Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 97 - [Time Reversal]

The voice seemed to force Rex to belief and hear all the negative things but Rex was filled with a lot of positive thoughts.

He was no normal human after all since everything that had happened to him since the time of his birth was unusual.

But the voice didn't give up. It even went to the extent of trying to hide all the memories and tried to erase all of them.

"Argh!!!", Rex was screaming due to pain which he started to feel in his head.

But he couldn't move any part of his body. It seemed like the restrictions were still preventing him from moving.

Suddenly a dark energy started to get emitted from Rex's body which was much more darker than the previous one.

It started to spread throughout the sky like earlier and due to that the sky started to roar by shooting thunders and lightnings on the ground.

"This is wrong!!!", Teris shouted from a far away place since she was taken away by kite.

"Leave me! I need to help him!", she said.

But kite then said, "You will only worsen the situation! You will end up hurting yourself and that might cause Master to get even more depressed."

"But I...", she didn't have anything else to say.

All she could do was look at Rex from a far away place using her super visions.

"Arghhhh!!!", Rex's scream started to get louder and due to that even ththen land started to tremor.

"Keke... finally... ", suddenly a voice came out from Rex which was sounding different.

Each time that voice was heard, the emblem in his left hand would shine brightly.

"Haha! Finally I am able to control this body!!!!", the voice was quite loud and was similar to that of a demon.

"I... the DEMON GOD... have been revived!!!", the voice shouted that.

Immediately after it did that, the clouds turned purple and the animals who sensed this started to run here and there.

Even the humans were feeling that something evil was occurring.

"Haha, now I will..."


Even before the Demon God could tell anything, another voice was heard which was quite different from before.

"You cannot use my body...", it was indeed Rex's inner voice that was now ringing inside the demon God's Head.

"What!? You... how?"

It was almost impossible to even be conscious once a demon posses over someone's body but Rex was speaking which made the demon god freak out.

"G-get our of my body!", he said.

The demon god refused to do that and even if it wanted to, it couldn't possible be able to perform that since the crest had already been fused to Rex's left arm.

Rex was not completely conscious but it seemed like he was regaining it slowly.

It was because many people's images and faces were flashing in front of his eyes.

It included all his 12 comrades and his 13 masters. Even all of his family in this world was also included.

He could see Emilia who was returning back to her empire right now through his mind's eyes. He could see Elfa, the Elven princess who was looking after the forest in the same way.

He could even look at all the beasts from the Zular mountains that were causing a havoc by running wild because of the sudden tension and danger that they could feel.

"That's enough... if you have no plans on giving me my body back then I have to take it forcibly from you!", it seemed as if Rex warned the demon god.

"Pffft, keke, you... and take it back? Try it if you can!", the demon god started laughing loudly with overconfidence.

It seemed as if he had complete belief that Rex wouldn't be able to take his body back on his own no matter what he would try.

But little did he know to whom he was challenging or provoking. If he had the slightest of idea that he was indeed Cronos, who was the one that actually had defeated the demon god long ago then he wouldn't even had dared to do something like this.

But it was only recent when it started to become active and didn't know anything else about Rex.

All he knew was that he has abundant amount of power which he refused to use and taking this opportunity he attacked his mentality and heart and tried to conquer all of them in order to make that power his own.

"You want power right?", Rex could easily understand what the demon god was thinking because their thoughts had been interlinked.

"...", the demon god didn't reply to this question because it was indeed true.

"You want to know the reason as why I sealed those powers away?", this too was from the demon God's thoughts which he had been asking to himself too.


"Why are you quite? Those are the things that you wanted to know right?", Rex seemed to be spotting everything perfectly.

"Tsk, very well then, feel free to see the great power behind which you are mad!", Rex was nocomlleteiy determined to unlock all the seals that he had placed on himself.

The demon god thought that right now Rex was in his full power which was more than enough to shake the world, but little did he know that this was just the top of the ice berg.

"Hyaaaaaaa!!!", Rex shouted and forced himself to unlock the 6th seal that was placed on himself.

It would take him a large amount of mana to unlock it, but gene vil energy that was surrounding him was more than enough to unlock it.

"W-what's happening?", the demon god could feel weird changed happening the body.

"Here you go... this is 60% of my actual power!!!", he shouted this when he successfully unlocked the sixth seal.

The demon god was shouting in pain too becuaee he was barely able to hold onto himself due to the presence of such large amount of power.

He could hardly even touch the power so he was far off from comtrolling it.

'What is this...? This is too much of a power for a human to hold... it's ridiculous!', the demon god thought this whole experience a large amount of unknownpain.

It had been ages since he has gone though so much of pain and it was literally worse than experiencing death.

"S-STOP IT!!!!", he shouted with all of his might because he failed to handle such a huge amount of power.

"I GIVE UP!!!", immediately after saying that he gave up on his body and almost instantly retreated back into the emblem which was on his left hand.

The emblem which was shining in blackish purple light stopped glowing all of a sudden but right after that Rex started to glow.

It seemed as if in order to eradicate all the dark and sheik energy that was surrounding him, he used the holy crest that wa son his right hand and purified everything near his vicinity.

The sky which has turned black also returned to normal and all the animals that were panicking and rushing wherever they could also stopped.

"Yes... this surge of power..."


"This is also not enough..."

"This is no where near to the power which I want in order to use the timer reversal magic!"

Rex had now decided to immediately use the magic as soon as possible and return back to past in order to fix this twisted future.

"In... in order to use that spell... I need to unlock the last seal..."

Before when he was just a child, even though his levels and some other stats showed infinity, it was basically a system that was manipulating it.

It was controlling his power and had sealed in itself so that it would harm Rex's infant body.

But right now when he had already grown up and the system had also stopped working since a long time ago and would just show stats, all the power was being immersed to his body.

He knew about this very well from the start. It was not as if he was told or someone specifically noted this to him, it was his gamer's instincts that said him about this.

"The... seventh seal... UNLOCK!!!", he shouted.

His shout was heard till at least 10 miles distance.

Teris and kite didn't hear it because they were even farther away but they were happy and satisfied after looking at Rex who was alright right now.

Suddenly when he told and forced the last seal to get unlocked, his left hand gave out a purple black light. His right hand gave out a yellow radiance and his back emitted a bright red light.

It seemed as if he was using the powers of all the three emblems.

His eyes were shining brightly with red light and he for some reason was looking as if he was a dictator.

The dominating look would have made anyone unconscious or cower in fear.

The last seal was now successfully broken and twelve huge circles were formed right away immediately after that happened.

"I... will definitely fix everything after returning to past...", it was the first time he was going to use the spell in such a large scale.

The last time he used helped him to go back only by 12 hours but this time he knew that the spell would allow him to go further back.

But he wasn't sure how to exactly control it so he left it on his reflex and activated the magic.

"Papa... mama... Daryun... all... and... JULIA! I'm coming... to..."




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