Leveling God

Chapter 43

Kimie looked at William in shocked.

'He just defeated the rank 14 guy, doesn't that mean that he's the rank 14 now' She thought as she stared at William's figure.

"Semi finals" Toudo murmured.





William entered the semi finals. Many people didn't saw this coming. A man from an average school manage to enter the semi finals of the second day. Is it luck? No, he manage to get there with his own abilities.

William have 30 minutes to rest before his next match, the semi finals.

William walked over and sat down in their bench.

Claire walked over with a bottle of drink in her hands.

"Here, brother" Claire waved the bottle in William's face.

"Thank you" William thanked her as he pick the bottle in her hands.

William opened the bottle and drank the water from it. He looked across the stage where his opponent in the semi finals of the match.

Then, he turned his head to the other match of E block.

'Hmm? There's really a person who can probably make me a little serious here in E block' William thought as he continue to watch the match. He then looked over at the matches of the other blocks.

Toudo walked over and said, "how are you?"

"I'm fine, thank you" William said as he waved his hand.

"Still I didn't think that you will become this powerful in just a month that you could defeat a rank 14 in the eastern Eztiz" Toudo said as she watched the other matches.

William just looked at her and didn't say anything. He know that this girl Toudo Aisha was one of the survivor of the demon's invasion. She became somewhat famous before the era of gods.

'Really, as expected of the niece of that powerful woman' The dean of the Hebrei academy thought. When he thought of that woman he couldn't help but wonder her identity.

William drunk another bottle of water before he stood up from the bench.

"It's time, I need to go now" He said before he walked away from their bench.

"Good luck brother" Claire said to him.

"Good luck" Toudo said while looking at his back.

""Good luck"" Kier, Beverly and other teacher that were here also said to him.

William just raised his hand without looking back.


William easily win the semi finals match as his opponent was weaker than his opponent in the quarter finals. He advance to the finals match under the countless gaze of people that were watching his fight.

Many people didn't doubt William's strength to enter the finals. William managed to enter the finals with his own power. At first many people doubt that William could take a rank person in a battle but William proved it in the previous matches that he have the strength to fight those people.

"The finals of the E block is starting contestant William and contestant Rezi please prepare yourself" The announcer said.

William arrived at the corner of the stage as he waited for the announcer signal.

"Go! Go! Go! Brother" Claster cheered William as his number one fan.

James, Alice, and Sisi focus their attention to the E block.

'Rezi huh? The rank 11 there's not much different in his strength to rank 14 so probably he's gonna lose' Kimie thought. She started to analyzed William's earlier performance.

Something was not right she always watch William's expression. She have a feeling that William didn't reveal his true strength.

"The finals of E block is starting now..."

"From Hebrei Academy

WILLIAM HAMPERSON" the announcer said.

William then walked forward and enter the stage.

""Hoooooo"" the audience shouted loudly when William enter the stage.




William stopped and looked at his front.

"And from the Osz Academy, Rezi Fesca" the announcer introduced his opponent.

Rezi Fesca is a 19 years old young man. He looked average with his shoulder length black hair, squinty black eyes.

William sense that Rezi was much stronger than Rod who he fight in the quarter finals. Just the mana reserve alone was much larger than Rod.

"3... 2... 1... GO!!!

Battle start!!"

Both of them disappeared at the same time.



William and Rezi started to exchange blows. Every punch they throw contains a huge amount of mana creating a gust of winds in the surrounding.

'This defense' Rezi thought as he continued to throw punches at William. He noticed that his punches didn't do much damage to William.

Rezi jump backwards creating a distance to William. He then place his hands in front and opened his palm.

'Hmmm?' William felt that Rezi's mana was focusing on his palm.

'A skill' William thought and then he dashed at Rezi.


A sharp rock started to emerge in the ground. It continued to appeared as it headed to William.

William swiftly dodge the sharp rock that formed in the ground.


Resi then jumped in the air.


'Hmm?' William looked at the ground as he felt it shake lightly. He immediately jumped.

Countless spike formed in the ground as it cover the whole stage.

"William!!" Sisi shouthed when she saw countless spike formed in the ground.

"Whoa!! I didn't think that Rezi could become this strong" Kimie said when she saw Rezi'z performance in the fight. At first she didn't have about him as he was the rank 11 not much different from the rank 14 that William just defeated.

One of the spike have a flat surface and Rezi swiftly landed on it.

Rezi looked around then opened his eyes wide.

He saw William was standing on the top of a spike.

William gathered his mana in his feet and it let's him stand on the top of the spike without letting the spike pierced his feet.

William looked at Rezi seriously. Fireball started to formed around him.

At first it was just one fireball. Then, another fireball formed.

Two, three, four, five, six.... At the end there's twenty fireballs floating around William.

William looked domineering with those fireball floating around him.

"Wow!! Brother William looks cool" Claster said in awe.

Alice and Sis nodded at her words.

William then lifted his arm and pointed his finger to Rezi.

Twenty fireballs simultaneously launched at Rezi.

"Shit!!" Rezi cursed under his breath when he saw those fireballs heading to his direction.


A thick wall rock emerge in the ground to block those fireballs.




"Its not enough" Rezi said as he saw his earth wall cracking under the explosion of the fireballs.


He once again cast the spell earth wall to support the first earth wall he made.

William then jumped in the air as twenty fireballs once again appeared around him.

"Explode" William said as the fireballs began to explode as soon as it made contact in the wall.

Resi was gritting his teeth at the huge explosion that happened in front of him.

Smoke and dust filled the surroundings. Rezi felt that the explosion stopped.

He looked at his front and saw his earth wall was crush in pieces.

"Where is he?" Rezi said as he heighten his senses. He couldn't see as the smoke and dust was blocking his view.

William used his mana sense to detected Rezi's position. When he detected his presence, he swiftly dashed at him.

Rezi felt some movement behind him. When he turned around, it was too late to counter William as William's fist embedded in his chest.

"Ahhh!!" Rezi screamed in pain as he flew outside the stage and hit the wall.


Rezi was lying there unconsciously.

"The winner of the match is William" the announcer said loudly.

"Champion of the E block William Hamperson!!"

The audience screamed loudly at they started to shout William's name.


[Quest completed]

[Emerge victorious at E block ‹completed›]

[500 points received]

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