‘Jenia said she worked in the laundry area, so let’s try there first.’

Laundry work was the toughest of all the work the servants did. Whether the weather was warm or cold, they would need to squat down and put their hands in an icy cold stream of water all day long.

Amber lifted the hem of her skirt and walked with quick short steps.

As she passed a small hallway with a rusty chandelier and walked out the back door, she saw the laundry area where a number of white fabrics were stacked up.

The maids were busily doing laundry. As the sun set early during the winter season, it seemed like they were planning to wash everything before dawn to let them dry while the sun was still out.

Amber was just about to speak to a familiar blonde haired maid, when a sharp and arrogant voice rang out from behind.

“Who are you? Who in the world is making such a commotion when the sun’s coming up instead of working?”

As Amber turned around, she saw a woman who strongly exuded the air of a cruel person.

She looked to be around early thirties, but her beautiful appearance was strong enough to make onlookers forget her age. Her shiny reddish-brown hair swayed in the wind like waves of the sea, and her red lips were luscious. Her prominent cheekbones exuded a unique charm, and even her thin body looked attractive thanks to the high quality clothing she wore. She was a beauty that would make anyone turn their heads at a glance as they passed her on the street.

Though she looked ten years younger than she remembered, it wasn’t difficult for Amber to recognise her. It was Kalix’s stepmother and the esteemed mother of the Duke, Belladonna.

How could Amber ever forget her? The woman who had made her married life in the East hell every day?

“I asked for your name!” The woman berated her, glaring at Amber with light blue eyes. Surprised by her sudden appearance, Amber lost her timing to reply.

‘To think that I would meet up with Bella this quickly.’

In her previous life, Bella had only shown herself to Amber after harassing her over and over for a long time through Grace. It seemed like the situation had changed since Amber didn’t stay to endure Grace’s harassment this time around and decided to move herself.

Amber turned towards Bella and quietly met her eyes with a glare and quickly calmed down.

Amber was only surprised at how quickly she met Bella. She had already anticipated the eventual need to confront her as soon as she returned to the past.

‘How should I do this?’ Amber watched Bella as the frown on her face deepened over time, and fell into deep thought.

Since Amber was in a disadvantageous situation, she could bow down for the moment and look for another chance kater. But she didn’t want to do that. It had taken a long time for her to decide what to request from Kalix, but she needed only a moment to decide how she would deal with Bella.

‘I will never bow down to her. I will not be controlled by her like a puppet, nor will I ever pretend to bow down to her. Not even once.’

As a new lady of the house had appeared, it was natural that Bella’s importance would diminish. On top of that, Bella was someone who would worsen the situation of the Eastern Lands over time. There was no room for compromise.

Even if Bella was a renowned individual for her greatness, she has to move aside in the political sphere for the arrival of the new lady of the house, yet she’s actually the villainess of the story instead.

“If you wish to know my name, don’t you think you need to reveal your name first?”

Even if Bella was a renowned individual for her greatness, she had to move aside in the political sphere for the arrival of the new lady of the house, yet she took the role of a villainess instead.

“Is it not proper to introduce yourself before demanding the name of another?” After finishing the calculations in her head, Amber opened up her mouth.

“What?” Bella raised one of her eyebrows as if she couldn’t believe what she just heard. “Just who hired you? And why have they not warned you about speaking against me?”

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