdom would have been combined, it would still not be equal to his.

So it was quite obvious that it would take such a long time.

Rex asked Teris to support him and take him towards the circle since he wanted to go back immediately and changed the so called fate that was written since earlier.

Teris obeyed him and held his right arms and picked him up. Then she supported him while he walked all the way to the centre of the circle.

"Okay Teris, now step out of the circle.", was what he told.

Teris listened to that too and immediately moved out of the circle.

"Let's start...", he gathered a tiny bit of mana that was required to just light a small spark on the first circle which would eventually spread all the way till the last circle and allow him to travel back to past.

The First circle started to glow and so did the second one. The third circle and the forth too started to glow and it continued until all 12 circles were glowing.

"Hehe, I can save them now. Will see you both later!", after saying this to Teris and Kite, a large amount of light shined which seemed to cover the sky and fed disappeared.

"Huh...!? Am... am I back?", he opened his eyes and asked himself this question when suddenly he heard something.

She immediately said, "Everyone who died... can be be saved Master..."

"Huh?", it seemed as if he had heard this earlier just a while ago.

He turned back to know what was happening and found Teris and Kite standing in front of him while everything was destroyed around him.

"Wait a second... this..."

He saw Teris explaining about time travel and understood that he really did travel to past.

"But... why... why am I back only to 12 hours ago!!?", he shouted!


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