Leveling God

Chapter 44

William went back to his house with his sister and Claster after he bid farewell to James and Alice. On his way, many people congratulate him for becoming the E block champion.

From now on, many people will remembered his name as one of the strongest participant in this year tournament.

After William's battle the crowd began to dispersed and went back to their home. They couldn't wait tomorrow, many of them were excited to watch the finals and they were guessing will become the champion.


William sat in the sofa as he turned one the tv and watched the news.

"The foods ready" Claire walked out in the kitchen and said.

"I'm going to call aunt" William said as he stood uo and went upstairs.

Knock!! Knock!!

"Aunt, the dinner is ready" William said in front of the door.


After he heard his aunt's reply he turned around and walked downstairs.

After a few minutes aunt Margie went down and join them. The four of them Claire, Claire, Margie, and William ate their food while talking to each other.

"Are you ready for tomorrow brother?" Claire asked.

"Well, I'm always ready" William replied at him. He clearly doesn't have a problem becoming a champion as his strength was enough. He already detected their strength this morning and those people could only make him a little serious.

"Brother William is awesome" Claster said as she raised both of her hands.

William just smiled at her and patted her head.

After they finished eating William went back to his room to rest.


William woke up early in the morning and do some morning exercise. There's still three hours before the tournament start. So, he have this free time.

He went back to his home and said to Claire that he will take care some of things. Claire nodded at him and said that she will bring Claster with her in the tournament to cheer him.

William went to the forest. He decided that he would earn some points and exp for now.

He opened his palm and a flame emerge and formed into a sword. William used his skill Burning Flame Blade. He will hunt monster as many as he could in this three hours he have.

"Time to start" William muttered as he spread his mana sense to detect if there's any monster in the area.

As soon as he detected a monster William immediately rushed at the monster direction swiftly killing it with a single slashed. He then turned his head as he detected another monster. He then swiftly leap into the tree.




William indiscriminately killed every monster he saw no matter wherther it's high level or low level as long as it's a monster he would slashed his sword against it.

After a two and a half hours William stopped his killing spree.

He looked at his stats and then sighed, "hais, still need a little more exp to level up"

"I need to go now the tournament will start in thirty minutes" William said as he walked out of the forest. He run at full speed and arrived at the academy in twenty minutes.

"Oh!! Ten minutes left" William exclaimed as he went to the changing room. He could hear the cheers of the audience here in the changing room.

Knock!! Knock!!

"You here, William"

William heard the president. He shouted, "I'm here"

"Then, please be quick" President Toudo said before she left.


"This is the last day of the tournament and many exciting things have happened in the past few days of tournament" the announcer said loudly through the mic.

"Now, we will welcome the participants of the finals" The announcer said.

"From the Rein academy, the rank 8 ranking in the strongest student, Jiro Greydry"

A blode man walked in the stage as he waved his arms in the audience. The audience shouted his name loudly.

"From the Fros academy, the rank 17 in the strongest student, Gio Le Gespi"

A man with a shoulder length silver hair walked in the stage.

"From the Kiri academy, Rey Mart the rank 10 strongest student"

A spiky hair man walked in the stage while grinning.

"From the Neo academy, Bumin Lo"

A plump man entered and whole slowly in the stage.

"And from the Hebrei academy, William Hamperson"

William walked slowly in the stage while observing his opponents.

""WILLIAM!!"" Claire and others shouted his name as he walked in the stage.


The announcer explained the match.

The match was a free for all battle. It was a battle with the five of them in the ring and will knock out other participants until theres one left.

'Oh! Well, maybe I will get serious here' William thought as he looked at the four.


Quest triggered!!

[Defeat the other four participants and became a champion.]


defeat 1 participant = 300

defeat 2 participant = 400

defeat 3 participant = 500

defeat all participant = 800]

'Oh! It seems that I need to defeat them all' William thought.

The four opponents took a distance against each other. They we're waiting for the announcer's signal to start the match.

The whole arena became silent as they all focus on the stage where the five people will fight.

"3... 2... 1... and GO!!"

'This will be quick' William thought as his aura flared up and he immediately rushed at the nearest opponent.

"Wha?!!" The other participant was startled at William. They didn't think that William would immediately attack as soon as the fight start.

William appeared in front of the plump man called Bumin. He opened his palm and a fire ball appeared on it. He throw it at the plump man as he lifted up his feet and kick sideways.


Bumin blocked his kick by crossing his arm in his right side. He took some damage as he couldn't blocked the fireball.

He took a deep breath and blow a sharp wind at William.


William jumped as he dodge the sharp wind that slice the stage.

Bumin looked up and blew another sharp wind to William.


Ten fireballs simultaneously appeared in William's back. The fireballs shot and intercepted the shard wind.


William landed three meters away from Bumin's left side.

"What?!" Bumin exclaimed as he turned his head to William.

William imbued his mana on his feet and stomp it on the ground causing the stage to crack and the rock to shot up in the air.

William punch the rock in front of him to Bumin. He didn't just punch the rock, the moment his fist touch the rock he transfer his man to the rock causing it to hardened and launched to Bumin. Doing this kind of thing required a precise control of mana.

Bumin throw a punches to the rock. He felt that his arm was getting numb. He know that William do something in this rock, it feels that this rock was harder and tougher than the normal rock.


William activate the cloud step skill. He disappeared from his position and appeared behind Bumin.

"What?!!" Bumin exclaimed as he turned around but the moment he turned his head a fist collided at him causing him to launched outside the ring.


William spread his mana sense as he scanned that Bumin was unconscious and knock out.

He turned around and looked at the three participant who was watching him with wide eyes.

William smirked and said, "It's your turn"

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