Leveling God

Chapter 42

William looked at the big screen as he waited for his match. His match is the first in the E block as his number was 1.

A few minutes later after everyone settle the announcer said, "The first match in E block is going to happen.

From Hebrei academy, William Hamperson


Nolan Grey from Rey academy"

William slowly walked towards the stage and Nolan also walked.

A loud cheers echoed in the whole arena. The audience couldn't wait to see William's match. In the last round they were thrilled when they saw William indestructible defense.

"Brother William" Claster said loudly.

William looked at her and smiled. Then, he notice a woman in the back. What she's doing there?

William saw Kimie, Alice's cousin. He wonder why she's in the audience seat if she could watch the match properly in their academy's private seat.

He arrived at the stage and observe his oponent Nolan. Then, he once again heard a familiar sound in his mind.


[Quest triggered]

[Emerge victorious at E block]

[Reward: 500 points]

'Oh!! 500 points, yesterday it's only 300 points but now it's 500' William thought as he looked at the quest.

'I wonder how many points I will get tomorrow'

"3... 2.... 1.... Go!!


Nolan brought his fist up in the air. He was thinking how he should attack William.

William just stand in his place as he observe what will his opponent do.

Nolan suddenly dashed forward to William. He immediately started to attack William.



Nolan launched a barricade of punches. But every punch he throw William accurately dodge it.

'Too slow' William thought as he continued to dodge his opponents punches.

Everyone was watching William's fight. With the progress of this battle everyone knew that Nolan was not a match for William.

"Time to end this" William said.


William's fist immediately arrived at Nolan's chest.


With a boom Nolan flew out of the stage and crashed in wall.

The referee immediately went to Nolan to checked if he could continue this match.

The referee sent a signal to the announcer that Nolan was unconscious.

"Nolan couldn't continue this battle

And the winner of this match is....

WILLIAM!!" the announcer said loudly through the mic.

The audience shout loudly. They were shouting William's name.

One hit

In one hit William knocked out his opponent.

"Really" James said under his breath. William grew stronger and stronger everyday.

Kimie too was stunned at William's match. She didn't think that William could one hit his opponent.

"See!! Brother William is awesome" Claster cheerfully said.


Toudo and Claire also win their first match in their block. Both Kier and Beverly too.

The second matches start. William dominate his opponent in the second match and easily passed through the third match.

Match after matches William easily defeated his opponent.

At B blocked Toudo and Claire win their second match and third match until they were defeated at the quarter finals of their block.

Only William was not eliminated in their academy. He successfully dominated his way through the quarter finals of the E block. Many people were thrilled watching him fight. They want to know if he could win against an opponent in the ranking.

"William is the only one remaining representative in our academy" Toudo said bitterly while looking at E block.

"Don't worry president brother is powerful than you think" Claire said to Toudo.

"The other members of your academy were eliminated only William was not do you think he would be able to win this tournament" Kimie said as she glance at James and the rest.

"Brother William is more powerful than the bunch of self proclaimed genius of this academy" Claster said.

Kimie frowned at Claster words. She took a glance at her and then focus her attention to E block. Precisely at the two people who was standing in the stage, William and his opponent in the quarter finals, Rod.

William quietly stood in the center of the stage. He observe his opponent in this match. His opponent name is Rod. He was rank at the top 14 student in the whole eartern Eztiz kingdom.

Rod just stand in his position five meters away from William.

Both of them looked at each other while waiting for the announcer's signal.

"3.... 2.... 1... GO!!!!!


Rod bent down and immediately disappeared at his place. William frowned at this. Rod truly was fast but William could still saw his movement.

'At the back' William glanced at his back and he crouched down.


A feet passed at a high speed above William. William lifted up his feet and launched a kick.


His feet only manage to hit the air.

'Hmm, such speed, no wonder he was able to rank 14 in the eastern Eztiz kingdom' William thought as he turned his head.

He looked at Rod who was standing quietly in his place before the match start.

Rod frowned while looking at William. He was testing William in the first exchange of attacks but he clearly didn't expect that William would be able to follow his movement.

'This guy, his strength could already match those in the top' Rod thought.

Suddenly he saw a fireball heading to his direction.

He immediately left his position and dodge the fireball.


Rod looked at the explosion of the fireball. Then he sense something in front of him. He immediately looked over and saw William in front of him.

William pulled back his fist as he gathered his mana.

"It's not good to be distracted in a fight" William said to Rod as he shot a punch.

'Shit' Rod cursed in his mind as he crossed his arm in front of him to block the incoming fist.


Rod flew ten meters away before he managed to stabilized himself. He looked up and saw William in front of him.


Rod launched a barrage of punch at William. William didn't back down as he also throw punches at Rod.

Rod felt that his whole body was becoming numb from William's punches. He then noticed that his punch didn't do any damage to William.

'This defense' Rod cursed in his mind. He saw yesterday that William's body was formidable.

'I have no chance' Rod thought as he gritted his teeth as he continue to exchange blow at William.

William grabbed Rod's collar then he threw him in the air. William bend his knees and jump high in the air.

He arrived in front of Rod and gathered a large amount of mana.

"Shit!!" Rod screamed loudly. He couldn't dodge if William attack him as he was in the air and his form was broken.

"This is the end" William said to Rod as he throw a punch full of mana at Rod. His fist hit Rod's stomach.

"Ahhhhh" Rod screamed as he flew down at the stage like a meteorite.


"This" Kimie looked stunned at William's performance.

The stage have a huge crater and in the center of it Rod was lying there unconscious. The stage crack like a spider web.


William landed beside the crater. He slowly stood up and looked at Rod who's lying on the ground. He then turned around and left.

"William is the winner of the match and he successfully enter the semi finals of E block" the announcer said loudly.


The audience screamed loudly after the announcer said the winner.

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