Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 96 - An Unique Thinking

Emilia couldn't even believe at the site which was completely destroyed.

For some reason weird cries and other noises were ringing in her ears which probably were her imaginations.

It was as if the whole event was happening in front of her eyes. Tears started flowing from her eyes and in a moment her entire face was covered by it.

All this while she was so shocked that she didn't even blink her eyes.

"Miss... miss!!!", the guard beside her was shaking her because she wasn't able to hear him but after shouting loudly she finally responded.

"Y-yes?", she asked.

"Are you alright miss?", the one from earlier who had accompanied her to the auction asked this.

She lowered her head and nodded but in reality she had got a huge shock.

It seemed as if she was traumatised just by looking at the entire scenery. She imagined her kingdom being destroyed too immediately after which she shouted, "NO!"

Suddenly the guard looked at her and said, "Miss, I don't think that you are fine.... it's better if we..."

He was just thinking about her and her safety so he was going to ask her to return back and sit in the carriage but it seemed like Emilia denied that even before she could hear it.

She looked at the place again and thought, 'This is no small matter, if such a prosperous and great kingdom could be wiped out so easily, then other countries won't even stand a chance.'

But more than those thought, only one word was echoing in her mind - 'Rex'

"I hope that he is fine...", she did say that but in her heart she knew that he wouldn't be well.

She immediately went back and sat in the carriage and asked them to move back to their empire.

'But this is totally strange, nothing like this ever happened in the past life.', she thought.

Her meeting with Rex and the auction that took a weird turn also the wiping out of the kingdom of Rhone, none of these were events that had happened in the past.

No matter how hard she thought, she wasn't able to understand any of these but she knew one thing.

'In all of these, the common thing is... REX?', was what she thought.

She was indeed right, the most common thing among these events was Rex, because of whom the auction took the weird turn since he ended up buying her and that was when the prince from other country entered too.

Also, it was his empire that was destroyed completely right now which was also quite uncommon.

'Rex... I don't know why but my heart becomes unrest the moment I think about you... are you really alright?', she thought this while clenching her fist and gritting her teeth.

'Looks Like Miss is troubled a lot... but it's understandable after seeing such a sight...', the guard thought.

'I guess this is an imporatant issue that has to be told to master...', after saying that he started thinking on the matter deeply.


"This... something weird is happening here!", said one of the Elven elders where Rex had visited earlier.

The princess and everyone seemed worried because the sky was turning black slowly.

It seemed as if a storm was approaching which wasn't created naturally. It seemed like it was being produced forcefully.

The trees and other things of nature seemed to be losing their energy slowly and steadily.

"This is wrong... entirely wrong..."

The princess and all were worried after looking at the water which was slowly drying up too as if it had changed its course.

"Just what is happening?", all of them asked in unison.


Rex was completely engulfed by a dark sphere and the evil energy that was being emitted from it was basically causing all these changes.

"W-where am I?", Rex asked himself.

It seemed as if he had some of his consciousness left.

He was able to sense everything and see everything from his spiritual eyes but wasn't able to do anything as he didn't have control over his body right now.

Everything around him was too dark for him to recognise anything.

"It feels... too weird.", he was talking to himself.

"It's... cold"

"And... lonely."

He felt as if he was left alone by all. Nothing was with him anymore and that was causing his heart to hide in the darkness even more.

His emotions started to fade away just like his consciousness which was barely existing right now.

"Why did this have to happen?", he said this after remembering the massacre that the fallen angels had conducted.

Until the very end the fallen angels didn't stop killing. Even at their last moment they killed others just like one of them killed Julia.

"Was I wrong?", he asked himself.

His thoughts were just wandering aimlessly as if his life had been sucked out.

"...", but he was not getting any answer to his question no matter how many he asked.

He didn't cease asking questions for at least a whole one hour.

After that he had a momentary pause immediately after which he started asking again.

"Did I do wrong?", he asked when suddenly my his question was answered by a mysterious voice.

"No... you did the right thing.", the house was deep and it was similar to the voice that Rex was hearing since earlier.

"W-who are you...?", he seemed to be cowering for some reason.

From the moment Rex had set his foot to this world, this was the third time when he was feeling helpless and was cowering.

The first time was when he and Julia were in orchid villa and the second time was when his family and everything turned into dust in front of him.

"Me? I'm your helper... I'm the one who guided you to the right path...", the voice said this arrogantly.

"The right path...?", Rex had no knowledge about thsibword anymore.

He himself didn't know what right and what wrong was. All that mattered to him was his family which he had already lost.

"Yes, you were walking in a wrong path... I guided you to the right place.", said the voice.

"The path that I took previously were all wrong path?", he asked.

The voice replied saying, "Yes."

But Rex could remeber all the smiles which he saw while doing all those deeds. Those felt well and he felt warm when he did that so it couldn't possibly be a wrong path from his point of view.

"But I made many of them happy... they all started to live good life and..."

Even before Rex could complete what he wanted to tell, the voice intervened.

"Just tell me, how many times did you think about yourself?"


Rex couldn't answer the question.

"How many times did you unleash your full power?"

"...", he had no answer for this either.

"How many times did you make your family memebers cry!?", the voice touched his sore parts by asking the last question.

"That...", he couldn't answer any of them but more than that he was hurt when he heard the last question.

But it indeed was true. All of them were completely correct.

He had never thought about himself and never gave priority to his needs.

He wanted to get stronger in order to protect his family and more than that he did everything for the sake of his people.

His gazes were lowered since he had made many of them sad too. But that was necessary however even if it was mandatory, it didn't change the fact that Manu if then were troubled.

"Even the old man died saving you...", said the voice.

It was referring to the old man from the Zhular mountains who helped Rex a lot. He was his old friend too and it was not entirely Rex's fault due to which he died but still he had some part in it.

"Even all the masters passed away..."

He lowered his gazes and thought about his 13 masters who taught him many things but in the end he couldn't give them anything.

They just had to go away just like that without even a proper goodbye.

"So over all what you were doing was complete foolishness...", the voice said this with loud voice.


"Why would you even put seal on your own powers when you were capable enough to protect all?", the voice asked.


The voice didn't allow him to answer and immediately said, "Listen to me, there is no use in living for others or trying to live upto their expectations... just live your own life in the best way possible... why care about what others say or think?"

What the voice said was indeed true. Sometimes while trying to live upto someone's expectations, one ends up forgetting who he really is.

This only leads to burden which was harmful to mental health but that common thinking wasn't applied to Rex.

The voice assumed that by saying this it would finally have Rex thrown into the greatest depths of despair, but that ended up cheering him up.

For some reason even during this time he smiled suddenly.

"I don't live with their expectations in mind..", Rex said this calmly.

The voice was suddenly surprised when it heard him say this and that too in a good mood.

"I live while thinking about the next generation...", was what Rex said.

This made the voice completely shut it's mouth since after hearing that the voice didn't utter even a single word.

"I live while aiming at the better future..."


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